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[SOLVED] Help me Gm

Posted: 07 Dec 2008, 06:47
by nando

I posting this message conscience some gm to help me after the last of evendo Helloween happened, my Items sumirão of my mind, a time when my char has been deleted, the name of the char was "Fernando PJL" level "70" ..
After that come from using another account to play, and this account I am with the level 53.
'm Sure I will not easily recover my old level.
By this I posting this message, asking some gm a great help to raise my level up to the level I was.
Before this event, nobody was aware of my password, I was the victim of an attacker.
Equipment I got, the more accurate now an aid of some gm ...

Please if any can help me ...

Thank you for your attention ...

Re: Help me Gm

Posted: 07 Dec 2008, 12:30
by Katze
Hello nando,

Despite the online translator you used, I have been able to understand some of your message.

I asked the administrator to check if your old character exists. And it seems you are right: It doesn't exist any more. Further I remember having seen a "Fernando PJL" ingame. That means it has been deleted by someone.

Can you prove that your level had been 70 before your old char was deleted?Prove means a screenshot of your old status on character Fernando PJL.

If you have any prove, we can talk further, but don't be too optimistic.
If you don't have prove, there is nothing we can do for you. Sorry.


Re: Help me Gm

Posted: 07 Dec 2008, 17:13
by nando
Hello Katze.

Capitura screens have no conscientious but has some players from my previous level ..
Soldado is one of those players, does it help me?

Re: Help me Gm

Posted: 07 Dec 2008, 17:26
by keilost
Yes it is true, Fernando PJL was hacked yes, he is my friend, the character he was hacked and excluded

Re: Help me Gm

Posted: 07 Dec 2008, 19:32
by Katze
It depends on what level you can see on the screenshot. If it is only a level 45 or something it doesn't help.
If there is no picture of your level 70, you won't get back a level 70.
Supposing it is a picture of level 60, you might maybe get back a level 60.
But it is not sure if such a screenshot will cause us to give you that level back.


Re: Help me Gm

Posted: 07 Dec 2008, 20:22
by nando
I could be doing some kind of assembly, more'm being honest with you, the only proof I have is the players who know me ...
be hard to imagine you accept this as proof, more is my only proof that I can use ..
Katze please help me ... : (

Excuse me for using online translators, I can not express properly by the spelling error occurred during the translation, the more I ask again to help me out Katze ..
Thank you for your attention ...

Re: Help me Gm

Posted: 07 Dec 2008, 20:43
by Katze
I am sorry that I have to tell you that there is nothing I can do for you.



Re: Help me Gm

Posted: 07 Dec 2008, 20:51
by nando
Katze got something very unpleasant to confess to you, actually has a topic that is MasterKenobi denouncing the boot I must confess I used, most already fas a good time today I much regret for having done so, with that I realized that many players moved away from me ...
This for me was a severe punishment, I understand my mistake, after that I never wore boot ...
More so that he could denounce me he used a capitura screen, but not using my account more showing my char ...
This will be proof that can be considered so that I can recover my previous level? ..

Katze, I regret to have done much boot, this attitude taken by me could harm me very far, most human being wrong, I missed and I think I paid for my mistake, with many players moving away from me ...
The MasterKenobi may even be a proof that I was strong level of 70, the Doorsman is also a proof, take a few duelos in PVP, most think he can not help me, then indeed I ignored all of that boot, and after a some time to achieve forgiveness of many players, most not detodos ...
Katz, now I am playing in a char called K2F5, does that image from denouncing the MasterKenobi help me something?
It's too bad you try to use a proof against me to try to help myself .. But it is my only option but to accept if you can açguns testimonials from players aware of my previous level ...
I am grateful for your attention, if you can help me Katze, I like very, very hard ...

"Sorry for the spelling error occurred during the translation"

Re: Help me Gm

Posted: 07 Dec 2008, 21:38
by Katze

I checked the post by MasterKenobi and the screenshot. And actually you can't see anything about your level on that picture...

I think you know that botting - which is what you confess you did - is punished with a permanent ban or a reset of all of your levels.
However, you haven't been punished for it because the screenshot is no proof.

It is bad to hack people and I am not excusing the hacker, and it is odd, but it seems he gave you the deserved punishment you should have received from a GM. Maybe it was a bit worse because you lost your items. :?

Now, seeing that you really have been botting to get a level 70 character, I don't see any reason why we would raise your new char's level to 70, since you don't seem to have deserved such a high level because you gained it through botting.

I am sorry all your efforts didn't help in this case. :|


Re: [SOLVED] Help me Gm

Posted: 08 Dec 2008, 01:05
by nando
Katze, just remember an important thing, always when I pick up some item, today my level, write something in the game .. All this tenque be saved somewhere for the next family that I come is the way I deichei .
And looking closely at this, looking at where it is unless you can really see that my char "Fernando PJL" level was 70, you just look at old files.
I think this is a good proof that the very gm help me ..

Re: [SOLVED] Help me Gm

Posted: 08 Dec 2008, 19:26
by Katze

I think you don't understand me.

The thing is, that I cannot give you your level back, because the way you got such a high level was botting with Fernando pjl.
Further, I don't have the possibility to check any old files where your old character's stats would be saved.
However that is not the important thing here.
I say it again: The reason is not a lack of evidence. The reason is botting!

I hope you can understand that.


Re: [SOLVED] Help me Gm

Posted: 08 Dec 2008, 19:46
by nando

Before when I used the boot one or two veses had no warning that this was irregular, after a grid that time put it, then I think you should ignore the boot, I believe that there is only you to gm ..
And you see is what's more attention to topics posted, now I ask for some gm to look old and the records show that there was a char named Fernando PJL with the level 70 ...

Re: [SOLVED] Help me Gm

Posted: 08 Dec 2008, 20:25
by Katze
You admitted that you have been botting. And You admit to have done it with Fernando pjl.
I cannot ignore that. It would be unfair towards all those botters who get all their stats reset. And it is against what the rules imply.

Re: [SOLVED] Help me Gm

Posted: 08 Dec 2008, 23:48
by nando
Okay a little more I used it, not no content in karry game showing us what was forbidden, only after a certain time to put a new NPC showing the rules ..
Katze Please, help me ...

Re: [SOLVED] Help me Gm

Posted: 10 Dec 2008, 02:06
by nando
Plis Katze and Vink..Help me :cry: