Today is the start of the 8th milestone for SoM's prototype build.
This one will focus on persistant player progression, improved UX across all platforms, equipment support, tulimshar & prologue designs.
Here is the list of mandatory tasks to be worked on during these next few months:
SQLite server running on both offline and online modes
SQL tables
Account creation
Character creation
Race/Skin/Gender support
Character selection
Item types
Equipment support
Animation slot improvement (SpriteAnimated2D)
Tulimshar & Tutorial design
Desert Pit
Blank Tulimshar map
Monster: Snake
Emote & Skill circle menu
Gamepad shortcut access
Alternate shortcut rows
Improved inventory window with equipment slot widgets
A longer list with all "nice to have" tasks is available within our development board here: ... itle=0.0.8