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Rearrange inventory menu

Posted: 30 Dec 2006, 16:14
by Dr Wahl
I would LOVE to be able to arrange my inventory menu to organize it in a way that I like. Currently, the inventory menu is organized in order of what was picked up, but I think we should be able to move items around. Is this possible on the ethena server? or should this be put off until the new server? It seems like it might be an easy task.... but then again, I am not a programmer. :)

Posted: 08 Jan 2007, 15:57
by Bjørn
As long as we remember the slot index for each item, it should be possible to rearrange them locally. However, it's not possible to remember your preferred order on the server side as far as I know. Probably the same will go for tmwserv as eAthena. This makes manual reordering rather useless.

However, you can expect some work on automatic ordering in the future. Like grouping by type or sorting by name, weight or value.

Posted: 08 Jan 2007, 16:58
by Tarm
This might be a really stupid question ( I know nothing about programming.) but is it possible to have more than one inventory? If so then the player could move stuff from one "bag" to another and arrange them that way. Or more than one "window" to your inventory and with different filter options that the player can choose from.

Posted: 08 Jan 2007, 17:38
by silene
For your information, tmwserv remembers item order (so it's just a matter of having a user-interface to move inventory items around). I'm not saying that the inventory will stay like that. It just happens that's what the code seemed to look like, so I kept the slot-based approach when implementing the missing parts.

Posted: 08 Jan 2007, 19:08
by Bjørn
silene wrote:For your information, tmwserv remembers item order (so it's just a matter of having a user-interface to move inventory items around). I'm not saying that the inventory will stay like that. It just happens that's what the code seemed to look like, so I kept the slot-based approach when implementing the missing parts.
Whoops, of course you're right we could simply add the required messages to the protocol.

About multiple inventory, at least expect to be able to drop off your items in a chest at home (if you can afford a home) or at a guild in the future. We may have some filter options like "weapons", "armor", "ingredients", etc. but well it all depends on who sets out to implement what, and whether enough people like it (as with everything, basically). You suggestion with different "windows" having different customly defined filter options sounds a bit messy to me, and also a bit overpowered. More something you'd expect in Nautilus, the GNOME file manager.

Posted: 08 Jan 2007, 19:22
by Tarm
I came up with the idéa of one inventory and several windows to that one inventory with different filters if it wasnt possible to have more than one inventory.
I at least would like that feature, having small windows here and there on the screen doesnt bother me much. There could be a toggle if you dont want to arrange your interface that way. We were going to have a "hide all windows except basic actions" hotkey? Right?