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Re: [REQ] Egyptian Npc/Monsters

Posted: 09 May 2013, 08:10
by Nard
Korcha wrote:I am putting these on hold indefinitely. Not that interested in them anymore. The perspective (particularly the back frames) really irritates me for some reason, more so when animating. Guess I found my kryptonite. =/
Max "Shade" Fellwalker is an artist I do like. She contributed to a shareware game called "Realmz" a long time ago. Among her contributions was this mob:
Image Image (Medusa)

just in case it brings you extra nice ideas :D
The attitudes are so nice and break game uniformity! I'd like to use the smith for Heathin (ring, terranite Armor....) in Tulim...

Re: [REQ] Egyptian Npc/Monsters

Posted: 12 May 2013, 20:47
by Nard
TMW Brasil has licences GPL and or CC by SA

I want the smith for Tulim Forge <3
Critics please (background is only for prsentation):
Terra_Smith_1.png (4.17 KiB) Viewed 10729 times

Re: [REQ] Egyptian Npc/Monsters

Posted: 13 May 2013, 20:23
by Reid
Nard wrote:TMW Brasil has licences GPL and or CC by SA

I want the smith for Tulim Forge <3
Critics please (background is only for prsentation):
Nice work, but it could be good to add some shading on the head (like on the head from the playerset) and a better texture for the right leg, as it looks too flat right now.

Re: [REQ] Egyptian Npc/Monsters

Posted: 13 May 2013, 21:44
by ChefChelios
do you remember this one? it is my old avatar... it shows how a blacksmith npc could look like if animated...

Re: [REQ] Egyptian Npc/Monsters

Posted: 13 May 2013, 22:56
by Nard
ChefChelios wrote:do you remember this one? it is my old avatar... it shows how a blacksmith npc could look like if animated...
I did not know it. :( It looks damned good too! Now I am embarrassed :P

Reidy, I agree with you. A good friend of mine contributed to make it better ( see below) :) Also I agree with him that there are other weird things: A smith would never hammer a piece of metal while sitting XD, nor use a so big mace. His right shoulder and arm seems over dimensioned to me and I could not make it better with colors and relief. Also I tried to keep Korcha's style as much as possible, and not introduce too much anti aliasing, simply because I like it. I tried to put it onto a map, and it looks quite good. The style difference with chars is no more important than some other NPCs.
Terra_Smith_2.png (4.26 KiB) Viewed 10680 times
I am not sure if I can do much better at the moment. :?

To be compatible with GPL here is the source code:

Code: Select all

/* GIMP RGBA C-Source image dump (Terra_Smith_2.c) */

static const struct {
  guint  	 width;
  guint  	 height;
  guint  	 bytes_per_pixel; /* 3:RGB, 4:RGBA */ 
  gchar  	*comment;
  guint8 	 pixel_data[128 * 97 * 4 + 1];
} gimp_image_terra_smith = {
  128, 97, 4,
  "GPLv3 and following.",
[Edit by crush: Redacted hundreds of more lines of image data spread over several posts]

Re: [REQ] Egyptian Npc/Monsters

Posted: 16 May 2013, 13:53
by Crush
I removed some off-topic posts. This is not the place to talk either about how I moderate the forum nor about fundamental discussions regarding licensing.

Re: [REQ] Egyptian Npc/Monsters

Posted: 25 May 2013, 14:43
by Len
ChefChelios wrote:here is my mouboo sphinx and the pyramids.
o11c wrote:AFAICT it is technically within the perspective guidelines, but it just looks wrong
no it wasnt within the perspective guidelines... it was 2 much a front view.. :P
If you're only going to make one pyramid it doesn't really need to be tileable in the traditional sense (if you're not going to reuse it why worry about it). Also while I'm aware we don't need this pyramid to be to scale with the real world, it would be nice if a megalithic structure known for its size was at least somewhat reflected in game. Your also missing out on a lot of creative opportunities by having it at such a small scale, for instance we could have a few blocks that fell off it (or weren't used in its construction) halfway buried in the sand throughout the map. Lastly its color is a little too much like the sand, it doesn't really stand out all that much.

Re: [REQ] Egyptian Npc/Monsters

Posted: 26 May 2013, 12:27
by Chicka-Maria
There will be more than one pyramid for different quests. The pyramids with the missing blocks would be interesting to use for decoration for the setting or quests as well. Problem is we need artists who are willing to help create those things.


Re: [REQ] Egyptian Npc/Monsters

Posted: 13 Feb 2014, 11:25
by Lizandra
Merging in my old proposal: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=14902&start=45

Could be one of the temples... I would like to work on this too

Re: [REQ] Egyptian Npc/Monsters

Posted: 13 Feb 2014, 22:42
by Chicka-Maria
I wouldn't mind getting back into this project as well. Things have been so hecktic i haven't had the chance to work on it. Blue prints are still being made and it would be nice to have a few new desert monsters too or the snake lord to be finished for the temple XD


Re: [REQ] Egyptian Npc/Monsters

Posted: 13 Feb 2014, 22:52
by Lizandra
Fother is the mobs guy... where is he anyway?

Re: [REQ] Egyptian Npc/Monsters

Posted: 14 Feb 2014, 04:07
by salmondine
found these again a few minutes ago they are concepts, not at correct perspective, but a good start maybe for related fringe.
I made these about same time I did tut mask
knoptic-jarp.png (2.36 KiB) Viewed 10155 times
knoptic-jar-A.png (1.87 KiB) Viewed 10155 times
knoptic-h.png (1.92 KiB) Viewed 10155 times

Re: [REQ] Egyptian Npc/Monsters

Posted: 14 Feb 2014, 20:22
by wushin
Feel free to make a card on trello with all of these under the same topic or just link the forum post from trello. just so we don't lose it again.

Re: [REQ] Egyptian Npc/Monsters

Posted: 20 Feb 2014, 13:08
by Speiros02
Aeli suggested mummies as a monster. I guess here would be a good place for them. Any thoughts?

Re: [REQ] Egyptian Npc/Monsters

Posted: 18 Aug 2014, 14:33
by bagzie
Some WIP stuff for a desert temple. It is not explicitly egyptian because I feel that wouldn't fit in. Also I'm too lazy to look for references to make it look proper. But anyways I'm just posting this so I don't forget.