New Tulimshar Content

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New Tulimshar Content

Post by wushin »

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New Maps:
060-1 : Noble Quarter
- The far east side of the map is the Memorial to The Victums of the Great Quake and EarthQuake
- The fenced in green patch and building to the East is the Tulmishar Milk Farm and Slaughter house. (Mouboo are milked and slaughtered.)
- Ampitheatre.
- In the North west corner is a .barracks.
- a cafe on the beach
- Closed, but potential path East and North East.
060-2-5 : Smuggler's Run (not pictured)
- Connects buildings and caves around Tulmishar similar to the Mine caves in Hurnscald. .
- Other then small rooms with entrances to the map above the entire Over layer will be black meaning it will be mostly hidden passages.
061-1-5 : Palace of Wizards
- Seat of the Council of Wizards
- The 5 High Mages of each school, the Arch-Mage King of Tulmishar & Another Mana Seed reside here and all that magic keeps it green. I'd like purple particle effects & possibly magically torn open ground.
- Discovered images in source called castle & castle-2, made tilesets from them
062-1 : Lighthouse beach
- Lighthouse
- Beaches
063-1-6 : Archaeological Dig Site. (Not Pictured)
- Ruins of Old Tulmishar being dug up.
064-1 : Tulmishar During the Quake (not pictured) (figure we can take a copy of the Bazaar)
- Map a NPC ports you into and out of.
065-1 : Foot of Gispaa's Mountains
- Added a desert-mountian transition png & tileset.
- New Caravan (read teleport to Gispaa) to Gispaa will be on this map at the foot of the mountain just north east of door.
066-1 : Gispaa
- on the edge of cliff
- has a mine

Edited Maps:
021-1: Central Tulmishar
- Added doors to inside of building north of market
021-2 : Central Tulmishar Indoor
- Added Smuggler's Den

New Mobs:
- Lava Slimes
-- Drops: Rock (vendor trash), Coal, Onyx.
-- Picks up as well.
- Sandstone warriors
-- dyed terranites but with yeti stats
-- Drops: Relics of the Past (Daily Quest Item (see museum)), Sandstone, Bloodstone, Bottles of Sand
- House Guard
-- Zombie reskinned to be guard.
-- No drops.

New Quests:
One Pirate's Treasure is another Pirate's Garbage. (redoable)
New Maps involved: 062-1 : Lighthouse beach
- Starts at George who will sell you the map (15,000 GP)
- Crates on the beach act like the Easter Eggs around Hurnscald.
- Crates drop either orange, a beer, a casino coin, 10 gp, iron powder (uncommon) or a (random) Gem (uncommon).
- Possibly add Pirate Hat as rare to get people to waste money to get hat.
- Getting a Gem Ends the quest.

Part I. Remember Us (An Opening Quest)
New Maps involved: 060-1, 061-1, 062-1, 063-1, 064-1, 065-1 and path to Gispaa including city.
Maps 065-1 and beyond will be unreachable until after a quest completes. NPC set to teleport anyone trying to pass back to Tulmishar without the quest being complete. (He will also teleport you if your under level 60, no ifs ands or buts)

- The Quest starts with all of Tulmishar a buzz (read various non-quest NPCs have something different to say) about "The Construction" that has been going on has been completed. With Hints about the Council of Wizards and their Palace to the East.
- The Council of Wizards looking for materials to make improvements to the Tonori Empire like the recent ones here. We need help gathering materials to clear the damage cause by recent earthquakes to the trade routes and buildings of the Empire. We are creating an expedition to clear the road to GIspaas as a recent earthquake triggered a landslide blocking our route to Gispaa. While the workers are clearing it The City Watch will have to stand guard. so we will also need supplies combat & construction. With the path between Tulmishar and Gispaa blocked our resources are at an all time low. Can you help?
- Each Wizard lets you know they are collecting materials based on their sphere of magic.
-- This Quest is intended as a Huge Sink. ( )
-- Examples of items based on Sphere:
---- Nature: Herbs, spikes & four-leaf clovers.
---- War: ores, ashes & powders
---- Trans: wood, ice cubes & itens
---- Life: lifestones, skulls, bones
---- Astral: undead Eyes, mushrooms, dark crystals
-- The items are traded to the Wizards to get "Funeral Flowers" (I'd like them to look like Poppies if possible
-- The wizards also give you a small supply crate to help you keep up your strength while gathering. (random health item drops, small chance of uncommon loot drop; miner's hat, boots, nothing you wouldn't just vendor.
-- The Wizards tell you the flowers will grant you a temporary boon when laid in a bunch (10-20) the memorial and say a simple chant/prayer/phrase; "Ancients Shield Me, Here & Now", "Ancients Guide My Blade", or "Ancients Protect Me From Beyond" (Betsanc or Dmg+ or #Asorm (cast at player level, fixed duration regardless or int or lvl) )
-- The Amount of Flowers received is based on the distance from Tonori & value of the item traded. For example: 15-25 Iron Ore = 2 Flowers. (Adjusted based on how big of a money sink is needed)
-- The total amount of "Funeral Flowers" collected by everyone on the server contributes to completing quest. As server wide X flowers need to be used at the memorial to trigger the next part of the quest.
--- Meaning no one person is one first part of quest but entire server is on the same quest for collecting items.
-- Lowbie items would be included (maggot slimes, bug legs, itens, etc.) They are just not going to see the same kind of returns.
-- Flower count will be noted in what the memorial says after someone lays down flowers, not an exact count but like Azbit returns for magic XP.
-- Once enough flowers have been laid at the memorial, A Ghost NPC's Quest Becomes active. The Path to Gispaa Opens and Another Major Quest line becomes available -> Gispaa Caravan and The Dread Pirate Marley (see below Part III)

Part II. Echoes of the Past (level 80 start)
-- The new NPC is a Hero of Old Tulmishar who perished helping people during the Quake. His Name Tag is Unknown Hero.
-- He seems looking about the ground as if he's lost something...
-- He goes on to tell you the last thing he remembers is sitting on a bench with his wife and child when....
-- He looks frantic, I must go find them!
-- He attempts to move but fails to.
-- Whats this Sorcery that binds me a foot?
-- PC Dialogue: (test of stat based quest modifications. May add more of these later)
IF INT> 80
-- They must have your remains and buried you here.
-- Good Question. Let me go find someone that knows magic and I'll get back to you.
Next PC needs to find a NPC Wizard
-- They must have found the Hero's remains and buried then under the memorial.
-- Maybe this is where we can add the split between Wizards & Mages.
-- Wizards would have you find relics from his family and they will enshrine them in the memorial
-- Mages would rather you took his remains back to where they were buried.
--- either way, in quest note "It's odd but you don't see any remains just a ring and a doll in the grave."
-- Either way it's off to the Dig Site to either do some grave robbing or return his remains.
-- At the Dig site an Archaeologist NPC is there and Talks about the Museum he works for in Tulmishar (Stone Building in Noble Quarter SW) He suggests the Curator will purchase Relics from the Past. (specific items dropped (see Part III))
-- Caves in Dig Site start with Snakes and Green Slimes, move to Mountain Snakes and Spiders then Lava Slimes and Sandstone Warriors
-- Once your back from that. Depending on which way it was completed either Mages or Wizards give you reward.
--- I would think the rewards should be equal enough to trouble people.
-- Once that is settled we return to the NPC.
--- Whats this, a ring, from my Wife...
---- Memories flood NPC he starts to cry...
---- Thank you, I can remember her. Her name was Raven. She had a light like no other.
---- And this, a doll, belonged to my daughter...
---- Memories once again wash over NPC.
---- Once again you have helped me quensh my anguish. My daughter was Lorelei. So mischievous for such a little one.
---- Thanks to you I have regained all my lost memories. I remember everything vividly now. The Great Earthquake was just a precursor to an attack on Tulmishar. We we're out patrolling the pass to Gispaa when the earthquake started. We arrived back at town the same time it hit there. The entire patrol thought it odd that the earthquake was moving.
---- The earthquake opened up holes to caverns long ago sealed by time, releasing their contents onto the Bazaar.
---- I will smile friend, fore I know why you didn't find any other remains. When you see them next, Give them this.
---- He hands over a desert boonie hat.
---- Give them this and let them know I will continue to watch over them even in death.
---- I have one last gift for you before I go. After you have seen my Family, Come to this memorial and place 12 flowers on it and say "Remember Us."
---- You will be granted a vision of the final moments of my life.
---- PC is now left to find his family. They are located in the NW of the bazaar. Raven is an old lady and Lorelei an adult.
---- NPCs in Tulmishar can now be asked for information on Raven and Lorelei.
---- Either Raven or Lorelei can trigger next steps
---- Dialogue varies on whether they have asked anyone else.
---- PC: You (Husband|Father) wanted you to have this. He wanted you both to know he would watch over you and protect you for as long as you live. PC hands over hat. (Panchua has now learned a new pattern. Desert Camo hat can be crafted)
---- Either:My (Husbands|Fathers) hat. It was made by a dear friend of his, Panchua. He rarely if ever took it off. I appreciate your sacrifice Hero. You must have went to great lengths to put my (Husbands|Fathers) ghost at ease.
---- Here take these (Random drops that can all be traded for Flowers) plus XP
---- I wish I had more to offer, but I'm a simple farmer.
---- After part 2 is complete the memorial is now active. It is Mini-Part III: The Inner Light

Mini-Part III : The Inner Light (Redoable, but only once every 2 days, if possible maintains that through reboot)
-- Starts at memorial with 12 flowers being placed on memorial and choosing the "Remember Us" Option.
-- Map is Old Tulmishar (a.k.a. just the Bazaar)
-- It's a mini-map only accessible via quest line NPC teleport.
-- Only exits are regular death and the map dooms everyone after a certain round.
-- It behaves like Cindy or Candor, with rounds and NPC generated Spawns. Except you need to go X rounds, and can go a few rounds longer for a bonus to the quest rewards (boss points) but after a time limit the entire map is doomed.
-- I'd prefer it to be an instance, meaning a party is needed and each party has their own, but I don't know if we can do that.
-- I don't know if we can make NPCs invisible with scripts.
-- The map should damage players at the beginning of each round slightly from the intense heat of the lava bubbling up from underground. (3%-6% of remaining health) Ideally, if possible I'd rather like it to be an Area of effect damage centered around a particle effect on the ground you could see and dodge to avoid damage.
-- The instance starts with dialogue.
--- You and your party spawn at the south gate in bazaar.
--- *Sounds of Earthquake going on in the background*
--- Your greeted as the captain of the watch by Sgt. Dausen (a younger Lt. Dausen).
--- Gaurd: "Captain, another Earthquake, that is the third time this week."
--- Captain: "It's Earth is Quaking alright, but something is strange. It's moving towards the town. It started under the pass to Gispaa and then headed towards the town."
--- Captain: Quickly, we need to prepare the town for the worst. Send a platoon to evacuate the citizens, send a squad to procure medical supplies and round up healers, and I'll stay in the Bazaar to handle setting up an aide station. Meet me in the center of the Bazaar when you are done.
--- Captain (read Hero) goes to family who are actually at the center of the bazaar.
--- Captain: Raven, Lorelei you both made it here safe. O praise be the Gods.
--- Captain: Wait whats happening... ?!!?!
---- After that Mobs are spawned in rounds after dialogue from Raven and Lorelei.
---- Spawns are snakes, lava slimes and sandstone warriors.
---- After X rounds Raven and Lorelei say they have escaped. (make them invisible)
---- After the escape round the each person is awarded 20K XP.
---- After X Rounds players can continue to Y rounds for boss points, but at Z round map is doomed, everyone dies.
---- After the round the NPCs escape, the guard you sent to raise the alarm reappears.
---- He has been wounded and is the remaining survivor from the watch. He lets you know that Your group is all that stands between the fleeing masses and the coming hordes, is your group. He then takes over announcing. the rounds.
---- This starts the bonus round, It's not required, but it does award boss points (10 per round till the doom comes)

New Caravan (travel route) Quest
Part I. The Dread Pirate Marley
New Maps involved: 060-1,061-2 & gispaa and path to it.
Existing maps involved: 021-1,021-2 (edits)
Back story of Marley: The Dread Pirate Marley is leader of The Black Scorpions, a nefarious group of pirates in the deep desert. Because he is afraid of the water.They prey on caravans transporting precious materials between Tulmishar and Gispaa.
--- New Transport Caravan at foot of Gispaa mountain (Same cost Scale as Nivalis) After quest is completed.
--- Walk-able but Long as the distance between Tulmishar <-> Gispaa needs to be at least 6-7 maps.
--- Idea is to set-up an oasis in between Tulmishar and Gispaa but thats also on the way to 1 other minor city and paths to the rest of Continent.
-- Starts at Shady Trader in Bazaar. He sends you to check on Remus as he hasn't had a "shipment" lately. Remus doesn't trust you at first. So he sends you to each of his compatriots to complete minor quests. The call themselves "Treasure Hunters" (read smugglers and thieves)
-- The minor quests are B & E (breaking and Entering) where you need to find the "Priceless Object"
-- Houses are only accessible via secret underground passages.
-- B & E Quest rooms basically make every object searchable. So looks like standard house map but under bed, bookshels, desks, etc. all searchable
-- There is a chance of being caught with each search
--- The higher the dex and/or agi the less chance of getting caught
--- Being caught means having to fight a house guard.
-- Drops: cotton shirt, ragged shorts, serf hat, boots, v-neck sweater & "Priceless Object"
-- After completing a quest for each of the smugglers except Remus, Remus has a quest for you. As you have earned the trust of their group.
-- He needs you to find a missing contact.on the road to gispaa
-- Contact is found dead with evidence of Deep Desert Pirates.
-- Back to Remus, Remus mentions a contact in the Gispaa Watch who might have more infromation.
-- In Gispaa, the Guard contact mentions the location of the hideout as with his helmet on he was unable to hear the passpahre the pirate used to gain entrance.
-- Quest Fork:
--- If the NPCs have a high enough INT, they can confort Remus about knowing too much about the pirates. Turns out he is a spy. He knows the password word and offers to give it to you if you let him go otherwise. If you don't, he still manages to escape out of a secret passage.
--- If they have a high enough Str & vit, they can confront some of the pirates drinking in the bar.
--- Otherwise it's killing pirates until they drop the password.
--- Once password is gained entrace to pirate hideout complete.
--- Whether or not you know by now Remus is the leader of the Pirates as he gets a greater share of treasure stealing from the other smugglers.
--- Return to contact in Gispaa for small reward, return to Remus big reward.
--- Big reward is undetermined and leadership taken over by someone else.
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Re: New Tulmishar Content

Post by Nard »

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Re: New Tulmishar Content

Post by wushin »

Note: Remove Time Travel. Move Final battle location to Tulmishar Ruins. You can save his family and be awarded quest items, if needed.
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Re: New Tulmishar Content (other sources combined)

Post by wushin »

One thread to rule them all.

I'm sure we will eventually come to a consensus. ... 13&t=13186

Also Yubaba's (ComfyCheeks) numerous snake and egypt content.

and now Tirtloo, Minion of Nu'rem. Raid boss, BTW. 10 man. 8x8 tiles. ?
and I *think* the justification for the quake was that it was a resurgence of magic or something
So the Old Ones are awakening, could be bad portents for Talians and Gispains alike
maybe thats whats sucking the life out of Tulmishar, Tirtloo
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Re: New Tulmishar Content (other sources combined)

Post by Chicka-Maria »

wushin wrote: ... 13&t=13186

Also Yubaba's (ComfyCheeks) numerous snake and egypt content.
This is still being worked on just slowly due to a lack of pixel artists available..

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Re: New Tulmishar Content

Post by wushin »

Well I'm hoping to change that. I'm starting work on some new Tulmishar Tilesets.
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Re: New Tulmishar Content

Post by wushin »

Cistern (Sewer) Content posted for comments (tiles are split by size yet)
- Sewer Grates
- Exits (Still working on rung ladder back to Tulimshar)
- Some Egyptian elements, if needed.
- The black dots are holes in wall, fitting for maggots, slimes, snakes, or traps.
- Multiple different shades from Tulimshar palette, just darkened.
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Re: New Tulmishar Content

Post by Chicka-Maria »

The Egyptian door is very nice and can be used for the project I'm working on if its GPL...Some of the stuff in the tile set are very different styled...

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Re: New Tulmishar Content

Post by wushin »

Tile set isn't finished and some content may be unusable. No worries. I'm going to rework it. (fringe in bottom corner) Content from Taw maps was used that is RPGmaker. Sorry folks, no one told me.

One last edited friends, I'm no genius and am quite new. This is a learning thread for me. But trust me I learn quick and worth the time and effort. Please be patient.
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Re: New Tulmishar Content

Post by wushin »

If its the door with the eye above it, I'm not sure as it modified TAW content from CastlePrison.png was commited by Ivosh <>. nothings on the image or in a tag so, I'm calling fair game, but if Ivosh is around I will buy you a 12 pack.
The sewer grate was taken from CastlePrison1.png in TAW content but it was too small and shaped funny for Tulimshar tiles, so it's be reshaped and edited. But same story as above Ivosh <>.
The needle comes from taw but it might as well just have been a brush. I cut split and added to it. It's meant to be a huge door or important alcove/ruins.
I don't know where I got that tile I use for the floor but I hate it and it's not going forward. Maybe it's because my grandma has similar tile in her bathroom.
I plan on adding broken pots and some more crate styles to basement.
New working copy attached.
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Re: New Tulmishar Content

Post by o11c »

wushin wrote:nothings on the image or in a tag so, I'm calling fair game,
You can't do that. If there is no explicit permission, all rights are reserved to the author. And other servers have been known to use/modify stolen graphics.
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Re: New Tulmishar Content

Post by Nard »

o11c wrote:
wushin wrote:nothings on the image or in a tag so, I'm calling fair game,
You can't do that. If there is no explicit permission, all rights are reserved to the author. And other servers have been known to use/modify stolen graphics.
Maybe Jaxad, derloisl or MadCamel could explain what as TAW's Policy regarding content?
"The language of everyday life is clogged with sentiment, and the science of human nature has not advanced so far that we can describe individual sentiment in a clear way." Lancelot Hogben, Mathematics for the Million.
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Re: New Tulmishar Content

Post by Nard »

I have recreated a wiki Tulimshar page:
The Tulimshar Proposalhas been moved to a Tulimshar sub page: Tulimshar/Proposal to make a consistent set, easier to link to.
redirects have been kept to keep compatibility.

I will update the Tulimshar and Tonori pages according to my previous proposal and refine it progressively with wushin to fit as close as possible to the development ideas while trying to keep originally agreed concepts, under Jenalyas control.

I suggest to use wiki as repository as it fits better to this task than forum which is better suited for discussion. Also Trello, seems to be the best suited to manage a collaborative project. We can add /Development sub pages to the continents' and towns' ones.
"The language of everyday life is clogged with sentiment, and the science of human nature has not advanced so far that we can describe individual sentiment in a clear way." Lancelot Hogben, Mathematics for the Million.
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Re: New Tulmishar Content

Post by wushin »

Everything is either alter images from mainline content or created by me. I made wall and floor graphics smaller to fit with the detail level/scale of Tulimshar building tiles.
Assumption: Underground Items do not have light shading effects on them.

Items left going in:
Make wall tops more Brick-like then long slabs as they are now. Darker tops as well.
broken wall
A rung Ladder attached to wall
A average looking Tulimshar arch doorway
Floor Tile to sand transition
Dirt holes and broken floor tiles to match
pick axe

Comments welcome.
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Re: New Tulmishar Content

Post by wushin »

Round 48... Much better Whats that blue stuff? Walkable water. It's set at a transparency that as you stack it, it gets darker. Aside for doors and ladders.
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