TMW Universe

Content and general development discussion, including quest scripts and server code. TMW Classic is a project comprising the Legacy tmwAthena server & the designated improved engine server based on evolHercules.

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This forum houses many years of development, tracing back to some of the earliest posts that exist on the board.

Its current use is for the continued development of the server and game it has always served: TMW Classic.

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John P
Posts: 271
Joined: 19 Apr 2009, 00:55

TMW Universe

Post by John P »

I wrote a new creation story for TMW based on the Pre-history from the wiki here (this is not my story, you don't have to read it):

And when I say based, I mean very loosely. It doesn't very closely follow any of the proposed back story work. In fact, I have left out quite a lot. I found most of it to be too confusing, almost convoluted.

It also touches themes such as the 'great earthquake', but does not really create a timeline for events. It is very general and can be easily expanded, but I think it is as deep as this page (creation) needs to be.

I did not create a wiki page for it because it is so far withdrawn from the wiki pages that I have read. It does, however, require that you have read 'The Nature of Mana and Magic' accepted proposal here: ... _and_magic

Although it does tweak some ideas from that page as well.
Last edited by John P on 02 May 2009, 18:32, edited 1 time in total.
John P
Posts: 271
Joined: 19 Apr 2009, 00:55

Re: TMW Universe

Post by John P »

History of the World

Gods and the Universe

Before the universe, there was only mana and a sphere of energy to which the mana was attracted. Mana surrounded the sphere in all directions.

Then, an anomaly. The sphere suddenly expanded with great force in all directions. In an instant, four elements were born from the explosion, and they all clashed and collided with each other.

Mana was strewn into chaos. It expanded, shifted, condensed, and dispersed to make way for the elements. As mana pushed into other mana, some condensed enough to become sentient, but the beings were undone just as quickly when the mana spread. These un-embodied flashes of life occurred a near infinite number of times in the first second as the universe cast outward. These were Spirits.

In this same instant, one condensation of mana compressed greatly enough to gain control of itself and its mind. It did not allow itself to expand again, as it reveled in its existence. It was the first God. The being watched as mana instinctively seeped into the elements of the expanding universe, creating a vacuum of space. As the God had this first thought, elsewhere three more Gods were born.

Mana was still abundant enough for each of the Gods to know of the others' existence, but as mana streams spread into the growing universe and pooled among the elements, the Gods became detached from each other and were alone in their minds. They came together in resistance to the void created by their loneness.

With their power, the Gods knew that they could control the four elements to which they were so attracted, and they instinctively began manipulating the free mana to create worlds.
We call the Gods Jande, Nu'rem, Tal, and, Du'tal.


As the universe settled, the Gods created worlds and beings out of the elements in a way that each world could maintain itself and its mana. The Gods knew that they were expending energy as they worked, and mana was slowly pouring from their beings, but they were so captivated by the elements that they could not stop, nor did they want to.

One particular world held such incredible amounts of mana that it flourished in life. The Gods felt the intense energy from this world, and held a special love for it. This world had evolved human life, in which the most incredible concentration of mana was invested. Nowhere else in the universe did mana manifest itself in such a way.

The Gods knew that as Man's population grew, more and more mana was pulled from the world and from the Gods themselves, who still felt such affinity for these creatures that they gave more of their own mana to this world than to any other. Early in Man's existence, when mana was plentiful, Man felt the Gods and appreciated their love, and loved the Gods in return. But as more children of men were born free mana became thin, and Man could no longer feel the Gods, and soon forgot them. Man flourished in his self interest. Hunting groups established villages, which grew into cities.

Plight of the Gods (the story of the Great Earthquake)

Just as the Gods knew would happen, they began to lose their energy as mana escaped their beings. With the gradual loss of divine knowledge, the four Gods began feeling emotions of jealousy and self-interest.

A darkness grew in their minds. The God Nu'rem soon felt that humans had become too selfish, and sought to regain his mana through their slaughter. He used his power to agitate the elements, and the world shook so hard that it was almost destroyed. When the other Gods saw what Nu'rem was doing, Tal and Du'tal restrained Nu'rem with all of their might, while Jande settled the world.

It was too late. Many of the world's creatures had been destroyed. As the souls died, free mana spread and began to redistribute itself to the world. Jande drank hungrily at the energy. Tal and Du'tal releaesd Nu'rem and they drank as well. Slightly replenished, they stopped and saw the destruction that they had caused in their greed, and they remembered their beloved world from which they were now feeding.

In his remorse, the weakest of the Gods, Nu'rem, let himself die. The remaining three Gods directed Nu'rem's spiling mana into the world and then they pulled away to mourn and to watch as the world rehabilitated itself under His sacrifice.

Man and Magic

Mana was now very thick on the world of __________. The Gods watched the mana tease at Man's senses. The best of men could feel the intensity of mana and felt that they had some control over its energy. All over the world, men gathered to study, discuss, and learn of the magic that they inherently possessed. Most men even found that they were capable of transmitting thoughts to one another all across the world. They learned of the great ways that they could control mana and its healing and empowering abilities. Man also learned of mana's destructive capabilities.

The Gods mused at Man's desire to manifest the mana as the other four elements. Some men who controlled the forces of mana gave it the appearance of water. Others attributed fire to their magic. As the kingdoms of men grew, the knowledge of magic spread.
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