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ABUSED? Read this first

Posted: 13 Aug 2009, 14:50
by Vink
First, a reminder from the announcement How to report abuse?
To posters:

1. Provide a name in game and other known/suspected character names.
2. Paste a screenshot(s) or links to these screenshots, since we have no chat logging feature in game (yet) it is a subject to change when we do.
3. Your comments - this is purely optional step, in fact if it is more than three sentences it will be most likely ignored, any flamming, ideological references and pseudo-philosophy forgery will be also skipped by our anti-flame brain protection. Keep it simple, keep it cool.
4. Any content not following these rules will be deleted or closed.


To readers:
1. If you have additional evidence - for example another screenshot or info about possible clone of abuser(s) then you are welcome to post.
2. Please move any discussions about topics mentioned in "To posters" point 3. to a different thread, we have quite a few SQL queries, and there are enought for anyone to keep the forum clean.
3. Any content not following these rules will be deleted.
Since some people have not understood this: No one has been banned just for calling someone a pig, so you can stop trying to use that as an argument for complaints. People are banned for abusive behaviour and such behaviour is not tolerated even if the person has also shown very good behaviour.

You should post a screenshot of the abuse (until we have a chat log) but a screenshot is not proof enough to ban someone, neither are witnesses.

If you are not sure a person's behaviour is abusive, you may contact a GM privately to ask about this. Remember that accusing someone falsely and in public is also a type of abuse. Use the Court House with consideration.

Thank you.