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How i permit the players make the update for my custom ?

Posted: 25 Mar 2007, 17:51
by strikerbcb
Hi guys, me again :), How i put my custon files for my custon client update, it´s some structure to change ? any files to modify ?


Posted: 25 Mar 2007, 18:52
by Crush
I am not sure if I understand you correctly. Do you want to set up your own update server?

Posted: 25 Mar 2007, 19:38
by strikerbcb
yes, how i put the my custom files for my custom client update proper, my http for this is :

How files i will change/add ?


Posted: 25 Mar 2007, 20:35
by Crush
All custom files have to be in zip files with the same file structure as the data folder. When you got a custom monster graphic, for example, you create a folder "graphics" in the zip, in that folder a folder "sprites" and you put the monster graphic in there.

Then you have to create a resources2.txt. This is a list of all files the client has to download followed by their adler32 checksums (Google for a tool to calculate those).

Then you could use a news.txt containing something for your players to read while they update.

Put al this into the same folder on your webserver and tell your users to set this as your update host.

This is how the update folder on the official server looks:

Posted: 25 Mar 2007, 20:47
by strikerbcb
ok, i will try, very thanks

Posted: 25 Mar 2007, 21:59
by strikerbcb
man i try this and the updater works ... but i give a error in file equipament.xml and the client closes ... i try your patch in the your updater but don´t work ...

you know how i fix this ?


Posted: 25 Mar 2007, 23:17
by Avaniel
strikerbcb wrote:man i try this and the updater works ... but i give a error in file equipament.xml and the client closes ... i try your patch in the your updater but don´t work ...

you know how i fix this ?

Could it be as simple as: