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Correct disconnection

Posted: 30 May 2004, 10:35
by ElvenProgrammer
This is for you GURU of network/thread programming: probably I'm not closing the thread or connection to the map server correctly because also when the program is closed the server still recognizes a user playing.

Refer to: map_server.cpp, main.cpp

Posted: 30 May 2004, 22:38
by natsuki
i think (from what i know..) this is how it should be done:

-login: ->login server->success->close socket
-char: ->char server->success->close socket
-map: ->map server->success->close

but the vidar login server will not say any disconnection
only connections

try to set in vidar.ini: 'LLog=1'
and look at vidar\vdata\vlog\vlog.txt
to see the disconnections ^^

Posted: 04 Jun 2004, 15:54
by ElvenProgrammer
The disconnect sequence is right, but I think is not correct how I close the socket to map server or the thread.