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[CL] New Crypt/Graveyard Area

Posted: 08 Dec 2023, 15:55
by Bobisha

I was curious to know if anyone was able to access the supposed new area in the bottom-most level of the crypt in the southwest corner? I've tried getting in there, but keep getting kicked back.


Jersey Devil

Re: New Crypt/Graveyard Are

Posted: 08 Dec 2023, 16:28
by jesusalva

The area doesn't exist (yet) because Zax De'Kagen hurried up to set up shop there and now there's a barrier which no one can pass, not even game masters. He literally ripped that area off the reality.

You'll need to wait him to finish... whatever he is plotting to, so it becomes accessible again. My main concern is whenever this will affect Christmas this year or not... You can never know with Zax De'Kagen. I don't think it will, but I can't say for sure it won't either...