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Re: Rotonen's Christmas 2009 thought game

Posted: 03 Dec 2009, 03:18
by MoneyX
Hahaha no it wouldn't stfu

Re: Rotonen's Christmas 2009 thought game

Posted: 03 Dec 2009, 06:42
by Crush
Regarding the post by Tiana: When the above had happened on TMW people would have immediately shouted "GM Abuse".

Regarding anonymous GMs: I think they will stay anonymous for maybe two weeks. Then gossip will make sure that everyone on the server knows who is a gm and who isn't.

Re: Rotonen's Christmas 2009 thought game

Posted: 04 Dec 2009, 00:23
by theauroraproject
Wow, this is the honest answer to our social problems? Really?

1.) I quit, either do what I tell you, or I will take my toys and go home!!!!
2.) Just allow them to kill each other!!!!

Let me first take care 1 and 2.

1.) Grow up, you are not 4 years old. If something does not work you do not just take your toys and go home. You sit down, talk out the problems, your emotions, you react and then response to the problem, and you find an adult way to reach a conclusion.

2.) Grow up, you are not 4 years old. The fighting system is horribly imbalanced in this game as is. Allowing pvp would just create a group of mages that run around killing everyone. There is no defense against magic. As it currently is deployed, a lvl 30 mage can kill a lvl 99 warrior in two hits, provided they are on the same screen. They do not even have to be close to each other. How is this going to help?

In both cases each person is ignoring the cause of the problem. The cause is simple.

A lesson in psychology.

When a child does something that is "out of character" for that child, they are usually just trying to seek attention. Since most western cultures only focus on the bad things, the child only does bad things. This is what we are seeing now. No matter how corrupt, how bias, how dirty the Problem is, they will not listen to the people until one of them acts out. They will not consider them a person, until they create a problem. They only focus on the bad things. And to make this worst, like the little experiment we had, if they do cause trouble. The Powers That Be, will trip over each other, to blame and rush to attack/defend what every political goal they have. The child has not only learned that bad behavior gets attention, but bad behavior divides the Powers That Be. The is called "play the middle", and the children have learn that it really does work. "But Mom!! Dad said I could."

Now that will fit what is happening with about 10% of the population. There is a deeper problem here to. The simple fact that no one like to feel helpless. And the current "monarchy" makes everyone feel helpless. The Borg Queen has said this herself. The developers have spent soo much time alienating the people of mana, that they feel they have nothing to loose but to act out. Do not feel bad, monarchies never really work once you have an educated society. They just fall apart and are pushed aside. It is in human nature to have self determination. A small colony took on the largest military in the world, at that time, to prove that people should be have self determination. Because they only see bias, self preservation, and narrow mindedness from the Powers That Be. The Borg Queen has shown some of these traits her self, for example.

"4. Yet to not be a member of any clique or bandwagon. Persons who has large amount of protegees cannot be GMs, since they lack objectivity."

But in saying this she just disqualified every gm in the game. Everyone gm in the game is part of a clique or bandwagon. Everyone gm has a political goal, an axe to grind, and everyone gm lacks objectivity. Why? Because they are human and it is human nature to have these things. Even The Borg Queen is guilty of this. Every person on the face of the planet is. Gandhi wanted freedom for his people. Mlk wanted equal rights. The Borg Queen would say these people could not be gm because the are part of a clique or have a bandwagon. What she really means is that they are not part of her clique or bandwagon, as with the "yet not be"- part.

What has become very clear is that the only thing that Powers That Be want is to remain in power. This leaves them with only a small set of responses to the problems. Once you have a limited amount of responses, you lose prospective of the whole. You begin to rearrange the deck chairs on the titanic.

What we, the players of the mana world are left with, the same set of responses, the same set of problems, and slowly one by one, good players leaving.

I will leave you with a quote,

[quote=Albert Einstein]Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.[/quote]


Re: Rotonen's Christmas 2009 thought game

Posted: 04 Dec 2009, 01:04
by The Scarlet Rhus
That is the longest load of Chocolate Cupcake I've ever read.

Oh wait, I didn't read it.

Re: Rotonen's Christmas 2009 thought game

Posted: 04 Dec 2009, 01:15
by The Scarlet Rhus

Albert Einstein wrote:Only two things are infinte: the universe and human stupidity. And I'm not so sure about the universe.

Re: Rotonen's Christmas 2009 thought game

Posted: 04 Dec 2009, 01:21
by Kage
The Scarlet Rhus... if you keep trolling, you will endup getting banned.

Re: Rotonen's Christmas 2009 thought game

Posted: 04 Dec 2009, 01:41
by The Scarlet Rhus

Re: Rotonen's Christmas 2009 thought game

Posted: 04 Dec 2009, 02:32
by Tiana
Back on track here...

@ Crush - in TMW I totally agree, "abuse!" would be screamed from every rooftop. But the rules were in the GM's favor for that action for that server. For a TMW GM, they would need to find a different acceptable solution .

My main point is again this: there are 5 rules in TMW. These rules need to be enforced consistently by the ppl who are asked to enforce them. That is all I ask.

Re: Rotonen's Christmas 2009 thought game

Posted: 04 Dec 2009, 07:17
by Amuk
Let me tell you the real problem with the community.

By reading this thread it seems everyone is quite ready to blame all the problems on trolls and spammers. That is bollocks.

Spammers are but a minor annoyance and easily dealt with by using the ignore feature +1 Black Don for being part of which seems to be an "elite group" with some common sense.

Trolls. Lets face it the term is thrown around this place so loosely most of you don't even know what it means. A troll is someone who seeks to deceive and pass false information for the sole purpose and pleasure of causing a disturbance (mildly) or chaos (more extreme). Sadly anyone here who is willing to go against the grain speak their own opinions that may differ, debate, question etc is automatically given the troll label, even if they have a legitimate purpose or agenda.

The real problem with this community is Chocolate Cupcake falls downwards.
The Devs and other staff members are not free from conflict. If you would start dealing with your own crap first there is step #1 of the solution.

Step #2 Stop using the gamers as your scape goats. You can blame the slow development of the project all you want on the gaming community but maybe first you should read the memo, "Mana Source...."

Step #3 Start having REAL open dialogues with the community instead of simply issuing threats and warnings which in return, only causes more drama. It is time to get past egos and realise if you want a happy pleasant community the whole "Master / slave" relationship between the staff and general community needs to go.

What next? Who knows, but this seems like a good start.

Re: Rotonen's Christmas 2009 thought game

Posted: 04 Dec 2009, 07:59
by The Scarlet Rhus
Uh. I know.

How about, stop acting like TMW is real. Stop getting worked up by crap like "Oh, he warped me to BOTCHECK I'ma gunna DIE!" Stop being dumb. It's a game. Realise it.

Re: Rotonen's Christmas 2009 thought game

Posted: 04 Dec 2009, 08:20
by Amuk
The Scarlet Rhus wrote:Uh. I know.

How about, stop acting like TMW is real. Stop getting worked up by crap like "Oh, he warped me to BOTCHECK I'ma gunna DIE!" Stop being dumb. It's a game. Realise it.
Than stop whining about it and go play :) if you don't want to concern yourself with such issues.

Re: Rotonen's Christmas 2009 thought game

Posted: 04 Dec 2009, 08:22
by The Scarlet Rhus
Note my signature. I don't play it any more.

Re: Rotonen's Christmas 2009 thought game

Posted: 04 Dec 2009, 08:29
by Amuk
The Scarlet Rhus wrote:Note my signature. I don't play it any more.
My bad :lol: well than maybe avoid topics you find trivial or pointless? Or rather, go find some topics you find trivial and pointless that does not involve game politics :)

Re: Rotonen's Christmas 2009 thought game

Posted: 04 Dec 2009, 08:56
by The Scarlet Rhus
How about... Rotonen, please shut down the eAthena server :lol:

Re: Rotonen's Christmas 2009 thought game

Posted: 04 Dec 2009, 10:15
by Amuk
The Scarlet Rhus wrote:How about... Rotonen, please shut down the eAthena server :lol:

Wouldn't matter if they shut down the server, the mana project would still be developed and people would just find a new server. ;)

But instead of pretending like the sever will actually get shut down if everyone doesn't start holding hands and begin singing "we are the world", how about we address the issues realistically.