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[IDEA] Night/Day Soundscape

Posted: 12 Jan 2010, 10:08
by krazyjakee
I don't know if you are planning to include this feature into the mana world but if you are here are a couple of ideas regarding soundscapes and ambience.

The best example for my first idea is zelda 64 oot.
The idea that at night there is no music in any areas other than those that are dark even in the day (caves etc).
The music is replace with ambient noises; wind, night birds etc.
When you go indoors at night there is still no music but there is indoor ambience like clocks ticking, floorboards creeking, fire crackling.
It creates a comfortable feeling when you come out of the night and indoors.

I notice you are talking about integrating a better sound system.
As day fades tonight so the audio of night and day can fade into each other.

Re: [IDEA] Night/Day Soundscape

Posted: 12 Jan 2010, 13:40
by Kage
Before we can even consider doing this, we first need to create day and night time.

Re: [IDEA] Night/Day Soundscape

Posted: 12 Jan 2010, 15:12
by Rotonen
Since it is not really viable to even consider pulling off night and day cycles in our graphical representation, unfortunately not. Overlays don't really do it for this in a desired way.

Re: [IDEA] Night/Day Soundscape

Posted: 12 Jan 2010, 19:37
by Kage
Rotonen wrote:Since it is not really viable to even consider pulling off night and day cycles in our graphical representation, unfortunately not. Overlays don't really do it for this in a desired way.
I'm not sure I agree with that statement.

Re: [IDEA] Night/Day Soundscape

Posted: 15 Jan 2010, 01:19
by Rotonen
One word: lighting.

Re: [IDEA] Night/Day Soundscape

Posted: 15 Jan 2010, 01:32
by Jaxad0127
We might add the ability to substitute tilesets later. That should make most of this rather easy. Just have multiple sets with the same pieces in the same places, etc.

Re: [IDEA] Night/Day Soundscape

Posted: 15 Jan 2010, 01:55
by Rotonen
Sure, once we have the entire world done in tilesets, I can spare you pixel resources to do the nightly versions with cool lighting effects and geometry following shadows from windows, lanterns, etc. Oh wait, moving light from player effects like magic...

Re: [IDEA] Night/Day Soundscape

Posted: 15 Jan 2010, 02:15
by Jaxad0127
Rotonen wrote:Sure, once we have the entire world done in tilesets, I can spare you pixel resources to do the nightly versions with cool lighting effects and geometry following shadows from windows, lanterns, etc. Oh wait, moving light from player effects like magic...
Completely realistic lighting is impossible when you add unpredictable moving objects like players and monsters.

Re: [IDEA] Night/Day Soundscape

Posted: 15 Jan 2010, 08:08
by krazyjakee
Just a simple night tile overlay should do.

One tile with a high opacity just to shade the day tile and some shapes for streetlamps, windows etc.
Also one tile to retain the normal day tile.

Just means having another layer of tiles that appear at certain times (depending on the server time).

Re: [IDEA] Night/Day Soundscape

Posted: 15 Jan 2010, 12:30
by Rotonen
This is not considered for the time being and the end result of your solution is not a desired one.