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Re: [WIP] New Desert Tileset

Posted: 19 Jun 2013, 00:47
by Len
The tag was meant as a joke and I apologize for offending you with it. :alt-8: ... =5&t=10824
I wanted brown rocks not grey ones
Your still going to need some color variation, when you have something that is brown its not just the same shade of brown. It has browns that are cool and warm within it (generally they move to more complementary colors of each other). What I'm trying to say is you drowned out a lot of the variation in hues, my edit has the same problem (but the cold geenish gray adds something for the sand to work off of, however poorly). Its best to use the color editors as little as possible, or in small increments at a time.
color.png (126.25 KiB) Viewed 3727 times
Did you edit each part separately while editing the colors, because some parts of the cliffs lean towards red while others parts yellow? It makes it somewhat obvious where one tile ends and another begins. You can write the values of the first edit you do and apply them to the next section exactly, if your unable to isolate everything you wish to edit at the same time for some reason.

wushin I like the caves, but I think you need a little more contrast on the wall. Also it might be interesting to have more red from the lava reflected off the parts of the wall that are near it (I see you did it a little) .

Re: [WIP] New Desert Tileset

Posted: 19 Jun 2013, 06:03
by tux9th
even the original version you developed doesn't tile. recoloring doesn't change that

Re: [WIP] New Desert Tileset

Posted: 19 Jun 2013, 06:23
by Len
tux9th wrote:even the original version you developed doesn't tile. recoloring doesn't change that
It does so, it's just not very user friendly. Granted it has some ugly spots particularly on the front cliff tiles that need to be revised (if I cared to do so), maybe one day I'll get around to it. I really don't like this tileset as much as I pretend to, Its not really pixel art and doesn't fit in with the game that much. I think I said as much on ... st-tileset

Re: [WIP] New Desert Tileset

Posted: 19 Jun 2013, 07:08
by Nard
Len wrote:The tag was meant as a joke and I apologize for offending you with it. :alt-8:
I do not feel offended. I just understood that you considered my work as bulls**** and a "treason". I seized the occasion to point out what I (and many others) consider as a whole in GPL.
Your still going to need some color variation, when you have something that is brown its not just the same shade of brown.[...]
Did you edit each part separately while editing the colors, because some parts of the cliffs lean towards red while others parts yellow? [...]
I noticed several of your remarks before publishing this work. I published it because I thought it could interest you and other contributors as it is a different direction to work on. I do like the shape of the rocks and thinks that this style (and Tim Cook's as well would be a great improvement for TMW. The actual hills look more as rock heaps than to cliffs. I first saw maps based on your work on UFB and wondered why TMW didn't use them.

First I didn't work after your original that I didn't know, but after UFB modification which was used on several maps.
Original: ... ground.png
UFB: ... Forest.png
Second as the original has greyscale rock parts the first thing I did was to colorize them according to the goal I had in mind. If I start it again I would proceed of course, very differently and begin with rock separation to a different layer wich took most of my time, but at the bad step (it would be easier if we had the "source" :mrgreen:). The upper and lower parts were edited at different times and the different colors result from intentional different trials.
The tile marks appeared "naturally" after several color/ image treatment operations probably because of the red-brown earth ground tiles that make the grass border. With some attention, you notice them even on originat tileset. Probably they result from the later mixing operation.
Hue: The original tileset has 3 hue ranges (4 in UFB version but I prefer your grass color choice): greyscale tones, brown, yellowish green. One of the things I like in some RL landscapes (cloudy skies, desert, rocky or snowy mountains...) is the relatively small tone variations around a main color I tried to reproduce that. The edit lost also hues and values after color reduction to make the size smaller. :/
The following photo is closer to the idea I had while editing than the former pictures (unfortunalely I lost 10 years of kodachrome slides :( ).
Of course sky adds a color contrast that is impossible to reproduce or that I don't know how to simulate in tilesets.

Re: [WIP] New Desert Tileset

Posted: 19 Jun 2013, 17:05
by wushin
I was going to do a general "Warm" & "Cool" lava Spotlight overlay for the lava maps instead of putting it on the tile. I also plan a series of animated tiles for water and lava in the future. I left the cave walls with less contrast to allow them to better transition across the multiple tilesets. As now there are 10 tilesets in total that work with the caves now.
I like Nard's tileset as it's better than the one we currently have for the Savanna which is none.

Re: [WIP] New Desert Tileset

Posted: 19 Jun 2013, 20:53
by Matt
Len wrote:The tag was meant as a joke and I apologize for offending you with it. :alt-8: ... =5&t=10824
Heh, great, totally forgot that Fother made that tag too :D