Addressing maxing-out of job level and consequent easy obtaining of assassin item set.

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Moubootaur Legends
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Addressing maxing-out of job level and consequent easy obtaining of assassin item set.

Post by ThinkSome »

Current problems:

  • job level is maxxed (and thus all skills) out too soon (relative to base level). Even with xp chest, the max level is reach at about baselevel 95/140.

  • job xp is about proportional to xp, per mob. This reduces choices.

  • skill level can be increased without using it.

Proposed solutions here:

  • greatly increase job xp required past the first (1+2+...+8 =) 36 job levels, perhaps in steps (double required jobxp every 36 levels.

  • idk

  • requires two variables per skill (level and xp gathered). One is already present, the other would be added. The server can fake the main job xp counter every time skills are [un]focused and/or new client UI can be added for this.

Discuss away!

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The Mana World
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Re: Addressing maxing-out of job level and consequent easy obtaining of assassin item set.

Post by HoraK-FDF »

there where plans about adding focus lvl 2 and 6 more new skill in first case job xp would explode to an extreme amount i guess in this case and is not a good solution. And whats so bad about obtaining the assassins set last item at around lvl 95? Its way easier to get way better rewards at illia at lvl 90 already and at what point ppl will get the mask then 120? No one will care again about maxing skills since everyone will just take something else instead as hat and only lvls the skills useful for them. The assassin set on luca was very good since most lazy guys started to finish all their focus skills and lvled them that was a good kick ass.

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Re: Addressing maxing-out of job level and consequent easy obtaining of assassin item set.

Post by Ledmitz »

I've never liked the idea of needing to max out all skills to get most of a set that is mostly meant for one class(brawler). It doesn't make sense to need all these skills to be one. I have also, long been annoyed that we could level up in a class we aren't even playing with. It would be best to use a weapon check on top of the focused skill. The weapon check would also help to decide which skill to put points on in the event of 2 focused skills. Also, because each skill can be powerful, if we do add the ability to focus 2 skills, we'll need to limit each somehow, like cap it off at a certain level. It would probably be whatever level is near the 1/2 in total skill points(1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9 = 45. 45/2 = 22.5 = 22 = Skill level 6 at 21 pts). OR, maybe we need to take into account the curve for total bonuses from a skill vs skill level. I am guessing we'd land around level 7 abilities in 2 skills IF 2 skills are focused and maxed. I believe this would result in better DPS using mallard/speed or rage/speed and other characters would have more interesting builds like rage/poison or astral/speed. We would encounter issues with brawler/speed, I think. Brawlers are fast enough already, especially with the assassin suit. I also proposed that the assassin suit become usable for all by having no weapons check and removing all bonuses except the brawler specific ones and evade. Agi bonuses give an equal evade bonus so the results are currently a compounded, this is even more true when items that raise speed in percentages are used, including con pots. If the assassin suit was nerfed in this manner, it would also mean that the brawling class would need a buff. That brings me to the mask vs the shirt. Compare the assassin mask to the bull helmet and see how similar they are. I think the bull-like bonuses(crit + x2 dmg + attack speed) should move to the shirt, since the bull and assassin shirt are both Illia prizes(in any event, but restricted to brawler is best). Some attack speed could stay with the mask, like 10%.
For reference:
Mask: Def 0, bonus bMdef 5; bonus bAgi 9; bonus bDex 1; bonus bMaxHP 70; bonus bCritical 15; bonus bAspdRate 15; bonus bDoubleAddRate 15;
Shirt: Def 15, bonus bAgi 15; bonus bSpeedAddRate 10; bonus bFlee 20; bonus bHit 20; bonus bMaxHP 200;

I also agree that we level up too fast in a given skill and you can max out all, long before level 90, currently, but would take longer if we were stricter on levelling skills. There's a lot to consider, but much would all need to be done at the same time or we'd have a major issue, regarding brawlers.... not assassins! We call them assassins because the suit is too powerful and brawling is useless without it. That would all take me to clothing and the evade penalties heavy things should have, while if some light clothes, like cotton and silk, had evade bonuses, then outfits would become more unique with players mixing and matching many combinations to see what they like best. and then we'd probably see that defense is not enough and need to raise it some, on most armor, I'm guessing.

Complicated? XD

Ledmitz = Ardits = KillerBee = Mystic = Mystical_Servant = Tipsy Skeleton = BoomBoom = Cloak

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Re: Addressing maxing-out of job level and consequent easy obtaining of assassin item set.

Post by HoraK-FDF »

the set is for many classes (speed,runners for example) and it lost most of its original bonus again like other items did (manapearl and others). i wanted to re-balance it quite a while and change brawling on server side but doing other thing currently (amulet quests, black armors and stuff) that are more important for me atm. The mask and the rest of the set (expect assassins ring+amulet which a reward from the assassins quests) is also needed to enter the assassins area. If more focus skills are added the lvling will take way longer since the current formula already takes care of this. Some skills should be not combine able like rage/brawling/mallard+speed i guess its better to put skills into categories active passive and only allow one of each at a time (aliment res + brawling for example). I thought about spreading speed and double damage across ring and amulet a bit more. And how would you kick players ass to max out their skills? adding the set this way was good and also makes sence since luca is the brawling teacher what else he should offer expect this? but well lets remove it from luca and revive endless illia common reward runs to give players another senseless hassle from the old days, best of it only 4 players can do it and 5 runs are needed for each attempt valias house will be full whole day and players will be annoyed that they cant attempt since illia is blocked by others.

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Re: Addressing maxing-out of job level and consequent easy obtaining of assassin item set.

Post by Ledmitz »

It certainly isn't our highest priority and a lot of this stuff is too late to change, in a sense. It is better to have the assassin set than not and it does make sense to come from Luca, though I'd rather deter players from getting all skills rather than push them to have them, but many players did have them all maxed and the reason was that it was simple for them to, when they didn't even need a skill focused to level it, which is something that would be nice to change, if we ever get that far. If skills do get tougher to level, then we can look at changing how the set is rewarded from Luca. I like the suggestion of skill categories too, assuming we get that much done. We'd have to do this stuff in the right order though and some things could change more than once. I think the assassin/brawler balance would need to come first, then skill levelling/Luca rewards, then evade penalties on heavy armor and small evade bonuses on some clothing. IDK if any of this will ever happen, but I propose that order to help avoid possible issues.

Ledmitz = Ardits = KillerBee = Mystic = Mystical_Servant = Tipsy Skeleton = BoomBoom = Cloak

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