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Hidden pickup monster

Posted: 12 Feb 2016, 08:06
by sacriopsmen
I have a suggestion, that would in my opinion fit in to fix two or three issues as well as adding a lot of incentive to explore the game more fully.

So basically, it's hiding a few monsters in very remote places, with no easy access and no reason to give any, why ? because you the way is the first trial to a reward.

The second trial is the monster itself. I would like to make something accessible event to very low level players for the uses I suggest. I think a slime would be adapted. The idea is to have one with very high HP, somewhere around 10.000 but low attack and low dodging. It just has to be long and boring to kill it.

Why having a remote long and boring to kill monster ? to hide items inside ! I see it as a great way to create user organised events whenever we want, a great way to make us search the world again for these rooms with these slimes (it would be great if some of them were hidden behind a dialog, so you don't see them on nav tab) and finally, a great way for GM to reinsert rares (by dropping them in these slimes, doesn't generate any new ones), without favouring too much the high levels.

The hidden zones should be accessible, with a bit of dodging monsters, even by lvl 30 players.
I could help pinpoint locations already fitting this description.
There should be as many as possible to make the search of an hidden item longer and the discovery more rewarding.

These monsters should also be not too deceiving, not give 0 exp, but not as much as a zombie either, and give average drops and one rare themselves (thinking of a slime armour piece). I'm thinking of a "King slime" which is just a slime with a crown inside, dropping water bottles and a "slimy crown" rarely, with no damage at all and 10000 HP and good magic defence and average physical defence.

Thanks for considering my idea.