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VOTE: Who should rule TMW player world, Platyna+GHP or TMWC

Posted: 02 Apr 2013, 17:56
by blackrazor
It seems to me that the only group where the opinion is unanimous on the server move and Platyna's removal, is the TMWC. And that is problematic, since the TMWC voted itself into existence, including and excluding those who it saw fit.

I also find a server split problematic. Diluting the community into two servers will only hurt the community. The way I see it, the developers are responsible for the software code, scripts, and art assets. Those works are GPL licenced, and all is good with that; nothing changed there. Whomever ends up controlling the actual player world does nothing to change development.

But the whole community should have a say in the unprecedented transfer of power regarding the game world itself, from Platyna and the GHP, to the TMW Committee.

In this light, I have created a voting topic, where none existed before, to give the community a voice on who they prefer to be the rulers of their beloved TMW game world, specifically the one that was hosted on platinum since 2006. We should all have one world, united, and live with the choice of the community.

Re: VOTE: Who should rule TMW player world, Platyna+GHP or T

Posted: 02 Apr 2013, 18:00
by Crush
Your poll option don't make much sense: The "GHP" and the "TMW Committee" are the same people under a different name, and they won't work with Platyna anymore.

Your options are Platyna alone or TMW Committee, and you can choose for yourself by either playing on or

Re: VOTE: Who should rule TMW player world, Platyna+GHP or T

Posted: 02 Apr 2013, 18:04
by blackrazor
Platyna + GHP = Platyna as final arbiter, and a GHP consisting of those willing to work together and with her.

TMWC = TMW Committee

I hope those definitions clear up any confusion. Thanks for pointing out the unintentional ambiguity, Crush.


Also, for those who desire a united community, cutting it up into .net and .org is not really a viable option. But in the interests of choice, I will add a third option: cut the community in two, Platyna on .net and TMWC on .org

EDIT (again):

Argh, adding an option caused a reset of the vote count. Fortunately it was only up for a few minutes, but anyone who voted before will have to vote again, for their vote to count. Sorry for that.

EDIT (yet again):

I'm wondering if it is possible to restrict this poll to those forum members that have 20+ votes, identical to the restrictions on who can vote in a GM poll? Thanks ! This would be to prevent alts from influencing the vote. There may be better ways to facilitate a one player = one vote result, and I am open to any suggestions on that.

EDIT (ongoing thoughts on one player = one vote):

I wonder if cross-referencing with the manamarket "user-level=5+" list would be helpful to facilitate the desired one player = one vote, in general. That is likely an exceptionally well maintained and policed list, and while it's not perfect, I would suspect that any player in good standing, who has been here even a few months, and participates in the game and forums actively, will be on that list. Of course, I could be wrong, too.

Re: VOTE: Who should rule TMW player world, Platyna+GHP or T

Posted: 02 Apr 2013, 18:06
by Platyna
I can recreate GHP with those people who would like to join. As I said you, as software developers, have no right to copy files from my server and you have no right to force anything on those who run your software till they adhere to the license.

What was done is unlawful. Community will never respect you while this respect is required to lead any community.


Re: VOTE: Who should rule TMW player world, Platyna+GHP or T

Posted: 02 Apr 2013, 19:54
by templarwarrior
it should be obvious why going back to platyna isnt an option. with the new community we have active devs and we get new content. platyna has no active devs so there will be no new content. these are the only things a player should care about. all the political bs is just bs. ill take where we will actually get new content and tmwc is the only option

Re: VOTE: Who should rule TMW player world, Platyna+GHP or T

Posted: 02 Apr 2013, 19:59
by Platyna
You had the new content for 7 years, I don't think that it would change. It is just a propaganda. There are already several people who agreed to contribute the original server.

I think if we got rid of power hungry kids, who wants to influence every aspect of TMW at any price, that project would be refreshed nicely.

TMWC promised you many things they simply cannot do. They can't build a community by just taking away someone else work and having a bad reputation. They can't code more than they did, as I have never interfered with their development so they had all the freedom.
It all looks so nice and happy, but this is not true more than any TV commercial.


Re: VOTE: Who should rule TMW player world, Platyna+GHP or T

Posted: 02 Apr 2013, 20:04
by blackrazor
templarwarrior wrote:it should be obvious why going back to platyna isnt an option. with the new community we have active devs and we get new content. platyna has no active devs so there will be no new content. these are the only things a player should care about. all the political bs is just bs. ill take where we will actually get new content and tmwc is the only option
Practically all of the content you see in TMW today was done with Platyna as admin and host. If she could get devs to create content then, she can do it again. And many devs will continue to create content, regardless of who is in charge. It's not political B.S., it's about fairness, stability, how you want your game run, and who you want running it.

Re: VOTE: Who should rule TMW player world, Platyna+GHP or T

Posted: 02 Apr 2013, 20:05
by templarwarrior
so you can make new content without devs? wow thats awesome!

Re: VOTE: Who should rule TMW player world, Platyna+GHP or T

Posted: 02 Apr 2013, 20:08
by Platyna
It is not true that all the devs would leave if we changed the host back. It is the propaganda. Also I was a content developer myself. Developers come and go, this is normal in project like this.


Re: VOTE: Who should rule TMW player world, Platyna+GHP or T

Posted: 03 Apr 2013, 04:13
by gator
This whole thing is ridiculous. I dont really want anyone to "rule" me - I just want to come to a peaceful place and play and meet with my friends. And if I were to vote on something like this, I would want my vote to be anonymous - obviously this community is very biased and I dont want devs or admins making opinions on me just how I vote on something like this. I feel uncomfortable with this whole thing.

Re: VOTE: Who should rule TMW player world, Platyna+GHP or T

Posted: 03 Apr 2013, 05:05
by blackrazor
gator wrote:This whole thing is ridiculous. I dont really want anyone to "rule" me - I just want to come to a peaceful place and play and meet with my friends. And if I were to vote on something like this, I would want my vote to be anonymous - obviously this community is very biased and I dont want devs or admins making opinions on me just how I vote on something like this. I feel uncomfortable with this whole thing.
Rulership is a fact of how online games are run. Whether it's Platyna+GHP, or the new TMWC that overthrew her, there will always be people in charge, calling the shots. They won't be me or you (unless we strive to rise to those positions, I personally have not). Anyways, your vote is anonymous, the rest of us cannot see how you voted. Heck, you don't even need to post in the thread in order to vote.

I made this poll because I felt the community deserved a voice. I totally understand and respect if you feel uncomfortable, and no one is making you vote at all. I'm not sure how you found this thread, or what you may have been told, but no one is obligated to vote on this. You only vote if you want to.

Re: VOTE: Who should rule TMW player world, Platyna+GHP or T

Posted: 03 Apr 2013, 05:10
by Piateluca
Why not keep it all in just one thread? Is a bit like spams so many threads with the same stuff...

Re: VOTE: Who should rule TMW player world, Platyna+GHP or T

Posted: 03 Apr 2013, 05:26
by blackrazor
Piateluca wrote:Why not keep it all in just one thread? Is a bit like spams so many threads with the same stuff...
Because this one has a vote in it. I cannot add that to another thread already in progress. I wanted the community to have a voice with their votes.

Re: VOTE: Who should rule TMW player world, Platyna+GHP or T

Posted: 03 Apr 2013, 05:54
by Nard
I will not vote anymore in such polls because some "community" (If any) members think that their advice is of so high importance that they do not hesitate to use proxys to cheat them. (This applies to GM polls too). It is an issue that both servers will have to solve.

Note: btw this poll should have happened before the move (s), but thanks to bring it to front scene. I may add that EEC laws would have required that each player should have been asked explicitely about personal data transfer, "No" beeing the default. (US laws allows "Yes" by default)

Re: VOTE: Who should rule TMW player world, Platyna+GHP or T

Posted: 03 Apr 2013, 06:37
by Cassy
This poll is just theory without potential to change something, isn't it?

At least option #3 is the one nearly no one picked so far...