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Re: How did you come here?

Posted: 12 Feb 2014, 10:39
by nuLlscRATch
Thank You Cassy.

Re: How did you come here?

Posted: 05 Mar 2014, 12:47
by bugs
I forget how I came here. Years ago :alt-4:

Re: How did you come here?

Posted: 26 Mar 2014, 19:44
by Amarynthus
I'm not sure how I got here - I hope to eventually find out.

I just woke up one day naked and confused. Luckily this kind woman took me in and gave me some old clothes and helped me get back on my feet.

Maybe it was one to many cactus-drinks. It must have been a wild night.

Since then I've been traveling and finding work where I can. I've been living mostly off of acorns I steel from squirrels. I also get the occasional cake or beer from these nice people in town who give me things for helping get rid of some nasty critters.

I mostly sleep on park benches, or just out in the woods. When I sleep I dream of another life - one not nearly so simple, but much more civilized. In my dreams there are all sorts of tools and technologies, and people live so well they can spend good portions of their lives pretending to be fictional characters just for entertainment. In my dreams I have a regular job, teaching and tinkering with computers. But then I wake to another day of chasing around squirrels and angry trees, bandits and scorpions, and all sorts of other creature.

Re: How did you come here?

Posted: 09 Jul 2014, 03:52
by yorielin
Hy im new here, by the way :alt-0:
well, i played an old mmorpg (i dont have to say the name am i?), i like that game, and then everything is going weird,
people do not care each other, no more interaction, people jusr want to play on their own so im trying to find a new one, that maybe provide same basic characteristic of game, but better interaction, im goin on google, through some list of online rpg and i find this one :alt-7:
and yeah! thins one is totally awsome :alt-0:

Re: How did you come here?

Posted: 09 Jul 2014, 09:17
by LordMerc
I found it through steam greenlight page basically

Re: How did you come here?

Posted: 10 Jul 2014, 10:23
by willee
debtags search 'game::mud'

Re: How did you come here?

Posted: 19 Aug 2014, 07:02
by cbuhka
long-long time ago....
first i played "to test what is 2d mmorpg", it was one of first linux gaming experience, later i've played RO, than because bought PC where was "unable" to play RO. Thanks to mahon(sorry i don't really remember nick) and geroin i "became" "strong" to be archer, than I've got contact with Johanne, she helped me a lot too. Than i continued playing 1 summer. But while i was at high school I told myself "NO" in playing mmorpgs, because it was my second high school. I've droped RO, because of its sizes and boring playing. But after I've got 80+ level in TMW i got bored too and now making only events.

Total posts: 6

Re: How did you come here?

Posted: 14 Sep 2014, 23:30
by gator
I ran across TMW when I started using Ubuntu - always wanted a Linux based PC and I found TMW on the Package Manager. Actually it was my first MMORPG. Met some great people and made a few good friends which is always a big plus!

Re: How did you come here?

Posted: 16 Sep 2014, 03:27
by Serene
I was bored looking through the linux software manager's games tried a few and found TMW.

Re: How did you come here?

Posted: 29 Oct 2014, 12:40
by alexander1006
Used to play another 2D MMO but bored and came here~

Re: How did you come here?

Posted: 02 Nov 2014, 08:32
by DaRK-mY
I came here looking for lighter games online


Re: How did you come here?

Posted: 02 Nov 2014, 14:46
by wushin
Awesome, P.S. map error fixed as well. (If you see a Something Tile it means map bug now.)

Re: How did you come here?

Posted: 04 Nov 2014, 02:51
by gumi brought me here

Re: How did you come here?

Posted: 14 Dec 2014, 20:24
by rutun

Code: Select all

aptitude search rpg
Started playing 5 days ago, level 30 now.

Re: How did you come here?

Posted: 13 Jan 2015, 08:13
by Gajah looking for a portable and lightweight online game, and i found you! :alt-0: