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Posted: 18 Jul 2005, 12:49
by ElvenProgrammer
Hmm we started discussing about skinning or theming the gui:

so maybe we could take this into consideration

Posted: 18 Jul 2005, 13:12
by Bjørn
This would really be a long term project. As an example we could look at WoW, which already allows GUI customizability using XML and Lua I think.

I know Guichan may come with an XML -> GUI parser in the future, we could see whether that can be useful to describe our GUI.

Posted: 18 Jul 2005, 14:46
by Modanung
About feeding pets; maybe they could just eat corpses or plants...
If we would have different creature types (like plants, insects, fish and meaty creatures) pets could have a certain menu of creature types they feed on.

But I think I'd prefer no feeding and just healing. I mean the player doesn't have to be fed... right?


Posted: 18 Jul 2005, 16:46
by Bear
There are a few ways wecan do this pet thing, 2 ways

Introduce them as pet monsters


Introduce them as magicaly animated creatures

Pros and cons are

Pet monsters- Feed
some action

Magical Creature- Heal/support with magic
more variety in quests for items and other things for the creatures.

They used the magical one in maple story.

Posted: 19 Jul 2005, 02:32
by Modanung
Well, we could do both:

Mages/conjurers/necromancers would have magical creatures, that need mana once in a while. Like elementals, undead and animated items... They'd have armies of floating swords behind them.

Warriors/beasttamers/harvesters/merchants would go for living creatures and find/buy food. These creatures may be bought or catched/tamed.

And as we won't have jobs like RO we could have mixes... like zombies; they'd need some magic to be raised out of a corpse, but they need fresh meat once in a while.

Posted: 19 Jul 2005, 07:17
by ElvenProgrammer
ahhhhh fresh meat....


Great ideas people...

Suggestion: !

Posted: 12 Jul 2006, 18:51
by Bear
Since alot of people ive seen in-game thought something...

People would like more events. With that i will PM elven with something. Also i would like to .....yea... events are fun, keep people playing.

Im willing to keep scripting for the old server. i have a few scripts that would be fun for tmw..

Posted: 13 Jul 2006, 11:44
by Modanung
An event now and then is ok. But it shouldn't be high-priority for us to host those. We've got more important things to work on.
Unless we would have a special event manager ofcourse, who would do nothing else but script and warn the players about oncoming events.

Posted: 16 Jul 2006, 12:30
by Tarm
Some thoughts about pets.

Different pets for different type of players.Wardogs/bears for warrior types and elementals for mages for example.I'd like that approach.

Combat or support emphasis.
If we use combat pets that attack there is one problem.How strong should they be?To strong they unbalance the game and to weak they're useless.It can be pretty hard to find the balance.I say go for the support function mainly.
If we're going to have a pure summoner class I suggest we make his/her summonings very powerful but shortlived.They unsommons after a short time that is.

Equipment or stats/abilities for pets.Personally I like to be able to buy equipment for my pet.It's more fun than to fiddle with pet stats or something similar.Say a dog with a protective collar that gives it a little better evasion.Maybe a elemental with a crown that gives it protection, faster attacks or whatever.

Pets and the grim reaper.How shall we handle the death of a pet or the player?

Stuff feeding pets.It's a darn annoyance.The only thing to worry about should be how many pets you can have (Intelligence for mage pets and strength for warrior pets?) and maybe a reduction in mana regeneration for mage elementals.Something that takes care of itself automatically.Remember that if you have to spend something to keep a pet you will have to farm for that resource, be it money to buy food or actually killing monsters and hope that they drop something eatable for your pet.Boooooring.

Should monsters be able to target and attack pets?This relates to if we want combat or support pets.This could alter how pets work significantly.
Also what should make the pet attack?You hitting a monster or a monster chasing you?Maybe something else?

I want to name my pet!

More suggestions

Posted: 18 Dec 2006, 10:12
by Bear
Its been quite a while since ive logged on The (some sort of energy) World

When logging in, i was welcomed with the same depressing music and atmosphere ^ ^ which im getting used to. Anyways, after 15 minutes of playing, here are a few more suggestions!

Impossible Suggestions:
Change art style back to Secret Of Mana >.>(GREEN)
Stay consistent with art style
Change storyline(too cliche)
Implement system(cant with current server ofcourse.)

Add option to return to character select.
Add macros for people who want to configure their own buttons./Maple story type
Add more consistent NPCs/Quests
Change spawns(Fire Goblin in TOWN?)
Change monsters name (Fire Goblin looks more like a Flaming Headchog)
Lessen thichness of weather effects.
Add Lightening
Add graphics for warps/map connectors
Take out unprofessional NPCs such as Spock and Sex changer
Fix jittery walking of other people on screen
Change Sitting sprite to look more like sitting than squatting
Change animation speed of Large Maggot because its legs move faster than it does.
Add Blotch of color on minimap where warps are.
Create short quest for Changing Hair/color
Change beginning Spawn place to somewhere less depressing.
Add monsters that look consistent with SOM monsters

Make a list of Rules that MUST be followed while in game >.>
suggestions are, no botting, Looting others

-------More to come!