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Re: Trivia Input

Posted: 05 Apr 2013, 15:35
by Ginaria
Would it be possible that all dropped items, which are not pickup by players, would be automatically transferred into an inventory of a bot/player instead of be eaten by server? And these inventory stuff could be used for next event too.... its surely fascinating what players dont take and drop or loose...

For example I saw often ChefChelios running around with holes in his pockets and loosing items...

Re: Trivia Input

Posted: 05 Apr 2013, 15:48
by Nard
prsm wrote: why not set up "a Global Announcement Bot", that you pay for Global Announcement. You would not be able to choose what it said, he would add
your name in the announcement only, for example "prsm invites all to cindy to help save her".

The money collected by this bot could than be used by tmwc to buy things off manamarket for events!

Just a thought!
I also had the Idea of a global announcement NPC because I don't like Parua's racket but your's is definitely the best one <3

Re: Trivia Input

Posted: 05 Apr 2013, 16:33
by Travolta
Trivias with questions and answers are bad idea IMHO. Not all players can be present on them (because of timezones). Not all players understand English equpally. And simply not all have good enough connection to answer in time. Hide-n-seek events sound better for me, if all players have a chance to find the person.

I agree that rare items should remain rares. I support the idea of regularly (maybe twice a year) check how many of each rare item is there on active players. Also I support the idea that some rares should be possible to get. Either add some items to Exotic Trader, or just simply make them drops with low drop rate. For example, a shroom hat could be a spiky mushroom drop. Of course somebody would start botting to get those items, it's a problem to be solved.

Also some players didn't like when Platyna gave many high-priest crowns to players, when there were who bought those for 30kk. It wasn't fair, and this mistake shouldn't be done again.

What do you think of idea about making one of common drops a rare item? For example, make v-neck sweters unobtainable, let's say for 3-4 years :D Just a thought...

Re: Trivia Input

Posted: 05 Apr 2013, 18:08
by Chicka-Maria
To be honest I don't think having a trivia is a bad idea. Also I don't think if it's @item'd as little as Prsm suggested it would "lose its rarity" considering you cant spawn the same item more than once a year. Platyna gave out many items the players wanted but from what I understand it would be a fixed prize event where there will be a item announced as the prize before the event. Prsm held an eye patch event a while ago (without using @item of course) and that went well and the rarity/price did not drop from it.

Notice when Platyna did her events it brought more people online to participate. Thats because they were fun to participate in and it was a community event that everybody came to.


Re: Trivia Input

Posted: 05 Apr 2013, 18:12
by Ablu
-1 for @item genrated (or script generated items)
+1 for a npc / (bot if npc is not possible) that takes donation for trivias (though i really do not like quiz like trivias (even if i never took part in one :->))


Re: Trivia Input

Posted: 05 Apr 2013, 18:27
by templarwarrior
no rare should ever become a drop regardless the drop rate. no rare should ever again be in any type of quest. i dont undertand how many of you are concerned with a trivia spawning at most one a year yet want thousands dropped or every player to be able to get dozens on an event quest.

already its getting harder to for new players to get the millions needed for later level items as the price of many rares has dropped. to reintroduce rares in any number greater than 1 a year could destroy the economy

Re: Trivia Input

Posted: 05 Apr 2013, 18:40
by templarwarrior
rumly111 wrote:Trivias with questions and answers are bad idea IMHO. Not all players can be present on them (because of timezones). Not all players understand English equpally. And simply not all have good enough connection to answer in time.
so we shouldnt have community building event because not everyone can do it? the whole point of trivia is strengthening sense of community not handing out rares. thing is youll get a small turnout if all youre giving is wl plates

Re: Trivia Input

Posted: 05 Apr 2013, 19:35
by skipy
this sort of thing has been done well in the past .. (IMO)--> the GMs do a really good job at this and it has always been fun. --that's what I think--

Re: Trivia Input

Posted: 07 Apr 2013, 07:47
by Nard
templarwarrior wrote:no rare should ever become a drop regardless the drop rate. no rare should ever again be in any type of quest. i dont undertand how many of you are concerned with a trivia spawning at most one a year yet want thousands dropped or every player to be able to get dozens on an event quest.

already its getting harder to for new players to get the millions needed for later level items as the price of many rares has dropped. to reintroduce rares in any number greater than 1 a year could destroy the economy
Price raise and increase of number of unavailable items also "destroys" economy. You forget players who leave or got purged.

Re: Trivia Input

Posted: 07 Apr 2013, 23:08
by prsm
So if I understand correctly, most people don't want @item's spawned.
Some like events, not all like trivia, but people are okay with us
"pillaging" banned accounts for items to gift during said events, since they
are considered void anyways.

if everyone is agreed on that, we can start moving it forward. I will wait another week
for input.

Re: Trivia Input

Posted: 08 Apr 2013, 00:18
by Zopar
You got me on your previous comment, Prism, I'm still a little confused ... but events are all fun to me, when I can be there. I would like to see something like a raffle drawing at the end of an event. It would give the new players a chance to win something... and confused players like me. :?

Re: Trivia Input

Posted: 08 Apr 2013, 01:37
by veryape
prsm wrote:So if I understand correctly, most people don't want @item's spawned.
Some like events, not all like trivia, but people are okay with us
"pillaging" banned accounts for items to gift during said events, since they
are considered void anyways.

if everyone is agreed on that, we can start moving it forward. I will wait another week
for input.
I would definately like it if things from pruged accounts could also be kept in game, but maybe just hand out two per item every year, there are loads of cool masks that are nearly extinct or never seen in game because they are hid away in old players and collectors storages.

At the rate of max 2 per year they will not lose too much value and it will still be kept in game.