Here is the current milestone roadmap for the version 0.0.5:
- Force a different player sprite and walking speed on the overworld map
- Setting menu
- Custom UI for mobile
- Split some code into some sub-script files (i.e.: World.gd and Map.gd must be sliced)
- Rework the game UI enter/exit flow
- Monster interaction, can be killed, spawned and respawned automatically
- Attack animations and action support
- Improve game Finite State Machine
- Stat system being implemented server-side
- Tile animation
- Cave effects
- GitHub mirror
- Improve the map import by building a fake map resource that contains all the server and client information for debug purpose
- Gender and player sprites colors
- New emotes
- Display text ahead of emotes
- Support an online list web page
- BlendTree support in our AnimationTree
- Morph feature
- OpenGL builds
Code color for our feature:
- Green, mandatory
- Orange, optional
- No color, done