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by ThinkSome
21 Oct 2024, 19:08
Forum: Client Development
Topic: Proposal: disable or remove in-client (over)weight notifications
Replies: 4
Views: 2119

Re: Proposal: disable or remove in-client (over)weight notifications

Apparently herc has a packet to modify this %, which is supported in MV (and probably M+), but to my knowledge no game uses it at the moment. A more real thing would be a walking speed penalty according to weight and strength but well... N00b mages may wonder why their MP is not coming back if there...
by ThinkSome
19 Oct 2024, 23:57
Forum: Feedback / Feature Requests / Content Suggestions
Topic: [ManaPlus] Ability to remember password in addition to login
Replies: 2
Views: 448

Re: [ManaPlus] Ability to remember password in addition to login

I agree that it needs fixing. Until then you can use

manaplus --server --username ... --password ....
manaplus --server --username ... --password ....

sorry for the annoyance.

by ThinkSome
20 Sep 2024, 16:25
Forum: Client Development
Topic: Proposal: disable or remove in-client (over)weight notifications
Replies: 4
Views: 2119

Proposal: disable or remove in-client (over)weight notifications

It is my opinion that this should be handled by servers/games. Servers/games can output a chat message warning as needed, but script API might be lacking. Having this hard-coded in client puts undue burden on game designer as players will get erroneous messages if game does not penalise 50% weight o...
by ThinkSome
26 Jul 2024, 15:04
Forum: Support & Bug reports
Topic: Raspberry pi updates
Replies: 7
Views: 26517

Re: Raspberry pi updates

Perhaps, have you tried compiling it yourself? I think that 32-bit support has been dropped, but I don't know what that means.

by ThinkSome
29 Jun 2024, 01:14
Forum: Events
Topic: [ML] Hardcore June's Feast
Replies: 0
Views: 2969

[ML] Hardcore June's Feast

From 28 June 2024 00:00 until 1 July 2024 23:59, a special, hardcore event server will be available. Objective: Help testing the changes in some stat formulas before they make it live, and get the highest level possible in a server with permanent death. Relevant changes to test: Dex now affects bloc...
by ThinkSome
09 May 2024, 10:26
Forum: Client Development
Topic: (Bug/Fix)(MERGED) ManaVerse / ManaPlus Job Xp bar not updating
Replies: 6
Views: 8506

Re: (Bug/Fix) ManaVerse / ManaPlus Job Xp bar not updating


Please make a commit and use git format-patch instead of git diff, this way the authorship field is properly filled out by you.

by ThinkSome
20 Apr 2024, 22:15
Forum: Art & Graphics
Topic: Quiver [WIP]
Replies: 16
Views: 15448

Re: Quiver [WIP]

Ledmitz wrote: 16 Apr 2024, 03:14

Is there a pre-existing XML already?

There is now an XML: ... type=heads

by ThinkSome
20 Apr 2024, 22:04
Forum: Art & Graphics
Topic: Quiver [WIP]
Replies: 16
Views: 15448

Re: Quiver [WIP]

You can use it as you see fit, even modify it if necessary

I take that you agree with publishing your work under GPLv2+ and CC BY-SA 4.0 ?

size of the arches

What do you mean by "arches"? Bows?

by ThinkSome
20 Apr 2024, 21:27
Forum: Art & Graphics
Topic: Quiver [WIP]
Replies: 16
Views: 15448

Re: Quiver [WIP]

Hello -Luh-, Jesusalva has added your artwork to ML: quiver_000.png There are two issues: The quiver seems to be very short. Can you make it longer... to reach down to below underpants? (we can still use this length for crossbow bolt quivers, if crossbows are ever added.) Which license(s) are you pu...
by ThinkSome
20 Apr 2024, 20:13
Forum: Art & Graphics
Topic: Rubber clothing [WIP]
Replies: 3
Views: 3517

Re: Rubber clothing [WIP]

If you get hit by lightning in a rubber suit, lightning will go in through a crack in the clothing and use the least resistance path down - you. Thus, to combat lightning one would do better by being in heavy, conductive, warrior plating. Perhaps, ideally, with a rubber suit underneath.

by ThinkSome
17 Apr 2024, 19:49
Forum: The Mana World Development
Topic: Arrow-making and economics rework
Replies: 7
Views: 7024

Re: Arrow-making and economics rework

> 1) good lore explaining wooden things m.def... log heads are moving wood, made to move through magic? > 2) There's already TON of monsters with high mdef, to point its annoying and unrewarding to play as mage, ... I agree that mages could be buffed or warriors nerfed, but this warrior->mage->arch...
by ThinkSome
15 Apr 2024, 11:49
Forum: The Mana World Development
Topic: Arrow-making and economics rework
Replies: 7
Views: 7024

Re: Arrow-making and economics rework

> How about idea adding these scary wooden abominations on some woodland maps, and making them "guaranteed drop", dropping bunch of roots/logs at once? Since they're hard to cut for other classes (actually, still doable - if you swarm them) - this could make +1 reason to play as mage if th...
by ThinkSome
14 Apr 2024, 21:29
Forum: The Mana World Development
Topic: Arrow-making and economics rework
Replies: 7
Views: 7024

Re: Arrow-making and economics rework

I like it all, but do think the metal ones should be made at the forges. If there's a choice with a spell, the spell should probably make less. Ofc then we need to consider what insane magic bonuses may exist in the future and how that would affect arrow making unless we just cap the max amount in ...
by ThinkSome
14 Apr 2024, 12:54
Forum: The Mana World Development
Topic: Arrow-making and economics rework
Replies: 7
Views: 7024

Arrow-making and economics rework

Observations: It is not cost effective to make iron arrows from raw logs. Jack will pay a bit more for them, plus give exp. And good luck buying raw logs from players at these prices. (Note: on my test server I could only get 1089 matk and was producing 35 iron arrows per log, this is 140gp worth of...