Proposal: disable or remove in-client (over)weight notifications

Development discussions for TMW's official client, alternative clients and client adaptations.

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Remove in-client overweight notification?

do not remove (and leave enabled by default)


disable by default


remove entirely

Total votes: 3
Moubootaur Legends
Moubootaur Legends
Posts: 91
Joined: 02 Apr 2023, 16:47

Proposal: disable or remove in-client (over)weight notifications

Post by ThinkSome »

It is my opinion that this should be handled by servers/games. Servers/games can output a chat message warning as needed, but script API might be lacking. Having this hard-coded in client puts undue burden on game designer as players will get erroneous messages if game does not penalise 50% weight or penalises it differently.

There already exists the overweight effect: yellow weight at 50% and red one at 90%. These are completely server/game-controlled.

I propose removing the in-client overweight handling or at least disabling that warning pop-up by default.

The notification in question:

weight.png (12.73 KiB) Viewed 822 times
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