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New Manaplus - (Jan 17, 2015).

Posted: 17 Jan 2015, 20:39
by Salius
New Manaplus version released - (Jan 17, 2015).

fix: char deletion (hercules)
fix: char deletion if connect to server with password from command line.
fix: multiply death dialogs.
fix: player position after warp if source and destination position heighs different.
add: allow set gender, race, look in char creation (hercules).
add: sound effects in emotes.
add: chat command for select general tab (/generaltab)
add: chat command for select debug tab (/debugtab)
add: chat command for select battle tab (/battletab)
add: chat command for select trade tab (/tradetab)
add: chat command for select lang tab (/langtab)
add: chat command for select gm tab (/gmtab)
add: chat command for select party tab (/partytab)
add: chat command for select guild tab (/guildtab)
add: for special tabs use channels (hercules)
remove: support for very old evol servers.

New Manaplus - (Jan 31, 2015).

Posted: 01 Feb 2015, 14:43
by Salius
New Manaplus version released - (Jan 31, 2015).

fix: mixed chat lines with colors and emotes.
fix: follow (hercules)
fix: auto join buildin channels (hercules)
fix: fps restoring after away mode (SDL2)
add: extend /tagetattack for support name argument.
add: cart support (hercules)
add: changed shop window to tabbed window.

New Manaplus - (Feb 14, 2015).

Posted: 15 Feb 2015, 17:08
by Salius
New Manaplus version released - (Feb 14, 2015).

fix: camera position if npc dialog was closed by server script command closedialog.
fix: make file for android.
fix: storing player relations if switch servers.
fix: storing attack mobs / pickups filter if switch server.
fix: weight bar in inventory and cart window.
add: personal sell shops support (hercules).
add: improve skill error messages.

New Manaplus - (Feb 28, 2015).

Posted: 28 Feb 2015, 15:03
by Salius
New Manaplus version released - (Feb 28, 2015).

fix: dont show empty tooltips in inventory.
fix: drop/store button in inventory.
fix: dont hide storage window by h key.
fix: cart status effect (hercules)
fix: direction issues (hercules)
add: buying stores support (hercules)
add: pet talk, change direction, emote, move (hercules)
add: mercenary, homunculus talk, emote (hercules)
add: online list support (hercules)
add: allow rename pet from menu (hercules)
add: action for heal most damaged player.
add: fast pet move in distance. left shift + left click.

New Manaplus - (Mar 14, 2015).

Posted: 15 Mar 2015, 14:16
by Salius
New Manaplus version released - (Mar 14, 2015).

fix: skills display is some cases.
fix: donw request warp names (hercules).
fix: show chat message from hidden player (hercules).
fix: dont try enable guild bot on servers with native guilds.
fix: hair color after reordering sprites (hercules).
fix: dont read servers list url from configuration.
fix: show pvp/gvg map modes (hercules).
add: item links with empty item name.
add: ride support (hercules).
add: logging unimplimented packets.

New Manaplus - (Mar 28, 2015).

Posted: 31 Mar 2015, 19:28
by Salius
New Manaplus version released - (Mar 28, 2015).

fix: crash in setting gm flag (hercules).
fix: timeout disconnect from login server (hercules).
fix: crash if switch character with opened storage window.
fix: same servers update in servers list with different server type.
fix: monster context menu item “remove from attack list”.
fix: chat tabs visibility in some cases.
fix: memory leak in map loading.
add: chat command to show equpped hat in chat. Command /hat.
add: show exp and job based on special packet (hercules).
add: show in pet and homunculus popup intimacy and hungry numbers (hercules)
add: implement skill deletetion (hercules).
add: for each skill own levelup and deletion particle effect.

New Manaplus - (Apr 11, 2015).

Posted: 12 Apr 2015, 14:21
by Salius
New Manaplus version released - (Apr 11, 2015).

fix: chat command /me.
fix: remove from priority attack list.
fix: compilation with code blocks.
add: heal popup message if used heal skill (hercules).
add: char rooms support (hercules).
add: mute/unmute support (hercules).
add: different skill related particle effects (hercules).
add: variable with player name in away message.
Variable name: ‘NAME’.

New Manaplus - (Apr 25, 2015).

Posted: 26 Apr 2015, 14:40
by Salius
New Manaplus version released - (Apr 25, 2015).

fix: move animation.
fix: wrong slots update (hercules)
fix: error message with delayed items (hercules)
fix: characters list after password change.
fix: default walk speed in stats (hercules)
fix: kill stats window on levelup.
fix: displaying mod stat with value -1.
add: mirror support for servers list.
add: change password support (hercules)
add: quick settings page (yellow bar in settings)
add: help messages for chat settings page.
add: experimental support for CilkPlus (disabled by default).
remove: hide shield setting.

New Manaplus - (May 9, 2015).

Posted: 10 May 2015, 16:10
by Salius
New Manaplus version released - (May 9, 2015).

fix: compilation on non x86/amd64.
fix: possible crash on exit with opened storage window.
add: experimental support for CilkPlus.
add: mail system (hercules).
add: chat commands to get/set config variables.
add: item name filter in buy dialogs.
remove: bot checker window.

New Manaplus - (May 23, 2015).

Posted: 23 May 2015, 15:34
by Salius
New Manaplus version released - (May 23, 2015).

fix: possible crash in sell dialog.
fix: possible issue in texture atlases.
fix: crash on exit with joined room (hercules)
fix: chat room on rejoining (hercules)
fix: cmake build with new libs/compiler.
add: improve performance.
add: enable some server features (tmwa)
add: updated fonts.
add: implement missing client to server guild packets (hercules)

New Manaplus - (Jun 6, 2015).

Posted: 06 Jun 2015, 16:06
by Salius
New Manaplus version released - (Jun 6, 2015).

fix: buy/sell from personal shops if stand close to npc.
fix: possible crash if disconnect from server.
fix: always emulate glTextureSubImage2D function for fix NVidia issue.
add: improve draw performance.
add: improve a bit memory usage.
add: unit tests into make file.

New Manaplus - (Jun 20, 2015).

Posted: 22 Jun 2015, 15:19
by Salius
New Manaplus version released - (Jun 20, 2015).

fix: tab colors update.
fix: bars context menu.
add: use persistent ip option if switch map servers.
add: new configurable colors: enemy, team1, team2, team3.
add: split configurable colors to groups.
add: use nick colors depend on team (pvp for tmwa)
add: option minimal gm level for show gm chat tab.

New Manaplus - (Jul 4, 2015).

Posted: 05 Jul 2015, 13:01
by Salius
New Manaplus version released - (Jul 4, 2015).

fix: draw attack rectangle under beings.
fix: being position with heights layer.
add: some missing checks.
remove: outdated code used in evol v1.

Re: Manaplus - (Jul 4, 2015)

Posted: 06 Aug 2015, 03:20
by Reid
New client version
fix: update tmw address in tmw detection code.
fix: not allow broken nicks. show messages from this nicks with warnings.
add: enable fast atlases creation (except NVIDIA and Mesa 10.6)
add: update xcode files (socapex)
add: option to yellow bar for targetting type (travolta)
add: calculate heal radius (travolta)
add: badges for battle teams, parties, guilds, gms and personal player.