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[Resolved] TMW Server is temporaly down

Posted: 07 Sep 2020, 07:01
by jesusalva

Hello, mana worldians!

Today, around 05:00 UTC, our server restarted for an (un-)scheduled Azure maintenance.

Usually, when Azure makes their maintenance, they erase temporary disks. Currently, as you might have heard, TMWA is hosted in one of such disks, as they provide a better read/write speed. This allows the game to run more smoothly and helps reducing any eventual lag while saving player data.

This is not the first time Azure empties the disk where TMWA is hosted, so we set scripts to automatically reinstall TMWA whenever such things happen. (These scripts will also load player data from the most recent backup automatically, which is usually no more than one hour old.)

Unfortunately, for some reason we are still investigating, the script which was supposed to reinstall TMWA malfunctioned. As a result, the game servers were down since around 05:00.

We hope to get the server back up as soon as possible, however our priority is still minimizing data loss, reason why we may be slower than you might hope. (It might still take several hours)

Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause :(

Side note: TMW Test Server should still be running.

UPDATE [07:57] - It seems like the TMWA servers will be down for longer, so we updated the website to list the game as offline. Do note that website tracks the API (capability to create new game accounts), not the game itself, so the game may be back before it is listed as online on website!

Re: [Ongoing] TMW Server is temporaly down

Posted: 07 Sep 2020, 13:16
by Cage

Ok, thanks for the news, we hope you get it fixed soon, thanks.

Re: [Ongoing] TMW Server is temporaly down

Posted: 07 Sep 2020, 14:07
by gumi

Sorry, was sleeping.


Re: [Resolved] TMW Server is temporaly down

Posted: 08 Sep 2020, 17:55
by jesusalva

We're currently updating the infrastructure in hopes to prevent this same bug (which caused a total downtime of about nine hours!) from happening again.

Until this is complete, the server might go up and down randomly. If you get kicked right after login, it is not a bug.
(EDIT: Other instabilities may happen, like guild bot or mana market being offline, registrations temporaly failing, HardCore server being down, etc.)

Sorry for any inconvenience it causes.

Re: [Resolved] TMW Server is temporaly down

Posted: 08 Sep 2020, 20:02
by jesusalva

Sorry for the inconvenience!

Server is back up (and hopefully, no more bugs!), and Gumi left a gift to all players:

Experience will be at 3x until 23:00 UTC!

Re: [Resolved] TMW Server is temporaly down

Posted: 18 Sep 2020, 21:06
by Hello=)

M$ never stops suprising me :P. Each time you got things smooth they invent totally new problem and faiure modes you failed to foresee. Well, reinstalling something after server reboot is quite perverted on it's own. So hey, M$, how the hell you even got idea to wipe out users disks in first place? :D