On the subject of creating new maps for tmwa

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On the subject of creating new maps for tmwa

Post by kereszte »


I decided to look into development of tmwa and here is a list of things that I have found concerning creating maps for tmwa in tiled:

-all maps are in client data under maps
-layers required by the server: Objects, Collisions, Fringe, Ground
-even if you don't use fringe, it's required because players and npc's are rendered on this layer

Now, I started creating a level from scratch and quickly became burned out (adding walls and curves and all that stuff) so I thought there must be a better way. Tiled has something called 'Automapping' and I thought it would work really well for this. So, I started setting this up and low-and-behold - the files to do this were already there!

It looks like they were created about 13 years ago so I updated the one for cave maps to work in latest Tiled.
git url: https://git.themanaworld.org/ajnobaka/clientdata
git: https://git.themanaworld.org/ajnobaka/clientdata.git
branch: t2_map

So, if you pull that code and navigate to rules, there's a tiled project that can be opened.
Once that's done, there's a tmx file called example_cave.tmx. This is the sample for regular caves. The person who set this up did it for almost all types of land, just the others still need to be updated.

Anyways, if you have example_cave.tmx selected, go to the map view and perform ctrl-m. This will take the input, which is simple, and output all of the layers. This includes, Over, Collision, Fringe, and Ground. It also creates NotSet, but that's no longer needed. It adds all wall edges and corners, and even adds carpet and water edges, etc.

I went ahead and created a small map called 012-5 and added portals to and from it via Terranite Cave and it all seems to work. (I did have to manually add the Fringe layer.) If a dev could browse this process and make certain nothing is incorrect, that would be great!

It seems that the person who created this spent a lot of time to create a converter for most every land type . But, for some reason, it was forgotten about. This makes creating new maps waaaay easier and quicker. If given the green light, then I'll convert the other land-type converters to the latest version of Tiled.

That's all I have for now. If you need help with git or Tiled, msg in this thread. I didn't go over some things and can go into more details if needed.


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Re: On the subject of creating new maps for tmwa

Post by Bjørn »

Very cool that you're picking up mapping for TMW and even better than you seem to have a great understanding of the AutoMapping feature in Tiled! Apparently, somebody like you has been missing on the team since 2012 indeed!

Thanks for summarizing the mapping requirements and providing general guidance for others as well! We of course need an updated mapping manual on the wiki. We have https://wiki.themanaworld.org/wiki/Deve ... g_Tutorial but it doesn't cover AutoMapping (couldn't find that on the wiki at all).

I've chimed in a little in the effort and pushed the necessary changes to make the woodland rules work again to your MR. :-)

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