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Two Questionable activities in-game

Posted: 06 Jul 2014, 22:19
by Relm
Hi all,

There are two behaviors I've noticed we can do but I feel unsure whether they are allowed and should be allowed.

One is with regard to Manamarket. Can we, for example, put an acorn for sale at 100,000 GP on Manamarket and buy it on an alt for the purpose of raising the statistic of the value of acorns on Manamarket?

The other is with regard to portals/doorways in combat. Are we allowed to hit and run with doorways, for example, to ingrav yeti to death without being pummeled? Arguments could easily be made either way, so I thought it appropriate to ask.

Thanks all,

-Relm, 94 mage

Re: Two Questionable activities in-game

Posted: 06 Jul 2014, 23:03
by Reid
Lucifer wrote:One is with regard to Manamarket. Can we, for example, put an acorn for sale at 100,000 GP on Manamarket and buy it on an alt for the purpose of raising the statistic of the value of acorns on Manamarket?
That's a common thing in some other MMO (and even in real life) I remember a player in FF XIV that could change the price of some item just by faking such trade, it's a dirty thing but it should be an allowed thing.

Re: Two Questionable activities in-game

Posted: 06 Jul 2014, 23:32
by wushin
Agree with Reid. People will always try to be shifty on the market that's why a player should always be savvy.

Combat & Doors are worse than you think. There is a know Warp-Combat-Freeze-Mob bug.

Re: Two Questionable activities in-game

Posted: 07 Jul 2014, 02:10
by Relm
Looks like bat teeth are now worth over 12,000gp each! Wow!


Re: Two Questionable activities in-game

Posted: 07 Jul 2014, 06:14
by Cassy
Lucifer wrote:Looks like bat teeth are now worth over 12,000gp each! Wow!

Bat Teeth 1 500,000 Sun Jul 6 23:34:54 2014 :alt-=:

Some people...

Re: Two Questionable activities in-game

Posted: 07 Jul 2014, 12:36
by wushin
Remember folks, when doing statistics always sanitize for outliers. ... 07-017.pdf

Re: Two Questionable activities in-game

Posted: 07 Jul 2014, 15:18
by Crush
Regarding the Manamarket price statistics problem: I don't think there is a reliable way to tell a legit and a faked trade apart. Sure, the statistics could ignore outliers, but this could be countered by making a lot of fake-trades. Do enough trades which are outrageously overprized, and the reasonable trades will be singled out as outliers.

Re: Two Questionable activities in-game

Posted: 07 Jul 2014, 15:37
by wushin
Sanitizing survey data is about removing both Valid and Invalid data.

A nice trailing 12 month chart with outliers removed would more accurately display the mean "buy" of the item over time vs. a Snapshot of the current instance.

Outliers INCLUDE valid but outside a MEAN range. So it doesn't matter if you spammed a whole bunch in a day, it would take awhile for the whole of the price to rise due to the 12 month tail on each item. Thus the market could spike for 2-3 days but no effect the long term price of an object.

Re: Two Questionable activities in-game

Posted: 07 Jul 2014, 21:21
by Relm
Another method to deal with this issue is to view the manamarket price as an overestimate, which I view as a good rule of thumb. The manamarket slot is a valuable commodity itself, and if someone tries to fake a lower price they run the risk of someone else buying it out before them, or even the bot itself being programmed to buy it - you can't say it robbed you if it it pays the price you asked for.

Re: Two Questionable activities in-game

Posted: 07 Jul 2014, 22:45
by veryape
As in real life there is no "real value" to things. The only way to look at it is that if a seller is happy to sell for a price that someone is happy to buy for we have two people that are better off.

We have veeblen goods in game just as in real life.

Or do someone actually think that a luxuary watch is 5000 times better than an ordinary watch?