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Lotus Village

Posted: 01 May 2012, 17:24
by Johnny
I know its not the greatest and I made this a long time ago. But hey I figured it may help someone I dunno.

Re: Lotus Village

Posted: 01 May 2012, 18:04
by Alige
Very nice sound!

However, TMW only uses musics under the .ogg format. Moreover, the music needs to loop over and over without being boring, this implies different parts in the music. Lastly, I'm pretty sure your electric keyboard is not correctly tuned but I might be wrong.

Keep it up,

Re: Lotus Village

Posted: 01 May 2012, 18:09
by Johnny
Thanx :). Yeah the reason its in mp3 format is because most of what I did in the past was uploaded to an old Newgrounds directory of mine. They were first made as midi, then recorded under different soundfonts. I did most of the music digitally using Anvil Studio when I used to be a Windows User and had a Soundblaster (I haven't used Windows since 2006 and now use the HD Audio that comes with my NVIDIA card) and didn't use my Piano keyboard. They all pretty much reside here:

I haven't made anything new in a long time but if I do and find a Linux program I'm confortable using or a way to hook my Kurtzweil Sp76 up to my PC with software, it will be in .ogg format.

P.S. Lotus Village is a modified version of China Blossem.

Re: Lotus Village

Posted: 01 May 2012, 18:51
by Chicka-Maria
Its a nice concept of melody, but it feels like its scratching my ear drums.. If you can remake this and modify it, it can be great for maybe a town. There is also to many pauses in the beggining for an MMORPG its best to keep the music flowing with shorter pauses if you feel its needed or maybe add an extra soft sound in the backround. Also you can convert files online, here is a website i sometimes use to convert audio:


Re: Lotus Village

Posted: 26 Oct 2012, 00:07
by dariunas
Thematically, it's a nice, but the main percussion could use some re-working in my opinon; some more variety and maybe a bit more on the side of natural. This could be achieved through the sounds themselves or just performing them 'live'.

Check out the Korean Village track from the Atlantica Online OST for a great example of this. Of course, we're talking another level with that track and there's a restriction with whatever samples you're working with, but the performance and the layering of a) all the various percussion with each other as well as b) the way the percussion sits around all the other instruments is great. (Well, I like it anyway) :) I don't expect that level to be achieved, but as a reference point, it's very apt.