[REQ] Reaper Quest sfx

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[REQ] Reaper Quest sfx

Post by nmaligec »

There were 4 new mobs added for this quest and it would be great if they could get battle sounds, especially since this will be a boss battle. Here is the break down of whats needed

The Grim Reaper
  • death - possibly some kind of otherworldly shriek, maybe with reverb.
    hurt - I had an old sound clip sitting on my comp from something else I recorded. I always thought it was weird and hung on to it. If it sounds decent maybe it can finally be used for something (see attachment).
I am unsure about how it will attack so for now skip the hit and miss fx.
(8.28 KiB) Downloaded 291 times

Spinning Scythe
  • miss - it is spinning in circles, so just the sound of something like a blade spinning.
    hit - like the miss but as if it is cutting into something (maybe multiple fast hits, or like a fan blade hitting metal?)
    hurt - I have no clue, maybe a metallic ka-chunk.
    death - it slowly falls out of its spin in 280 ms, hits the ground then bursts into flame and burns quickly to nothing with in about 450 ms (or however much of that you can mirror in the sound)

Ball Lightning
  • hurt- like a small electric crackle
    death - a big electric burst
no hit or miss needed (it doesn't attack)

Skeleton Mage
  • hurt - standard skeleton bones being hit or rattling
    death - a skeleton, or a lot of dry bones, hitting ground
    hit - a fire blast
    miss - some kind of a fizzle
Skeletons have no sfx yet so the hurt and death can be used for all of them once they are made.

If anyone is feeling extra creative, maybe they could put together some chilling boss music for the reaper fight.
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Re: [REQ] Reaper Quest sfx

Post by nmaligec »

Since its already October and the reaper quest should be released by months end, I was hoping someone could get some of the requested sounds done.

Priority would be the reaper's sfx and possibly background music for the boss fight (something creepy).

The rest aren't as important, but would be nice to have.
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Re: [REQ] Reaper Quest sfx

Post by nmaligec »


seriously, why does everyone keep ignoring this req??? The reaper quest is scheduled as the next release so we need these sounds.

At least some discussion on whether some of the list is needed or not. From people's experience, if hurt hit AND miss sfx are added for each of the monsters, will it become too 'noisy'?
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Re: [REQ] Reaper Quest sfx

Post by Wombat »

Nobody is ignoring the request. There there has been no activity here for quite a while. Hopefully saturn and headsmasher1 can work together on getting some sound patches together to be added to the tmwmusic repo and update some sounds soon.
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Re: [REQ] Reaper Quest sfx

Post by dariunas »

Hey guys,

Am starting to get back into the whole audio thing. If this stuff's still needed, let me know and I'll have a crack at doing the FX and music.
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Re: [REQ] Reaper Quest sfx

Post by dariunas »

Hey again,

Kinda made a start on something for the music. Bear in mind it was a rough recording on a template and doesn't really get into the 'meat' of the track, but let me know if I should carry on this concept.
The Mana World - The Reaper_Battle.mp3
The Reaper_BGM
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Re: [REQ] Reaper Quest sfx

Post by salmondine »

I really like it...captures the horror + battle feeling.
I feel the sub bass coming...
very nice.
please continue =]
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Re: [REQ] Reaper Quest sfx

Post by skipy »

:twisted: great start!!!! as salmondine said feels like "its comeing" :twisted: .
back to working on---> (crypt)then(player 1.5) and more. *been on hold do to my laptop being fix* any feel free to add/help. ill be up and working as soon as i can ...good luck to all.

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Re: [REQ] Reaper Quest sfx

Post by nmaligec »

dariunas: That is a great clip, I can imagine it fitting perfectly with the reaper fight. I originally asked saturn for the boss bgm but I think he got busy with other things and I haven't heard back yet. If he is ok with it maybe we will use your contribution when its finished.

All of the sfx are still missing and no one has volunteered to do them. A bone chilling death howl from the reaper as it finally dies is a must. As for the rest: I would like to get some of the new concepts implemented for the boss fight and onto a test server so people can get a better idea of what sfx should be like (maybe some are unneeded).
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Re: [REQ] Reaper Quest sfx

Post by dariunas »

Thanks all.

Was planning to work on the fire spell sounds, but also had some ideas for the Reaper sounds. Have a couple of free days coming up, so should have some FX up very soon.
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Re: [REQ] Reaper Quest sfx

Post by nmaligec »

Awesome! I really appreciate the help dariunas. If you haven't seen the reaper in action ask Argul / Pjotr about seeing it on a test server (unless you already have your own local test server).

PS I was listening to your example boss bgm on loop while I was testing the shadow sprite sheet, it really set the atmosphere for a chilling encounter. If it does not get used as the boss bgm, it will DEFINITELY be used for the crypt bgm.
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Re: [REQ] Reaper Quest sfx

Post by argul »

nmaligec wrote:Awesome! I really appreciate the help dariunas. If you haven't seen the reaper in action ask Argul / Pjotr about seeing it on a test server (unless you already have your own local test server).
As I already stated in IRC it is a *private* Test server, but reachable from the net!
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Re: [REQ] Reaper Quest sfx

Post by yourmistakes »

let me know if you need a death growl for a hurt reaper
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Re: [REQ] Reaper Quest sfx

Post by dariunas »

Hey guys, just a quick update as I meant to post up some audio a few days ago. Unfortunately a few things came up all at once. I do have some FX on the go which are starting to sound decent.

Will master all the audio to -6dB.
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Re: [REQ] Reaper Quest sfx

Post by nmaligec »

I have been meaning to update the list. Here are is the short list of what is needed for sure:

  • death - epic haunting shriek/howl
  • hit - sound of scythe slicing through the air (note the spinning scythe attacks quickly so it should be fast)
    hurt - metal blades clashing.
Ball Lightning:
  • death - a big electric burst (it explodes)
  • hurt - dry bones being hit or rattling
    death - a bunch dry bones falling on the ground
Here is a new one.
Brain Eater:
  • attack - some kind of throaty groan/growl as it lunges to grab its victim (needs to be fast and creepy)
If yourmistakes can do the reaper death, I will definitely use it. I am looking forward to the sfx and bgm work from darunias. Headsmasher told me he is also working on some bgm tracks, so I am looking forward to that too.

Thanks for all the hard work guys. Remember all quality sound content will get used, devs will always find a use for it if its in the sound library.
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