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[Bug] A few things I found playing on the Evol Online serv

Posted: 01 Dec 2016, 22:29
by articuno
I noticed the following minor bugs on the Evol Online server, not the test server.

The most important bug I was unable to reproduce or get a screen shot, but I will explain it as so:
As I try to level up, trying to raise my strength or dexterity for example, the counter of Character Points, constantly resets as I try to raise my strength and dexterity, the numbers will go back down and won't stay.

I eventually finished a quest, I cant remember which one. After a while, this was no longer happening and the stats were stable. I think the workaround I am doing is WAITING when I click on a stat for it to go in, if I click fast, they will all reset to zero or sometimes my character points will go to -5 for a brief moment. A lot of the time as I clicked a stat it would go up, but quickly reset.

Now for the other bugs, I just made an Imgur post.



Not sure what the text is supposed to say there.
not sure about that green check mark as the quest was still ongoing?

All of these are from the Evol online server. not the tmw test server.

I am running on Windows 7, My ping when I play is generally around 600-700ms because I am on satellite bad internet connection, but so far things seem to run smoothly. I am using the most up to date client. In the future i'll be sure to hit f10 and screenshot that date along with future bugs I find.

Please don't hesitate for any follow up questions for anything I may have missed.