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Posted: 11 Dec 2009, 01:02
by thedarkfinder
I was thinking about the use of potions in this game.

Potions have a cost, gp. But I have never played a game in which any drug that increase ability did not have a physical effect on the user. Addiction.

I propose this.
With the iron potions, if you choose to use them, you get two freebies. After the first two, there is a physical effect of reducing your str if you do not use them. This can last something like poisoning, after the first two, you lose 1 point of strength per bottle/per hour. On the other hand, if you use them, after a point, you gain 10 points+normal bonus+str.
The same would go with concentration potions. Two per day, after the first two, you become addicted. If you repetitively use them, you get an addiction bonus of 10 points, but if you quit you lose that.

For example.

Player 1.

logs in at 10:00
Uses two iron potions. at 10:12 and 10:13.
At 10:30 uses a third, is now addicted. From this point on, every bottle is counted.
From 10:30-14:30 he uses 10 bottles. Then stops using them. At this point his str is reduce by 12 points for the remaining 24 hours.

If he chooses to use a bottle in the time, the count goes up, 13 and the clock starts over.

After 20 bottles, he gains a bonus of 10 points which would add up like 10 points+normal iron potion bonus+str. Must drank 1 bottle per hour to keep effect.

At 20 he must stop using the potions for 1 week, or continue the addiction. With + 10 points.

Example 2
Player 2
logs in at 10:00
Uses 2 concentration potions at 10:12 and 10:13

at 11:00 uses one more. For the next hour he is -1 str. After the hour he is fine, and uses 2 more potions without harm.

Bottom line, all drugs are additive.

Even soda pop and coffee are additive.

This is a great option to add to the game. It will allow you to create other potions, increase int for example, and also make them have an effect in which the user has control over.

Re: Potions

Posted: 11 Dec 2009, 01:36
by enchilado
This is confusing me, but are you saying you get addicted to drugs, like Fallout?

Re: Potions

Posted: 11 Dec 2009, 02:22
by thedarkfinder
poison_ivy wrote:This is confusing me, but are you saying you get addicted to drugs, like Fallout?
Never played fallout, sorry. Sorry but was like 3 years old.

but googling it yes. Or something like bioshock. or any pen and paper roleplaying game.

If you using potions, you become addicted to them. We can include healing potions.

Re: Potions

Posted: 11 Dec 2009, 02:29
by enchilado
It may work... but it may be very annoying, too.

Re: Potions

Posted: 11 Dec 2009, 02:41
by dayve
poison_ivy wrote:It may work... but it may be very annoying, too.
poison and player that wont follow your rules arent?

Re: Potions

Posted: 04 Jan 2010, 08:56
by Maxxie
poison_ivy wrote:This is confusing me, but are you saying you get addicted to drugs, like Fallout?
Ohh yeah lets shoot up like we did in FallOut. That was a good game.

And tdf I like the idea its another welcomed challenge to the game and it might stop a few people from using it "Use at your Risk"
but I say a new Item Not Iron Potions because its good to have iron in your diet :P

Lets say small mushrooms. Lets eat them :P Add to ur Intel but take from MP over the long term poisoning