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[WIP] Tileset and mapping - CR1 - AxlTrozz

Posted: 26 Sep 2009, 06:56
by Rotonen
So far I conclude from the discussions held here a few things:

1) We want an island for this.
2) We want an academy on the island for the tutorial to take part in.
3) We want a village of some sort on the island as the departure port for the player.

This leads to us having the need for:
1) Tiles for the sea surrounding the island.
2) Tiles for the natural parts of the island.
3) Tiles for the village exterior on the island.
4) Tiles for the village interiors.
5) Tiles for the academy exterior.
6) Tiles for the academy interior.
7) Tiles for the academy dungeon.

Also for us to have a need for these tiles, we need the maps:
1) We have to plan the general layout of the entire island. This can be done quite rough.
2) We have to plan the actual maps which you'll see in-game. This can be done directly into map format.
3) The consensus seemed to be 4 maps for the island outdoors. Two of these are the village and the academy exteriors.
4) There was no consensus on how big the academy should be: we need a floor plan (also, how many floors, any towers?).
5) There was no consensus on the finer details of the dungeon of the academy.

If anyone has anything to say against this, speak now or forever hold your silence.

I'll moderate the process and people can apply for tasks which have been given a go-ahead in this forum section. Let's do this subtopic by subtopic to keep the focus and efficiency levels tolerable.

If there is nothing against this workplan in the next 48 hours, we'll proceed with no changes to it.

We can already start reviewing what we could cannibalize from our already existing resources (mostly tilesets).

Re: [CPT] Tutorial area tileset and mapping

Posted: 08 Oct 2009, 16:20
by AxlTrozz
Idea : We can use the old city project as a base, the academy will be the whole island, small buildings as schools mixed with shops and the training centers, for instance, the school of magic, close to the potion shop, and close to the magic combat training space, and one dungeon as a main final test for the high level student.

Re: [CPT] Tutorial area tileset and mapping

Posted: 08 Oct 2009, 20:36
by Bertram

This, plus the tower being done could become a great base!

Re: [CPT] Tutorial area tileset and mapping

Posted: 11 Oct 2009, 15:04
by Rotonen
I was more thinking of a medieval castle setting for the academy, but I guess a greek-ish temple setting would also pass. In my vision of it, the academy is closed off from the rest of the island, more of a fortress.

Any other opinions on what the first setting the player will see in the game will be?

Also, have I interpreted correctly that Axl wishes to take responsibility for this sub-project of CR1?

Re: [CPT] Tutorial area tileset and mapping

Posted: 12 Oct 2009, 03:32
by Jaxad0127
If we do go medieval-ish, Fother already has some timber-frame tiles in progress/almost ready/I don't know.

Re: [CPT] Tutorial area tileset and mapping

Posted: 12 Oct 2009, 06:57
by Bertram

Do you have a link?


Re: [CPT] Tutorial area tileset and mapping

Posted: 12 Oct 2009, 09:04
by Rotonen
The tudor style buildings you were referring to would more go for the planned village and an actual stone castle was more what I was thinking for the academy setting.

We have all the options in the world and more, we just need to pick one and go with it instead of getting stuck in discussion for months.

Re: [CPT] Tutorial area tileset and mapping

Posted: 12 Oct 2009, 09:51
by Bertram
Hi Rotonen,

Ok, I was trying to push use of existing tiles to save time.

But anyway, it's right to say that the consensus is following your idea:
The tudor style buildings you were referring to would more go for the planned village and an actual stone castle was more what I was thinking for the academy setting.
:arrow: So, I would say, go with Tudor Style for the village and a stone academic castle.


Re: [CPT] Tutorial area tileset and mapping

Posted: 13 Oct 2009, 13:49
by AxlTrozz
I gladly take the task of the tutorial Island, but I need to know if is the same effort Irukard is doing ? or is a completely new area ?

This question is because we are already working with Irukard on an port with lighthouse, docks and others, so :

1. If is the same, Irukard is already taking care of it
2. If is the same, I can take care of the village using the Tudor style buildings as a base
3. also for the castle/academy Irukard already made the basic tileset we can use ( I can add details, ornaments and others)

Re: [CPT] Tutorial area tileset and mapping

Posted: 13 Oct 2009, 13:54
by Jaxad0127
Irukard is working on a different area: Port Town (where you go after the tutorial). We can share tiles between them, of course, and likely will if the timber-frame tiles are used for the tutorial map.

Re: [CPT] Tutorial area tileset and mapping

Posted: 13 Oct 2009, 19:45
by AxlTrozz
In that case I would say Irukard and I are responsible for both sides, the tutorial and the island :

so up to now this is the status (not much) :

1. boat is is WIP (nicely)
2. lighthouse, pending top part, crystal and minor details ( base, doors, flames, ornaments)
3. sea cliffs , I'll take len's work as a base and try to create a nice transition with the Dock
4. Dock is based on Irukards tiles, is a matter of check what is missing to make it tileable
5. Town will be based on the Tudor style small shops (they have to be completed may be rezised)
6. castle (Irukard: if is possible to use your castle tileset for this I can create a new texture to give it a fresh start)
7. we need to create a lot of small objects (torches, fences, barrels, small boats, ropes, anchors.....)

so I'll start with all the pieces that at least have a base, then I'll move to the new stuff

first action : check len's cliffs and create a shore

Re: [CPT] Tutorial area tileset and mapping

Posted: 13 Oct 2009, 20:16
by Jaxad0127
AxlTrozz wrote:In that case I would say Irukard and I are responsible for both sides, the tutorial and the island :

so up to now this is the status (not much) :

1. boat is is WIP (nicely)
2. lighthouse, pending top part, crystal and minor details ( base, doors, flames, ornaments)
3. sea cliffs , I'll take len's work as a base and try to create a nice transition with the Dock
4. Dock is based on Irukards tiles, is a matter of check what is missing to make it tileable
5. Town will be based on the Tudor style small shops (they have to be completed may be rezised)
6. castle (Irukard: if is possible to use your castle tileset for this I can create a new texture to give it a fresh start)
7. we need to create a lot of small objects (torches, fences, barrels, small boats, ropes, anchors.....)

so I'll start with all the pieces that at least have a base, then I'll move to the new stuff

first action : check len's cliffs and create a shore
Remember, Fother has already been working on related tiles (at my request).

Re: [CPT] Tutorial area tileset and mapping

Posted: 13 Oct 2009, 21:08
by Rotonen
Axl seems to have things under control here so hereby he is officially the project manager for this subproject of CR1 and this thread just went from [CPT] to [WIP].

Do delegate stuff to people if you need to and try to see that no one is working in the background in vain. Sensible resource usage is a key to avoid the past aimless frustration we've been a victim of for many years now. Fother is stuck on finishing the playerset on my order so try to avoid taking away his time from it, but otherwise I'd say our resources are free game for you.

This made me feel warm and fuzzy inside.

Re: [WIP] Tutorial area tileset and mapping

Posted: 15 Oct 2009, 21:03
by AxlTrozz
WIP Seashore
seashore-muckup-02.png (21.2 KiB) Viewed 8585 times
I took one of the rocks from Irukard deset dry river, simplified the colors to a few and changed the palette to fit, also I change the light bright.

Re: [WIP] Tutorial area tileset and mapping

Posted: 16 Oct 2009, 06:04
by Crush
Your cliff looks nice, but I wonder how you want to make it properly mapable without creating huge tiles noone can work with properly.

Did you already think about tileset organisation?