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Re: mrgrey for GM - renomination

Posted: 16 Sep 2011, 23:07
by Jumpy
Again.... full support

hi there ;)

couldn't be without voting !

so di I

with a big yes

why ?

because he is first as a player someone with values and respecting others
second because mrgrey he has opinions and vision on the game that fit mine

third and at least but not last :) i love his humor

he had heart
he has conviction
he has moderation and vision

so he is a perfect match

see you ;)


Re: mrgrey for GM - renomination

Posted: 17 Sep 2011, 01:00
by jessyb03

Re: mrgrey for GM - renomination

Posted: 17 Sep 2011, 05:43
by Deimheucadh
yes, however i cannot vote. mrgray is good :)

Re: mrgrey for GM - renomination

Posted: 17 Sep 2011, 06:16
by Villain
Voting yes even though he's Canadian... how they acquired spoon technology is beyond me.

Re: mrgrey for GM - renomination

Posted: 17 Sep 2011, 14:21
by WildX
Again, yes.

Once again two pages of people saying yes but no comments about the no's D:

Re: mrgrey for GM - renomination

Posted: 17 Sep 2011, 18:43
by Coolkid 782
Yes! He is a great candidate for gm.

Re: mrgrey for GM - renomination

Posted: 18 Sep 2011, 17:01
by Leoncrofftz
Yes, he is a kind man.. :)

Re: mrgrey for GM - renomination

Posted: 20 Sep 2011, 13:43
by Tinkerbell
I voted yes for Grey Mr, of course, he's smart, fair and wears pink better then I do (grrrr)

Re: mrgrey for GM - renomination

Posted: 20 Sep 2011, 17:18
by mistergrey
Thanks everyone, I'd like to say one thing I didn't really in the previous poll. I've gotten a lot of criticism and mean comments in game because I hang out with a lot of known "trolls", and also because I use the pvp zones for pvp. I've even been told on the forums that I "can't be objective" because I'm in a guild. To these statements, I can only say that the people in question either do not know me well at all, or are overreacting to being killed in pvp, which is sadly common.

I have a lot of "troll" friends, but in a position as GM, if they were to knowingly break the rules in my presence, they would be appropriately punished.
I am in a guild - I have a functioning brain, and make my own choices independently of what those players think.
I kill people in pvp zones sometimes - there are very few pvp zones (2, and only one that's a proper, used map), and I take advantage of this. If someone thinks I'd be a bad GM for that, they clearly have an issue with the game itself, and this is something I can't do anything about. I'm very open to whispers in game, and I've left many people alone in pvp when they asked, but most prefer to respond with abuse and insults.

All I'm saying, is I try to have fun in the game. I don't try to do things to harass players, but I think a little mischief in a game is necessary once in a while. Anyone who is undecided on voting, please feel free to contact me in game, or even on here, and get to know me a bit before you decide. I don't care if I don't know you, or if I do and we have some negative history - I remember the past, and learn from it, but I will not hold a grudge and dismiss you for it, and I hope you can do the same for me if that's the case. Thanks for reading :)

Re: mrgrey for GM - renomination

Posted: 20 Sep 2011, 23:06
by DarkWater
yourmistakes wrote:I have to express curiosity to the reason behind the "no" votes, as in both polls so far, no one has expressed a reason for voting against mrgrey. ... 12&t=14096

I am going to go with open witch hunts in which anyone can say they where scammed and have the community turn on them, for one hundred, please?

"Directed towards mrgrey."

I don't like that you have a crown, "you scammed me!!!", and the community hangs you. Of course the flip side of that is simply. player: "Dark water scammed me!!!" Community:"Of course she did, now let gang up on her." Player: ""Respectable player name here" scammed me!!!" Community: "He would never do that!!!" Regardless if he actually did it or not.

No proof, no legal standing, just a "he said, she said" argument, and the community gets to pick who is the better liar. After that, a great old fashion witch hunt for the person that "wronged" them. I would, if I did vote in these things, have to question your position on this. Scamming is not against the rules, but you feel that you need to make it community morality issue, by listing those that have done "wrong", with out proof, evidence, or over sight by the gm's. I can not imagine what you would do if you thought someone you like was wronged, and you had the power to do something about it.

Once again, I do feel that you can become to attached to players in this game, and are way to willing to create a "moral mob" to undo a "wrong" that has gone "unpunished".

Re: mrgrey for GM - renomination

Posted: 21 Sep 2011, 01:06
by mistergrey
While I think you're overreacting to what was just a simple idea, you do make a good point. That topic could be abused, and when I made it I didn't really think ahead to how to prevent that. Creating it was a spur of the moment decision due to a lot of angry complaining in town over such an incident, and I asked in town if I should make it beforehand. Prsm was there and didn't see any problem with it, nor did anyone else. Really, I intended it to be something the community could work with or ignore at their will. I could care less if the topic continues or gets closed.

I respect that you have your own opinions, but really, you talk about me like you know me well, when we've hardly interacted outside of the forums and a few conversations in game. Just because I happened to disagree with you and others, and voice my opinions, it does not mean I did that to defend friends of mine. I don't like to start trouble with other people because of my friends, because as far as I'm concerned, if you have a problem with someone it's your own business. When it's an issue on a public forum though, if I strongly agree or disagree with something, I'll say my opinion.

If making a topic you don't like is your reason why people shouldn't vote for me, that's silly. For one thing, I may have to be more cautious if I become a GM, but at the time I made that topic, like now, I'm just a regular player. If you truly think I would abuse the position for my friends' benefit, as I said before, you don't know me well at all. I'm quite attached to some players, that's true, but I wouldn't hesitate to ban them for breaking the rules, or be more lenient with them because of that. If they willingly want to do that with me around, they do that knowing I Will act, and if they have a problem... they should have known better. I know this isn't likely to convince you, but that's fine. But seriously, if you take anything out of what I wrote, let it be this: I've gotten involved with many heated debates on here, and some of them even got a little personal, but every one of those, I got involved because I had an opinion and disagreed with what somebody said. I have no problem with you, but I'd really appreciate it if you stop insinuating that everything I do is an emotional response to help my friends. They can take care of themselves, I just like to get my word in. :P

Re: mrgrey for GM - renomination

Posted: 21 Sep 2011, 04:01
by ChefChelios
I dont vote "no" again cuz nobody else like you is sitting at the gms lap like you. Good job! xD

Re: mrgrey for GM - renomination

Posted: 21 Sep 2011, 04:06
by Deimheucadh
all my 3 chars: Munkar, Deimheucadh and Azzazzel are for you, mr Gray. (voted once)

Re: mrgrey for GM - renomination

Posted: 21 Sep 2011, 22:23
by Okurwieniec !!!
Mr Grey i voted yes may you ban my enemies forever :D (or at least spawn a hordes of mobs on them being invisible, especially on Depredador)

Re: mrgrey for GM - renomination

Posted: 22 Sep 2011, 08:31
by Platyna
ChefChelios wrote:I dont vote "no" again cuz nobody else like you is sitting at the gms lap like you. Good job! xD
It is not important who GMs like or not. This poll system is made to regulate these issues. In short: he could be a GM's husband, and still if he did not reach the correct amount of votes or vote ratio he will be not considered to GM position.

So vote as you really think, not like majority votes otherwise you just give up your decision power.
