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Early Retirement

Posted: 11 Mar 2013, 20:21
by Tasisia
It is after 3.30 am and I can't sleep. My head aches, and I think I finally understand what the phrase "my head is pounding" means.

I have always been the peacemaker, the negotiator, always the one cursed to see "in shade of grey" never black and white.

Somehow, stupidly in my current isolation I felt compelled to read and read and read, all the chat logs, all the posts, and look for a magical solution to the current nasty situation. But I can't, of course I can't, who do I think I am?

That's when I realised that I have gone away from fighting for the causes that matter to me and putting my feelings, my passion, fleetingly towards a game that really in my opinion should never have made it to my list of things to care about.

I stand by everything I have said, and what I saw, I never had an agenda, I am an ordinary player who was upset that other, very nice people were and are very upset.

So I am snapping myself out of it. Tasisia, the character who is apparently still "new" after 3 years is being retired, from forum and from game.

All the best to everyone.

Relieved to have made the decision.

Going to sleep.

The only way to get the best of an argument is to avoid it.
Dale Carnegie
It is in the nature of the human being to seek a justification for his actions.
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
"A World Split Apart: The split in today's world is perceptible even to a hasty glance. Any of our contemporaries readily identifies two world powers, each of them already capable of entirely destroying the other. However, understanding of the split often is limited to this political conception, to the illusion that danger may be abolished through successful diplomatic negotiations or by achieving a balance of armed forces. The truth is that the split is a much profounder and a more alienating one, that the rifts are more than one can see at first glance. This deep manifold split bears the danger of manifold disaster for all of us, in accordance with the ancient truth that a Kingdom -- in this case, our Earth -- divided against itself cannot stand." From Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's Harvard Address Thursday, June 8, 1978

Re: Early Retirement

Posted: 11 Mar 2013, 20:28
by Piateluca
more drama? puhleeze!

Re: Early Retirement

Posted: 11 Mar 2013, 20:52
by Platyna
Tasisia, chill out, Elven is a resonable person, surely everything will be back to normal.


Re: Early Retirement

Posted: 12 Mar 2013, 02:47
by bell chick
tassisia as a player this stuff only has a minor affect on us. instead of retirement you need to withdaw from the drama. we all need to do it sometimes

Re: Early Retirement

Posted: 12 Mar 2013, 07:34
by Nard
bell chick wrote:tassisia as a player this stuff only has a minor affect on us. instead of retirement you need to withdaw from the drama. we all need to do it sometimes
just as your advice: you are unable to know about good persons. You are definitely either a troll or an empty nusthell.

Re: Early Retirement

Posted: 12 Mar 2013, 22:06
by Big Crunch
Tasisia it is sad that you have decided to leave. I hope you have enjoyed your time here and visit us again.


Thanks Big Crunch

Posted: 13 Mar 2013, 03:46
by Tasisia
Thanks Big Crunch. I appreciate your message. :D


Posted: 13 Mar 2013, 03:55
by Tasisia
All done! Finished yesterday giving away all Tasisia's stuff she is down to newb clothes now. LOL. I had spent a heap of time in the terranite caves & graveyard, so there was a lot to get rid of, took some time.

I was hovering over the delete character button but decided to give her away instead.

Don't regret the decision at all. Good luck all. :D

Re: Early Retirement

Posted: 13 Mar 2013, 06:17
by Ginaria
:( sad to read this...

Good luck on your way Tasisia, dont forget us, visit us sometimes... :)

Re: Early Retirement

Posted: 13 Mar 2013, 10:59
by GiGi
Thanks Tasisia. you will be missed. I have had fun fighting next to you, your reactions to tough enemies appearing(lol) your generosity towards others, including not only friends but complete strangers, and always your humour :)

I hope you ignored the comments of certain IRRELEVANT people who don't know you.

Speak soon :)