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Elven Holidays

Posted: 27 Jul 2004, 10:09
by ElvenProgrammer
Yes it's time also for me, what to say? I think the project will stop for a week, but I hope when I'll come back more relaxed everything will go faster!

Anyway I'll be leaving friday 30 and I'll be back on sunday 8. Please don't leave The Mana World alone...

If you're inetersted I'm going here:


Posted: 27 Jul 2004, 16:37
by Genis
cool, have fun, and I hope it doesnt stop, I hope I have inventory done for you before you get back

Well Have fun!
talk to you in a week

Posted: 27 Jul 2004, 17:06
by Ultramichy
yeah,yeah go leav us alone, you don't even do anything for the projekt :lol:

I wish you have great holidays.

And maybe i have a surprise when you get back :-D.

Posted: 29 Jul 2004, 15:02
by Nevilytis
i rest when am dead

Enjoy yourself and dont pee in the water (viruses, only cure..... chop it off)

So long...

Posted: 04 Aug 2004, 03:13
by blood618^_^
its been a Week Mr. Elven ... where are you now ??? still on vacation ???


oh never mind... i was gonna ask you a lot of things... since LAST Week.. but i guess im on a wrong timing... i hope yoiu return Image soon... because i really need to show you my stuff... about your game... it fits on your Game Really... wait for my Image updates...

Mr. Elven If You Read This Please PM me... i really need to talk to you personally... regarding the Issues... thankee

I have more than 100 Graphics and 50 WAV files in my home.... and its all created by me and my friend... i know you would love to see it so you really need to go back here now ;)

and i think you needs a tons of programming for these Babies :P Image you better take Image hahahaa

goodluck Mr. Elven :P have fun :D

Posted: 04 Aug 2004, 04:20
by krismichael

If you have some questions maybe you can ask the rest of the group? Eleven won't be back for 4 or 5 more days.

All of us are pretty busy working on the project, so if you need some help with something just ask.

About the thing that was in my mind

Posted: 04 Aug 2004, 11:14
by blood618^_^
sorry if my sentence is harsh for some ears

I know this is not a good start to me but i guess i should say it

this game was Deleted from the projects of Vidar... one of my friend is in here

sakura was here... one of the members of Vidar... and the elven programmer... i dont know him right now in this forums... and i forgot his name in the Vidar forums too... i want to ask his name... and what is the reason of project deletion in the S.D.K.

I dont have any knowledge about C++ (as in NON... Zero) but if you can teach me on how things work ... i can give up my time to work... just to programme...

I think the proof of my ... as i call my Responsive Existence is at the Vidar Forum.... im always active at many places there (see total post)

I want to know if Elven is that person i ask about Mirroring the Web site.. i still didnt do it... its because i thought the project was cancelled

and of course Sakura too... they are the only person who knows that... because they are the ones at the vidar forums...

I Want to help... REALLY WANT TO.... and PLEASE... help me too... Image

i dont want to Image my existence in the Forums...