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Performance and game-data statistics counter for tmwserv

Posted: 16 Dec 2008, 08:04
by Exceptionfault
It would be nice to have an easy way to log several statistics and see their change over time. This could help solving performance issues or rebalance economy. Here are only a few possibilities of loggable characteristics:

  • AVG gp per character
  • AVG exp per character
  • monsters killed by type
  • users per map
  • traffic in bytes between game-server and account-server
  • logged on users
A preferred mechanism to store such an amount of values would be using the rrdtool ( Using the graphing mechanism allows us to create beautiful graphs about user growths or whatever. ( I wouldn't suggest storing those values in the database used by the account-server to separate real game data from the informational "overhead" data.

As logging those values and compiling rrdtool will cause some effort / overhead, logging should be an optional coponent of tmwserv using a compiler switch.