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[FUSION] Some changes on the New server

Posted: 13 Sep 2016, 14:27
by gumi
Read First: TMW / Evol fusion

Here's some answers to some questions that I get asked a lot.

Magic, Skills
Magic on the new server will still exist, but rather than being chat invocations (ie #itenplz) it will be skills. Skills allows us to do lots of things that we couldn't do before with chat invocations (ie area targeting). For now, only two spells have been converted into skills. It is likely that not all TMW spells will make it to the New game, but the New game might inherit some skills from Ragnarok Online (hardcoded into Hercules). Skills will not only be limited to mages, they will work with all builds, like in TMW, if your mana bar is not grey.

Respawn points, death penalty
The New game has no death penalty so far. This means you can still commit seppuku to your heart's content. Players will respawn in the last bed they used instead of in seemingly random spots like in TMW. The player can use any bed for free to set their respawn point or they can pay to stay in an inn. Unlike a normal bed, when using an inn your HP fully recovers on respawn.

The New server might not have all the items present on TMW (yet). This is mainly because they are made to use a player sprite that isn't compatible with the player sprite of the New server, so they would need to be converted/edited one by one. Evol does have some items that weren't in TMW though. New items will be introduced gradually as we make more quests or more maps/regions.

Maps, quests
TMW maps will need to be remapped with the new tilesets before going on the New server. We will also only release the maps when the related quests are finished so we don't end up with large empty areas with nothing to do. We might also pre-release some maps/quests (without remapping) on the Test Server as a demo.

Dye, augments, cards
Items on the New server will use a card system. All items will have 4 slots (although only one is usable right now) in which you can insert cards, which are special items that give additional properties to you items. Some cards will dye your items a different colors, while some other cards will give stat buffs to your items. Much more colors than was present on TMW will likely be available in the New game.

Where can I start playing?
There is no actual server for the New project yet. The Legacy servers for TMW and Evol are still online, and we test our content on The Mana World Test Server. You can still play on the test server or Evol server but your data might get wiped at some point. The data on the Legacy server of The Mana World will NOT get wiped/reset.

Disclaimer: When I say New server I mean the new tmw+evol combined server. When I say TMW I mean the Legacy server. When I say we I mean the tmw+evol dev team.

Re: [FUSION] Some changes on the New server

Posted: 14 Sep 2016, 13:52
by Amarynthus
Thanks for the update. It's encouraging for players - at least me - to get good information like this.

Re: [FUSION] Some changes on the New server

Posted: 17 Sep 2016, 10:44
by dragoon84
Are you still working in the fusion??

Re: [FUSION] Some changes on the New server

Posted: 17 Sep 2016, 21:27
by Reid
dragoon84 wrote:Are you still working in the fusion??

Re: [FUSION] Some changes on the New server

Posted: 17 Sep 2016, 22:18
by dragoon84
i ask because on TMW was a message saying something like "Fusion has begun" and with new update the message has gone :alt-2:

Re: [FUSION] Some changes on the New server

Posted: 17 Sep 2016, 23:09
by WildX
That is because it is no longer beginning, it's already happened.

Re: Server development Roadmap

Posted: 27 Sep 2016, 17:03
by dragoon84
omg so many thing for the new game.
Q: Will every one change between "tmw continent" and "evol continent"??

Re: [FUSION] Some changes on the New server

Posted: 27 Sep 2016, 17:10
by dragoon84
Crafting with cards?? Sounds like "Fly for Fun" ( 3D mmorpg) instead they use stones.
You have my support on this idea because i like to craft.

Re: [FUSION] Some changes on the New server

Posted: 27 Sep 2016, 23:47
by 4144
Crafting and cards is different. Cards is like gems what you can insert in existing items.
Crafting allow from one list of items create another items. Like minecraft/minetest.

Re: [FUSION] Some changes on the New server

Posted: 05 Oct 2016, 18:32
by dragoon84
Its really like the Fly for fun because the stones just had more atk and bonus to the existing items (weapons, etc).