TMW News Thread #1

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TMW News Thread #1

Post by Dimond »

TMW News Thread #1

Back Again, with More!

Welcome to my news thread!
That's right, Dimond IS writin' about what, who, and the other dirt
that goes on. I'll try to update as much as possible but... infamous people like me are busy with things like... well it's a secret!
I'm proud to say that I have a new job as a admin on a website.
First thing I did was change the template, now we may live in peace. <---- Click me?
Made by Pixie-Bobs and is for "player drama" as some call it and just something where you can vent and talk about RL and all.
Two rules apply:

1. No cussin' (yes... you heard me. Now wash that mouth of yours with soap)

2. Don't be disrespectful to others (That includes... NO INSULTS, NO WHATEVERS, NO WHO CARES?, ect..)

That's all, now to the more interesting stuff.

Hats, Hats, and Well... More Hats!

You may have noticed but a couple of weeks/months/years or so there have been some new hats. I'd like to show you a few that aren't so recent, but new compared to other content. Here it is!
The attachment hats.gif is no longer available
There is my Ad... "Aliens... & Mutant Porcupine/Rat Thing Hat. Get one now! Join the hundreds... in.. the... STRANGENESS! Get one... like right now!"
Well... it isn't really THAT new, but close enough. Getting one is really simple! (wait til you try.. I mean go for it!)
To get the alien hat (Pinkie Hat) just kill pinkies and the mutant porcupine/rat thing hat (Fluffy Hat) just needs some fluffy killin'.
If you're lazy like me you can check out the marketplace ( or just yell out what ya need in the game. (Don't spam, and the yelling thing works better when you're not alone FYI)
There is probably at least one person out there sellin' 'em. Oh look! I found a few: ... =14&t=8293
and ... =14&t=8238 too.

Since we are on the subject of items, let's talk about this major fashion problem.

Battle Wear, Fashion Devastation!

As.. you've noticed there has been... The "new" and "greatest" armor release... Actually it's been not that recent but still...
For those who don't know what I'm talking about here is a picture.

The attachment tanks1.png is no longer available
That's right, they're tanks... All in a line... Bleh!
In order to be the toughest we have to dress like a big giant metal tank. What happened
to the good ol' platemail, boots, blue jeans, and knight's helm? THEY'VE BEEN GONE AND FORGOTTEN AND REPLACED WITH
Okay... Well at least we can show off our weapons. Oh wait... WE CAN'T!
That's right, the same animation over and over for each and every blade, even the bows.
Oh wait... they did something special to the scythe, but why not the other weapons too?!
We want to SHOW IT OFF! No more same animation!
Get busy devs 'cuz we ain't going to settle for just a fancy weapon icon.

Dimond & Hubby

Now more about me.
I would like to tell ya about my 5th husband. =)
Here is a screenie of me and him at the waterfalls... aww..

Sadly I sold him for 5 cents, but it all ended well because the person I sold him to wanted a refund.
And hurray for him, he's been my husband the longest if you don't count my 3rd husband that I forgot I was married to him for three

GMs Losin' The Crown, Social Experiment

Big thing happened on TMW ten days ago. NO GMs ON THE SERVER AT ALL!!!
Bjorn decided to see what would happen if they lost their powers completely for a couple of days.
GM fans complained and flamed with the anti-gm folks and people who are neutral about this and think it's an okay idea
are fighting with both of them too! Then on the forth corner you have the GMs opinion of it all.
They said this is only a temporary experiment, but it is heard that some won't regain their crowns.
Look on the thread for more details >>>> ... =12&t=8378

From my sources it's been said that Crush had a meeting related to this subject.
I was not here so I'm 100% of what happened, but it is said that Galadriel
was at the meeting and said that the GMs should not be recruited and Masterkenobi be the "master GM". (GM = Game Master/Moderator for those who don't know)
There also has been "GM Abuse" problems and certain GMs will not be recruited back.
In the thread about this subject (flame war pretty much) some say it wasn't any different, some say it's better, some disagrees.
*Shrugs* Guess we'll wait and see what will happen next.

Yoshi Eggs? They Haven't Been Sued Yet?!

The discovery... the.. YOSHI EGGS!!!!
"OMG.... they have Yoshi eggs in this game?! They didn't get sued either!" was my first thought.
And if you don't know what Yoshi is then let me tell ya what he can swallow anything and lay a egg, throw them at others,
and says "draaaaaaaaaaaag" when during his epic jump.
A picture:
yoshi.png (106.84 KiB) Viewed 1334 times
That's me imitating Yoshi, nice job right?
Those are Yoshi eggs... only if I could throw them...
They renamed it "Grass Snake Egg" and made it so grass snakes can drop them so they think
they could slip copyright... *shake head* Shame on them!
Yoshi is epic... and you can't have Yoshi eggs without Yoshi!
It's like having a body without a brain! They go together so well! (well... most of the time...)

Tip #1: Self-Sacrifice

Have you ever got the feeling to kill someone without that darn 50 GP?
Here is the answer to all you're murdering impulses!
Simply go to the mine southwest corner of the desert and gather 'em monsters up!
tipofday.png (84.83 KiB) Viewed 1337 times
See? Oh.. and this is recommended for higher up players so you don't die as easy.
Also remember to bring food too and click on the rock in the desert town so you can get back to your work easily.
Go slowly through the mine, and don't get too worried if you die because they won't go too far if you get back to them fast enough.
I died a lot but I managed to gather almost all of them and kill a lot of people, the only thing you have to do is to get them is
tipofday2.png (81.88 KiB) Viewed 1336 times
Ta-da! Self-sacrifice for others! Isn't that great? :P
Besides that, it's also a good way for some people to level up if they are all gathered like that.

*Yawns* Well I think that's all for today on "TMW News Thread".
Hope you enjoyed it all, back to hard-core gaming and chocolate covered coffee beans!
Oh.. almost forgot. If you have any comments, questions, fan-mail, or something like that just send me a email at

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Re: TMW News Thread #1

Post by Dimond »

I realized that this thing doesn't allow more than 3 pictures on here... (booo!)
So here they are:
Here is a screenie of me and him at the waterfalls... aww..
hubby&me.png (241.79 KiB) Viewed 1337 times
or those who don't know what I'm talking about here is a picture.
tanks1.png (202.28 KiB) Viewed 1340 times
I'd like to show you a few that aren't so recent, but new compared to other content. Here it is!
hats.gif (243.82 KiB) Viewed 1336 times
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Re: TMW News Thread #1

Post by Ceros »

Holy Chocolate Cupcake, lay off the MS Paint
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Re: TMW News Thread #1

Post by Dimond »

It's GIMP! :'(
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Re: TMW News Thread #1

Post by salmondine »

woo thats great, I can hardly wait for next edition! =]
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Re: TMW News Thread #1

Post by Pixiebobs »

YEAH but i thought the players forum Got these special Little Papers ....


Great Job well done and I need new pants as i almost Peed reading .


PS Ceros Gimp is not a Bad name its a software Smiles
Breaking News: The Pity Train has just derailed at the intersection of Suck It Up & Move On, and crashed into We All Have Problems, before coming to a complete stop at Get The Heck Over It. Any complaints about how we operate can be forwarded to 1-800-WAA-WAAA. This is Dr. Sniffle reporting from Quitchur Bitchen
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Re: TMW News Thread #1

Post by Crush »

From my sources it's been said that Crush had a meeting related to this subject.
I was not here so I'm 100% of what happened, but it is said that Galadriel
was at the meeting and said that the GMs should not be recruited and Masterkenobi be the "master GM". (GM = Game Master/Moderator for those who don't know)
There also has been "GM Abuse" problems and certain GMs will not be recruited back.
Sorry, but these are all false rumors.

1. Although I had a "nagging hour" a few days ago it was not about the current GM situation but about gameplay problems in general.
2. What Galadriel said was just her opinion
3. If all GMs will retain their power after this experiment or not is not decided yet
4. I did in fact say nothing at all during this "meeting" as you call it, because I just wanted to listen to the problems of the players and not do a general Q&A hour.

Please get your facts straight before posting gossip.
  • former Manasource Programmer
  • former TMW Pixel artist
  • NOT a game master

Please do not send me any inquiries regarding player accounts on TMW.

You might have heard a certain rumor about me. This rumor is completely false. You might also have heard the other rumor about me. This rumor is 100% accurate.
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Re: TMW News Thread #1

Post by Pixiebobs »


COOOL lol pixie
Breaking News: The Pity Train has just derailed at the intersection of Suck It Up & Move On, and crashed into We All Have Problems, before coming to a complete stop at Get The Heck Over It. Any complaints about how we operate can be forwarded to 1-800-WAA-WAAA. This is Dr. Sniffle reporting from Quitchur Bitchen
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Re: TMW News Thread #1

Post by Dimond »

Yeah I know it looks bad, but hey... I did that in like a minute so of course it looks bad!
It still would even if I did work hard.

Thanks Crush for getting the facts straight for me.
I was doing just as you were saying except I was doing it after I posted it. *is lazy*
Well... I suppose the order doesn't matter too much... :P
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