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Re: [WIP] Rowboat

Posted: 12 Oct 2018, 08:05
by EJlol
As for the rowing sprite, what mostly bugs me is that his back is too stiff. If you animate his back, I'm sure that suddenly his arm will also stop shrinking/growing :wink:

Re: [WIP] Rowboat

Posted: 19 Oct 2018, 12:48
by Micksha

I followed your tip EJlol, and it really looks better. I guess thats the right path to go :) Pleace proceed with giving me hints how-to improve. Thank you!
rowboat_WIP.gif (12.78 KiB) Viewed 6367 times

Re: [WIP] Rowboat

Posted: 19 Oct 2018, 13:16
by EJlol
Nice! Sadly, I have no more hints... It just looks too good already :P (And I'm not a rowboat-expert)

If you want more hints, you could always look at Youtube and see the real experts rowing. Things you may look at are the timings (how long is paddle underwater / above the water), how big is the rowing radius (how high / low does the paddle go), angle of the paddles, speed of the rowboat, etc.

These would just be nitpicks though, what you have here is already a fine rowing animation.

Re: [WIP] Rowboat

Posted: 19 Oct 2018, 19:52
by Micksha
Just a little update, I like working on this right now.. what clothes should that guy wear?
rowboat_WIP.gif (15.17 KiB) Viewed 6356 times

Re: [WIP] Rowboat

Posted: 20 Oct 2018, 10:30
by EJlol
If you feel adventurous, for the water animation I miss the paddle vortex:

Re: [WIP] Rowboat

Posted: 20 Oct 2018, 15:02
by Micksha
Haha thats a good one :) Water animation is only basic here, but when going into detail lets see what I can make with that ;)
Thanks for comments!
ps. are you continuing with making the basic s/n view? and should we have the boat moving too, going more in/out of the water, or would that be too weird and lots of work?

Re: [WIP] Rowboat

Posted: 20 Oct 2018, 16:44
by EJlol
Yeah I will continue, either this weekend or Monday/Tuesday.

I don't think I will let the boat go more inside / outside of the water. An actual boat would also shake a little bit, but that would be very difficult to reproduce, and would make a lot more character sprites as the people rowing would also tilt. So I won't do that :alt-6:

Re: [WIP] Rowboat

Posted: 20 Oct 2018, 17:41
by tomminator
Nice! even this basic animation already looks very good. The hands/arms dont seem to follow the movement of the paddles correctly, but thats about the only issue i notice.

Re: [WIP] Rowboat

Posted: 23 Oct 2018, 00:08
by Micksha
Hey there :) Here is an update:
The attachment rowboat_WIP.gif is no longer available
- Mick

Re: [WIP] Rowboat

Posted: 23 Oct 2018, 13:06
by WildX
It's alive! I love the detail in the water, nice work. :D

Re: [WIP] Rowboat

Posted: 25 Oct 2018, 09:27
by Micksha
Hello again :)
So, I think I consider this as done right now:
The already known w-e direction
The already known w-e direction
rowboat_WIP.gif (24.12 KiB) Viewed 6268 times
The n-s direction
The n-s direction
rowboat_WIP_ns.gif (23.12 KiB) Viewed 6266 times
always add a dead sprite :) this is more a placeholder right now
always add a dead sprite :) this is more a placeholder right now
rowboat_WIP_dead.gif (5.65 KiB) Viewed 6268 times
Still, if you see problems or have comments dont hesistate to post them. I think I will also add the .xcf to the media folder.

Re: [WIP] Rowboat

Posted: 25 Oct 2018, 09:35
by EJlol
The rowboat is alive :shock: Why does the front (and only the front) go up and down in the N-S direction? Also you shouldn't be able to see the water movement at the front, as it would be hidden behind the boat from this viewpoint.

Re: [WIP] Rowboat

Posted: 25 Oct 2018, 09:44
by Micksha
whoops bug, I didnt see it :) And I will change the waves of top side a bit, thanks.

Re: [WIP] Rowboat

Posted: 25 Oct 2018, 11:57
by WildX
LOL the dead sprite is great. Perfect for when you get attacked by pirates and... lose! :lol:

Re: [WIP] Rowboat

Posted: 25 Oct 2018, 13:01
by EJlol
He is... jumping? His butt shouldn't move, and certainly not up and down. The same for his feet, in the side view they don't move, so they also shouldnt move here. His chest does move, but not like that. It feels a little bit jumpy. Maybe adjust the timing? Also maybe when he bends over, make the shirt a little bit darker, as it would be in the shadow?