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Leo! For GM.

Posted: 15 Jan 2011, 13:58
by DarkLord
Ok, now do not vote no because it is me making this post and alot of you hate me. This is about Leo, I am just suggesting him for GM.

Experienced player
Liked by all players who know him
Played for 4-5 years
Knows all the rules and how everything works

I hope you people will consider Leo for GM.

Thank you

EDIT: I know people dislike me but over the year of not playing TMW I have changed alot and I am alot more mature now, and me being a dick wasn't all me but I won't get into that, I am asking for forgiveness, and for us to all just be happy without arguing over the internet.

Re: Leo! For GM.

Posted: 15 Jan 2011, 14:15
by Leo
Although I haven't played for a while, I have decided to start playing The Mana World again. I personally think that since new content has been added, not many newer players know me.

Although I will (if given enough votes) accept the position, I do hope people take the above statement into account.
Just my opinion. Oh, and please check rule no. 18 before voting (to stop unfair 'no votes' from people who do not know me).


Re: Leo! For GM.

Posted: 15 Jan 2011, 21:24
by MrDemonWolf
good luck hope it works out for you seen you around here and there you seem like a nice enough player. I still don't know you well enough to vote in my opinion so not going to sorry good luck to you though.

Re: Leo! For GM.

Posted: 15 Jan 2011, 21:48
by WildX ... 25&t=11647
Anyway, I don't see katze since..what..2 months? o.O

Re: Leo! For GM.

Posted: 15 Jan 2011, 21:53
by Alige
I rarely saw Leo! in the "ungm'd" zone. But if that changes, why not Leo! as a GM? hurray! :mrgreen:

Re: Leo! For GM.

Posted: 16 Jan 2011, 00:58
by DarkLord
Thank you for your vote, Ali-G and your kind comments to Leo, all of you. I obviously think Leo is an excellent candidate for GM but what I don't understand is the amount of people who voted no. If it's because I started the post, you should not be reflecting your opinions on Leo because of what you may think of me. Do not vote unless you know the player and it's your opinion that he would be a good GM or not. You should be basing your votes on seeing Leo in game and knowing him, and whether you actually think he would be a good GM and not because of me nominating him. Thank you

EDIT: Ali-G, you may not have seen Leo much in game because of the time differences :P anyway, just pointing that out and I'm sure Leo will appreciate your votes.

Re: Leo! For GM.

Posted: 16 Jan 2011, 12:36
by WildX
DarkLord wrote:Thank you for your vote, Ali-G and your kind comments to Leo, all of you. I obviously think Leo is an excellent candidate for GM but what I don't understand is the amount of people who voted no. If it's because I started the post, you should not be reflecting your opinions on Leo because of what you may think of me. Do not vote unless you know the player and it's your opinion that he would be a good GM or not. You should be basing your votes on seeing Leo in game and knowing him, and whether you actually think he would be a good GM and not because of me nominating him. Thank you

EDIT: Ali-G, you may not have seen Leo much in game because of the time differences :P anyway, just pointing that out and I'm sure Leo will appreciate your votes.
Look at the other polls, everyone gets a lot of no votes without a reason or a comment, it's not because of you :P

Re: Leo! For GM.

Posted: 16 Jan 2011, 15:07
by DarkLord
.:WildX:. wrote:
DarkLord wrote:Thank you for your vote, Ali-G and your kind comments to Leo, all of you. I obviously think Leo is an excellent candidate for GM but what I don't understand is the amount of people who voted no. If it's because I started the post, you should not be reflecting your opinions on Leo because of what you may think of me. Do not vote unless you know the player and it's your opinion that he would be a good GM or not. You should be basing your votes on seeing Leo in game and knowing him, and whether you actually think he would be a good GM and not because of me nominating him. Thank you

EDIT: Ali-G, you may not have seen Leo much in game because of the time differences :P anyway, just pointing that out and I'm sure Leo will appreciate your votes.
Look at the other polls, everyone gets a lot of no votes without a reason or a comment, it's not because of you :P
Yes, that is true. The only reason I'm so paranoid about it is because I did a suggestion for Leo like a year ago and and people said I have "doomed his chances" which is complete and utter rubbish because when people vote they should be reflecting the vote on the player, in this case 'Leo!' and not their personal opinions on me.

Re: Leo! For GM.

Posted: 16 Jan 2011, 15:28
by Reid
We need a new GM?

Re: Leo! For GM.

Posted: 17 Jan 2011, 11:49
by WildX
Reid wrote:We need a new GM?
That's also what i said.
Where are you from Leo? AFAIK we need only an australian GM...

Re: Leo! For GM.

Posted: 17 Jan 2011, 12:14
by Alige
A French one too... Cause a french GM will play mostly day time so from 8am to 6pm server time where no GMs are online.

Re: Leo! For GM.

Posted: 17 Jan 2011, 15:38
by Falloutboy
Not all french player could play from 8am to 6pm...
Anyway, Italian, german, and a lot of other european could be to...
Is this a suggestion that you could be a gm?

Re: Leo! For GM.

Posted: 17 Jan 2011, 17:05
by Alige
Being a GM isn't my objective, I just help where I can: on wiki, on forum, in game, etc... and I do not ignore the rules. I do play a lot when GMs are not here and I try to make new people understand TMW's rules. I would love to be a DEV or a GM but I don't think I meet the criteria. Please post a new topic if you want me as GM.

Best wishes,

Re: Leo! For GM.

Posted: 17 Jan 2011, 22:11
by WildX
Falloutboy wrote:Not all french player could play from 8am to 6pm...
Anyway, Italian, german, and a lot of other european could be to...
Isn't our spanish GM enough for that? :wink:

Re: Leo! For GM.

Posted: 17 Jan 2011, 22:26
by Alige
AlOnS is rarely here between 7am and 6pm...