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empty folders in CVS

Posted: 05 Feb 2006, 14:41
by Crush
i just wondered: whats the purpose of all those empty folders on the cvs repository?

for example the folders Tmw, TMW or The Mana World in the root directory or the folders "graphic" or "map" in the data directory. are they some relict from past versions and noone bothered to delete them or do they have some purpose?

Posted: 05 Feb 2006, 17:03
by ElvenProgrammer
Tmw, TMW, The Mana World modules weren't there last time I checked, I guess someone with CVS access created them for error and I can exclude me, Hammerbear and Doener for that. We could maybe blame someone with little knowledge of CVS to have done it?
I'm going to disable CVS access to a lot of people lately because it seems people don't take care in using it, and they don't hear my advices, nor reply to them.
About the other folders, yes they're relict from past versions and noone removed them because CVS is a bit tricky with removing folders.

Posted: 09 Feb 2006, 22:22
by Bjørn
CVS isn't tricky at all with removing folders. It simply can't be done. When updating, you can use "cvs update -dP", where -d will take care that any new folders are created and -P will take care that any empty ones will be pruned (removed in your local checkout).

We actually did remove some folders before our move to SourceForge's CVS service, but maybe we shouldn't have done this. The problem is that when you remove a folder manually from the CVS server, all its history is lost forever.