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I don't like Hurnscald Grass

Posted: 12 Dec 2020, 08:01
by Cage

Hello=) deleted his message, anyways I wanted to say that I prefer the legacy server after seeing the new Hurnscald art style, it's too different and I see nothing better or new, maybe the devs will keep improving it until one day I too move to that server too!

I don't like grass, roads, palette and buildings (to lesser extent)

Posted: 13 Dec 2020, 00:50
by Hello=)

Cage yea, I did, sorry about that. Seems I've gone a bit too harsh in some regards and after some complaints I preferred to "self-moderate". As your example shown, some things can be quite discouraging and I don't really want to be like that. This said, dang, I also prefer old Hurns. While I'd grant evol devs it got "too acid grass", new one looks bleak and dirty and is anything but eye-candy. Gameplay wise it feels like some "ghost city" instead of capital. Looks "barely ok" on IPS high-DPI LCD but likely unappealing on cheaper equipment - and it's not like if all players going to throw away their laptops, etc. GFX guys with good equipment tend to forget this all the time, preferring "professional look" to "user experience". Reid sweared something about tilesets and gimp on these grounds but seems she got lost in transit.

To my personal taste, if ppl can't get Hurns right, whole rEvolt would be better with more or less "TMW classic" (I don't like "Legacy" term) Hurns look and feel, if nothing else.

Re: [MERGER PROGRAM] Details about Level Porting

Posted: 13 Dec 2020, 08:04
by Livio

Hurnscald should be turned back green as it was. New tileset could be used in some sort of place where there's a transition to temperate to artic biome.

Re: I don't like Hurnscald Grass

Posted: 16 Apr 2021, 15:02
by Clort

Hiya! I was playing with grass shades myself for a while. The ManaPlus client makes it easypeasy to tweak any game assets you like and just drop it in an override directory. You can batch adjust contrast/hue of grass tiles or tweak any you like with Gimp!

I was just playing with addon shaders for SDLPal (SDLPAL is an SDL-based open-source cross-platform reimplementation of the classic Chinese RPG game *Xiān jiàn Qí Xiá Zhuàn ). The shader integration (by the eternal Notaz) makes it easy to add contrast/color and scaler shaders to the rendering backend.

This could be added to Manaplus rather easily (for linux) to give user dynamic control of contrast/hue/saturation/brightness.

Re: [MERGER PROGRAM] Details about Level Porting

Posted: 18 Apr 2021, 02:47
by Ledmitz
Livio wrote: 13 Dec 2020, 08:04

Hurnscald should be turned back green as it was. New tileset could be used in some sort of place where there's a transition to temperate to artic biome.

+1. That doesn't mean IDL the grass. Just not in Hurnscald. Pretty sure this will change anyway due to the amount of feedback.