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Feature Request: Mob name position

Posted: 12 Aug 2020, 05:55
by Ledmitz
Hi, The player names can change position and auto-move to avoid overlapping. Can the monster names do the same when the attack cursor is targeted, if possible? Since mobs have gotten larger, the mob name is over top of the heads of some. I've always wished I could change to the bottom, like player names anyway.
Monster names on bottom or an option to change?

Re: Feature Request: Mob name position

Posted: 12 Aug 2020, 16:16
by Aeuda

I believe I already told you this on irc, but if you comment out line 2519 in being/being.cpp monster names will appear beneath monsters instead of above. you could easily add a configuration option override the default behavior.

Re: Feature Request: Mob name position

Posted: 13 Aug 2020, 18:23
by Ledmitz

Thanks Aeuda. Do you know if it's possible to patch without recompiling a client?

Re: Feature Request: Mob name position

Posted: 13 Aug 2020, 23:02
by Aeuda

Patching without recompiling? Possible; Yes. Practical, no. It wouldn't be too bad to do it for one known-state target system (Windows 10 or Debian for example) but it would be unmaintainable and set a bad precedent. Just for kicks I created an Xdelta3 patch, but I highly doubt that it's portable. (I'd post it here but it's way too big. 45megabytes for vanilla -> speed adjust + monster name ; or 15megabytes for speed adjust -> speed adjust + monster name)

Binary patches are great when you're releasing an official version of some software to a system with a known configuration (eg. windows) but quickly become confusing and unmaintainable otherwise.

Recompiling is faster than compiling from scratch though, because only some of the sources are recompiled before linking. If you've compiled manaplus before, then recompiling with a simple change would probably take 5 minutes at most on an extremely slow machine. my desktop is 4 years old and nothing special, and it took 8 seconds to recompile.

Re: Feature Request: Mob name position

Posted: 14 Aug 2020, 19:03
by Ledmitz

I see. I wouldn't want to patch a system/binary file anyway. Was wondering if there was maybe a "mod" way to do it so I could add to my updates site, so something would need to be added in the local DIR, like how badges are shown, but that would mean client-data changes and I doubted it was possible anyway, but worth asking. Trying to avoid compiling client, but as you know, want dyecmd from it. I may compile a client later if there are other things I can add/change, but I think this would be a good default setting anyway. Having the monster name over the head of a mob is a bit buggy looking.