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Global Annoucements for Cindy's Rescue

Posted: 10 Aug 2012, 13:58
by tux9th
I often hear that people desire some NPC who makes annoucements like Parua for Candor for Cindy as well.
I have never heared a way to do that. There is a request but no real way to do it. People say that potential Event Coordinators or GM40 Devs on the Mainserver shouldn't do stuff like that because it should be NPC work.

Yesterday I sat down looked at the Cindy script and thought about how to implement Global Annoucements for Cindy.
I figured out a few ways but I couldn't come up with a useable idea. All of my ideas were either stupid, didn't fit into the story line or opened up enormous potential for abuse. I'll tell them here anyway because I don't want people to think that noone ever bothered to think about it.

Some people requested a NPC where you could make Cindy announces:
I asked myself: Where should this NPC be, who should be this NPC, why should this NPC know beforehand that you need help for Cindy, how would I prevent the NPC from beeing used to terrorize people with Global Announcements.
I couldn't figure it out. What I came up with simply didn't make any sense.

Then I thought about implementing a timer into the Cindy script. But then again why a timer? "Cindy cries out for help as she hears the yetis approach. They will be here in 5 minutes" (maybe they took the wrong way to the cave? I don't know)
Plus if you do that you give the hero the chance to log off, log into his other char go to the cave and do the Yeti Quest for XP and Daily Points as often as he wants. One could say that this is possible already with 2 seperate accounts. That's true but why make it even easier?

So here I stand, not knowing how to implement this in a right way. I don't give up because I don't rely on my brains alone but on yours as well. Help me out. If we can find a way to do this right everyone could profit of it.
I'm happy to read what you think about it!

Re: Global Annoucements for Cindy's Rescue

Posted: 10 Aug 2012, 22:01
by Chicka-Maria
Well i dont think it would make sense to add a global for cindy. Cindy is a quest while candor is more of a mini game/arena atm. as you mentioned it would sound silly to have cindy crying for help and players just sitting there watching her cry for a "5 minute" announcement. lol though it would be kinda funny in a sick way. maybe get an announcement through the mother something like "let me gather my friends to save her" "there will be a gathering in 5 minutes to save cindy"

Re: Global Annoucements for Cindy's Rescue

Posted: 11 Aug 2012, 03:26
by Big Crunch
Chicka-Maria wrote:Well i dont think it would make sense to add a global for cindy. Cindy is a quest while candor is more of a mini game/arena atm.

Re: Global Annoucements for Cindy's Rescue

Posted: 13 Sep 2012, 23:07
by sango98
That's why most people asks Gms to announce Cindy quests