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SAXUM is make something against rules of game

Posted: 21 Dec 2015, 11:30
by warghost
my name on game is War_Ghost and i will tell something to GM.

SAXUM is make something against rules of game. he is opening 2 characters at same time and upgrade both at same time and he make that when GMs are not online. hit monster by warrior character then kill monster by mage character.and no make anyone upgrade level on graveyard inn.please GM help us.

Re: SAXUM is make something against rules of game

Posted: 21 Dec 2015, 11:40
by warghost
and he take double exp from monsters with doing that to upgrade character fast and take quests items.

Re: SAXUM is make something against rules of game

Posted: 21 Dec 2015, 12:48
by soseki
It is OK as along as only one character is moving or doing all the other stuff.

Re: SAXUM is make something against rules of game

Posted: 21 Dec 2015, 17:23
by deepthought
Weren't you also doing the same thing with War ghost and min d deadly ? You were posting this because i hunted your monsters right ? lol so childish. When you reported abuse against me, a gm was already there and has watched me hunting. If i was not following rules i would have got banned much much earlier.

Re: SAXUM is make something against rules of game

Posted: 21 Dec 2015, 18:12
by wushin
If you spot or think you see a bot you can always @wgm or make a post like this. As I'm sure all the GMs are forming their own opinions and pretty much marked SAXUM for a bot check the next couple times they are on.

Re: SAXUM is make something against rules of game

Posted: 22 Dec 2015, 03:21
by SriNitayanda
I was there when it happened, i answered to the @wgm of Warghost, he didn't answer back.
deepthought was active with 1 character at a time.
I warned both deepthought and warghost about this method of leveling alts (saw them both doing it), maybe warghost thought i am telling him not to do it anymore (which i wasn't). I just warned him that if he'll be caught being active with 2 characters at the same time he might get banned.