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Re: Questionary for people who want to be GMs

Posted: 09 Jan 2010, 15:05
by meway
Ok I would not add scamming to that list at all. It is a player issue and should be handled threw each other. There are enough warnings about not sharing your passwords and paying attention for these things. Only if it is proven (very unlikely) that its not your fault in the first place I would notify other gm's and admins for suggestions about how to handle such things. just saying

Re: Questionary for people who want to be GMs

Posted: 09 Jan 2010, 20:01
by Habari

Re: Questionary for people who want to be GMs

Posted: 16 Jan 2010, 13:04
by Katze
Ok, now I am going to fill this in. If Jax* or anyone from the - what's the new term? - finds it counter-productive, feel free to move or delete it. ;)

1. What is the best way to help a new player who just started playing the game in your opinion (when you are not a game master but just a normal player)?

Tell them where the important starting points are and what to do next. If you're really nice you can also accompany them to places. Depending on how nice you are and how glad you'd be to be friends with that person, you can also go further and kill monsters with them and give them the items you get. The latter, however is not the ideal help, but it's good for your relations and maybe makes two people happy: you and them (if you are fond of helping others).

But sometimes help can get too far. So stop being helpful at the right time. But this depends on the individual case.

2. When you would have the ability to spawn items using a GM command, who would get what from you?

I would absolutely not give anything to anybody (including myself ;) ) - not even for events. If a GM starts giving away items or spawning monsters, they will always be asked to do it again and again. And eventually it's going to be unfair anyway...

3. You are a GM, get online and immediately receive reports about these behaviors by different players about different players. Please order them by your priority in dealing with them:
-advertisement for other servers
-not speaking english in public

(0. maybe deal with the spammer if I am where they are.
otherwise I'd tell the reporting person to put them on ignore and let the server handle the ban, since I'm very busy right now.)
1. I would warp to the suspected botter.
2. I would publicly announce that English is to be spoken in public.
3. I would tell the botter about the time limit.
4. I would ask the insulted person about the severity of it and tell them that I need to deal with the botter first and will attend to them afterwards.
5. I would tell the scammed person that, sadly, scamming cases can't be proven, but nevertheless ask them what it exactly was about.
6. I will tell the person who told me about the advertiser to tell me their name.
7. I would tell the botter that their time is over, send the ban command, and make a screenshot.
8. I would deal with the insults according to the severity.
(8,5. If the spammer is online with another char, I'll deal with them at the same time.)
9. At the same time, I would tell the scam-victim that I'm very sorry for them, but that I can't do anything for them and that they need to be more careful and that they shouldn't blindly trust people. (If what I'm saying is true, that is ;) )
10. I'd deal with the advertiser
11. At the same time I'd make the report about the botter on the forums.

4. A player disagrees with your decisions and starts to insult you in public. How would you react?

First of all, I would try to not feel insulted - they might have reasons. If they don't have, why should I take it personal? I'm only doing my job and did what I thought was right. Or well, maybe they are just generalising GMs and are actually mad about some different GM or maybe about the system. ;)

That was the part on what to think and how to deal with insults for myself.

The other part is how I'm going to react:

If the person seems to be someone you can have a conversation with, I will ask them why they think I'm doing wrong (maybe I'll ask that anyway, even without the prospect of success ;) ). When a conversation has started, I will wait with the(/a mild) warning about the abuse until the conversation is over. If no conversation is happening, I will simply warn them about insulting people. If they don't stop after several warnings, I'll ban them for an appropriate amount of time.

Well, I hope I didn't forget anything. :roll:

Re: Questionary for people who want to be GMs

Posted: 16 Jan 2010, 17:02
by dayve
Common sence like this is why you are respected and we want you to return. You and Tiana could be the voice of reason here. Or maybe sanity?

Re: Questionary for people who want to be GMs

Posted: 22 Jan 2010, 19:06
by Dude
1. What is the best way to help a new player who just started playing the game in your opinion (when you are not a game master but just a normal player)?
Talking to them, making them aware of the ability to ask for help (while not begging!), and helping them with certain quests (short swords!)

2. When you would have the ability to spawn items using a GM command, who would get what from you?
I kind of like how Cappy throws spawn parties...Dont think I'd give anyone anything beyond that.

3. You are a GM, get online and immediately receive reports about these behaviors by different players about different players. Please order them by your priority in dealing with them:
1. scamming
2. advertisement for other servers
3. botting
4. spamming
5. insults
6. not speaking english in public

4. A player disagrees with your decisions and starts to insult you in public. How would you react?
First, tell them that if they disagree with my decision that they can create a thread in the forums. If the insulting continues, I would ask them to stop...and ultimately, if it looks like spam, *BANHAMMER* (I'd really prefer to just ignore them, maybe go invisible and see if they stop, but at some point if they cross that line...)

Re: Questionary for people who want to be GMs

Posted: 23 Jan 2010, 03:24
by Narus
1. What is the best way to help a new player who just started playing the game in your opinion (when you are not a game master but just a normal player)?
For me the best way to help new players is introduce yourself and ask them if they want help with anything. I believe that some players want to discover the game for themselves. So if they need help show them Tulimshar, the npcs there like Aidan and Ishi and of course Elanore. Another things that I think is very important is show them how to whisper, this is even more important if the person is not an English speaker. Another thing that I usually do is send them to the wiki to see the walk through for quests and the forums so they can read what we are doing in game. And if you have time and you want, try to know them a little maybe you´ll find a new friend :D

2. When you would have the ability to spawn items using a GM command, who would get what from you?
I don't believe is fair to spawn anything. In game we are all equals so, if I do something for anyone, all should have the same right.

3. You are a GM, get online and immediately receive reports about these behaviors by different players about different players. Please order them by your priority in dealing with them:
-advertisement for other servers
-not speaking English in public

a) botting: first see if the "bot" is in fact a bot, talking to him. If is necessary take him to bot check and explain the two minutes limit to respond.
b) not speaking English in public: public announce that English in public is a rule and c) ask the spammer to stop, that can be done from the bot check room when you are waiting the 2 minutes limit. If the time expired and the person is a botter he will get a ban. Then I will take screen shots to have proof of that and post them latter in the Court house with the report of the ban.
d)scamming: explain to that person that we cannot do anything against scammer so next time he/she need to be more careful of his/her actions.
e)insults: talk to that person and see if he stop and if not act in consequence.
f) advertisement from other servers: I do not think this is allowed, but talk to the person who want the announce and if everything is OK make it.

4. A player disagrees with your decisions and starts to insult you in public. How would you react?
I will not react, he have the right to disagree with me, but if he insult me or others, I will talk to him so he stop that, if he continues I will ban him. I really believe that not everyone need to think like me or like my actions, but the GM job brings responsibilities. so insults cannot be tolerated.

Well thats all... regards.

Re: Questionary for people who want to be GMs

Posted: 23 Jan 2010, 11:18
by Katze
Oh, so? what is the trick question? I'd be interested. Well and if there was a trick question, I'd be interested in what it was. I think those are all more or less trick questions...

Or was it the thing about spawning items? Well...If it WERE possible, to spawn items, I would not do it, regardless of the fact that it is not possible when you are a GM. So I don't see what you mean. PM me to explain, please. ;) :P

Re: Questionary for people who want to be GMs

Posted: 23 Jan 2010, 16:30
by Crush
I also wonder why no one pointed out yet that advertisement for other servers isn't against the rules either as long as it doesn't become spamming. I just added that as a trick question to weed out the over-zealous.

Re: Questionary for people who want to be GMs

Posted: 23 Jan 2010, 18:58
by dayve
Lord of the Flies wrote:Scamming isn't against the rules. Although I just read your list Katze not your explanation. Sorry you passed!
I have been there when rule 6 was used to get the scammer to return the item.

Re: Questionary for people who want to be GMs

Posted: 24 Jan 2010, 09:47
by meway
Well If we want to put it this way
1. What is the best way to help a new player who just started playing the game in your opinion (when you are not a game master but just a normal player)?
read previous post
2. When you would have the ability to spawn items using a GM command, who would get what from you?

I was aware that low level gm's were without this command
3. You are a GM, get online and immediately receive reports about these behaviors by different players about different players. Please order them by your priority in dealing with them:
plz read my previous post it still apply's here
-advertisement for other servers
player's who have site names have been banned before If I remember correctly
Depends on who your insulting, I'm really sorry but If you are doing this to a gm you are a cocky idiot and if the gm's can't do anything about it when you already know they have a bann hammer than they are pussy's and I guess give you the right to insult them :roll:. If I had to I would ignore the insults if "was required of a gm"
-not speaking english in public
well if spamming of the alternate language (not english) occures, well why not bann that person mhm maybe 5m if asked by someone to speak english already or if you know that the player knows english already bann and make a forum post and don't unbann them untill maybe the next time you pop online :lol: no really this only this will give them the point to speak english in public chat.
speaking of point you could point them to other server's that allow other languages in public chat.

Well what am I suppose to do? give the person item that they "say" got taken. please don't even ask a gm they can't do anything for you accept tell you that they cant do anything for you oh and if your nice say sorry for your loss

just don't do it If I was a gm you would be kicked and if you continued after that bann for an hour because the server did'nt handle you
4. A player disagrees with your decisions and starts to insult you in public. How would you react?
well I think its safe to do it in this order: laugh at them, point at the abuse section of the forum, watch them get laughed at some more, and once again laugh at them oh and if your nice tell them sorry that you feal that way :(

This secound post is my real oppinoun on how gm's should be. No lies. I'm steping up like that ^ instead of stuping down to the wrest of the idoits who are afraid to say what they would really "want to do" if they were a gm.
There is no trick questions here only oppinioun based thoughts that mostly look phoney and like what the system wants you to hear. Don't get me wrong this post is not anarchy.

For a previous comment in my post (Thought of a timed bann) Incase there is no option for this and a Dev wants to point that out. I do Have a clock on my pc and I can read time :wink:

Re: Questionary for people who want to be GMs

Posted: 15 Feb 2010, 07:12
by Leela
1. What is the best way to help a new player who just started playing the game in your opinion (when you are not a game master but just a normal player)?
If the new player wants help, he will say so. Then he tells me what he wants to know and I tell him e.g. about the npcs in Tulimshar. Of course if someone is just running in circles confused (sounds stupid now but i saw that) I would ask, if help is needed.

2. When you would have the ability to spawn items using a GM command, who would get what from you?
I would not spawn items for anyone. That is cheating. (but gms don't have the level needed)

3. You are a GM, get online and immediately receive reports about these behaviors by different players about different players. Please order them by your priority in dealing with them:
1 botting
2 spamming
3 not speaking english in public
4 insults
5 scamming
6 advertisement for other servers

explanation to this:
botters are gaining xp while afk. This is not allowed.
A spammer doesn't gain xp, that is why that is dealed on the second place.
Not speaking english in public doesn't hurt anyone even if it is against the rules. It is just annoying, and we have "ignore"
Insults are very annoying and often enough it is not just insulting but trolling with sit-stand on people or trade spam... stuff like that. So I would observe that for some time and if it wouldn't stop warn and if needed ban for 1 or 2 hours.
Scamming and advertisement isn't against the rules.
Scamming is not against the rules (afaik) so I would maaaybeee talk to the scammer or at least say something in public about scamming.
advertisement as long as it is not spammed doesn't harm anyone and isn't against the rules. I would do exactly nothing

4. A player disagrees with your decisions and starts to insult you in public. How would you react?
I wouldn't react as long as it is not spamming. Sometimes people do the insulting thing to try out how far they can go. So don't let it become spam. The insulting player has no problem with me as person, but with my decision so why react?

cu ingame

Re: Questionary for people who want to be GMs

Posted: 16 Feb 2010, 14:05
by potaton
1.The best way to help is to explain how to become stronger so they can fend for themselves.
2. I wouldn't spawn any items for me or anyone else.
3. Botting,Spamming,Advertisement For Other Servers,Scamming,Insults,Not Speaking In English.
4. Unless the insults were profane and extremely insulting, I wouldn't react. :D

Re: Questionary for people who want to be GMs

Posted: 16 Feb 2010, 15:10
by Moiraine Damodred
Good topic since it can give insight into a players way of thinking.
I am going to answer this to see if I still believe the same way if I ever get to become one :D (I've surprised myself several times with these kinds of forumposts).

1. What is the best way to help a new player who just started playing the game in your opinion (when you are not a game master but just a normal player)?
In general I would tell them that there is a forum for questions and a wiki with alot of anwsers. That the wiki explains about stats, how and where to level, quests and magic. And that the wiki is a good place to start and/or handy to have when playing. A 1st time mmorpg player will benefit alot from the wiki. A new player to TMW with a basic understanding of stats also would benefit from the parts on the wiki about quests and magic.
That is if they want to. I have met several people that would rather run around in search of npc's that offer quests :D

In-game I would suggest talking to all the NPC's that are in town. And that they should be able to find the skills "emote", "trade", "party" and the monsterpoints at the NPC's. That the menhir is a save/respawn spot.
And then to go kill some maggots but to be very wary of monsters that have "black scorpion" underneath them. LOL Since death does not cost 1% xp ...

2. When you would have the ability to spawn items using a GM command, who would get what from you?

Nothing. Players have to work for their items :+
I would however inaugurate my GM'ness with a spawn party though :D

3. You are a GM, get online and immediately receive reports about these behaviors by different players about different players. Please order them by your priority in dealing with them:
-advertisement for other servers
-not speaking english in public

My priority would be to take up reports that take the least time first.

- insults: can be proven with a screenshot. Easy to assess and easy to deal with.
- spamming: can be proven with a screenshot. Easy to assess and easy to deal with.
- advertisement for other servers: can be proven with a screenshot. Easy to assess and easy to deal with.
(these 3 basically are sort of the same).
- not speaking english in public: not serious enough. Need to witness it while happening. It is the sort of thing players can get around by sitting somewhere else.
- scamming: action is just talking to the player reporting it. Since it is not a GM's task to make sure deals are done as agreed upon.
- botting: takes time to find a bot. Might even take several days in investigating since a player might not be botting all the time.

4. A player disagrees with your decisions and starts to insult you in public. How would you react?

Ignoring would be a mistake since it would give reason to believe a player can say anything to anyone. And I believe a GM should never put players on ignore.
A GM needs to be firm and strict but fair. So I would give at least 3 warnings. Mostly because the player might miss a message. When the player does acknowledge understanding my warning and keeps going on in public I would start with a 1 hour ban. Maybe followed by an e-mail or forum discussion with the player.

Re: Questionary for people who want to be GMs

Posted: 16 Feb 2010, 17:41
by Cotillion
To show the community your attitude towards this whole GM thing I would like to ask those who think that they would make good game masters to answer a few questions. I think that this will help the players to judge you more objectively during the current GM voting.

This is NOT an official request from the GHP. You don't have to fill this out to become a game master. Not posting your answers in this thread will not affect your chance to be chosen by the GHP as a game master.

1. What is the best way to help a new player who just started playing the game in your opinion (when you are not a game master but just a normal player)? -- The best way to help a new player is to allow them to experience the game as much for themselves as possible. I direct them towards the newbie quests to get started and give a brief overview of the 'lay of the lands'. I let them run at this for a bit before checking up on them again. If they have had some success I tell them to continue playing, inform them of the website and IRC server as good place to get more information about TMW. I normally make a run a bit later and will check on their progress. When they have had more success I will direct them to Hurnscald and set them in the direction of the pinkie quest (because the scythe is the best weapon on the game, but that is covered in a different thread).
2. When you would have the ability to spawn items using a GM command, who would get what from you?-- None. Ever. End of Discussion.
3. You are a GM, get online and immediately receive reports about these behaviors by different players about different players. Please order them by your priority in dealing with them:
(6)-advertisement for other servers
(3)-not speaking english in public
4. A player disagrees with your decisions and starts to insult you in public. How would you react?-- I suppose it would depend on what decision they have a problem with. If my decision had a forum post, I would direct them to the forum to review the evidence posted and also direct them to the posted rules. If this was something else, I would explain which rule I was enforcing and that my decision has been made. If the insults continue I would give warning before a temporary ban would be issued. If the insults turned then to a disagreement and not insults, I would simply go invisible and make some bot checking rounds. There is always lots to do as a GM.

Re: Questionary for people who want to be GMs

Posted: 27 Feb 2010, 12:11
by Zalmithius
These answers are coming from four years of personal experience as a GM on a private ROSE Online server. I'm not looking for the position here as it is tiring and I'm currently a student in College, and would just like to give some input in the case that you may want it.

1. What is the best way to help a new player who just started playing the game in your opinion (when you are not a game master but just a normal player)?
Giving them pointers is usually best as a regular player, pointing them to the forums, giving them tips about things new players commonly miss or mess up. Possibly helping them out with purchasing some inexpensive starting equipment, but no more than that as they need to learn how to fend for themselves. Introducing them to more people and being available for questions always helps.

2. When you would have the ability to spawn items using a GM command, who would get what from you?
Winners of events are usually the only allowed recipients of spawned items, on private servers players may also donate for items (pays for the server bills). I would need to check with the admins to see what items would be allowed for event spawns.

3. You are a GM, get online and immediately receive reports about these behaviors by different players about different players. Please order them by your priority in dealing with them:
1. botting
2. insults
2. scamming
3. spamming
4. not speaking english in public
5. advertisement for other servers

As there are no rules stating that they may not advertise other servers I wouldn't act against it, unless asked by an admin or, if they were doing it to the point of spamming, they would receive a warning for spamming. Though in the world of private servers, this would be a top priority.

Scamming and insults are fairly close to being on the same level, so I would likely take care of the insults first and then the scamming later since scamming often requires a more thorough investigation (which often requires admin powers, to view server logs).

4. A player disagrees with your decisions and starts to insult you in public. How would you react?
I would make sure they knew that they were free to disagree with me, and remind them that I count as another player and insulting other players is forbidden. I would suggest that they give me a logical reason for disagreeing or to just state their opinion and leave it alone. If they persist with insults I would likely give them a short mute, and persisting after that would probably end in me checking with an admin to see what I could do further.