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Posted: 07 Dec 2006, 09:06
by ElvenProgrammer
shinoi: I suggest you start creating/editing a wiki page about it so we have a clear/better view of the area.

Posted: 07 Dec 2006, 11:25
by Pajarico
shiroi: I like your ideas.
About Lazuli Stardrops:
The Lazuli Stardrops had evolved in such a way that it provides light for other plants that still depend on the sun's light. It is unknown as to why a plant would evolve to help other plants, but the legend behind it suggests that the God of Earth felt a love for the plants that thrived on the glorious soil, and decided that no plant should be subjected to Natural Selection[...]
An explanation to it can be that Lazulis depends on a rare breed of fungus (or any other plant) which keeps predators away or sintethize some food which without it the Stardrop would die. The fungus needs the light from the Stardrop and the Stardrop needs the fungus.

Unless you want to keep the myth, which is ok to me. Maybe people believe the myth as an answer to the unknow except a close circle of wisemen.

About Pompulo Fruit: I almost can't see it. Could you make a sepparate drawing? Just to see proportions, no need to be colored or detailed.
Does it die when the fruits weight to much or breeds again?

Nice additions!

Posted: 07 Dec 2006, 16:27
by shiroi
I like the explanation with the Lazuli Stardrop's dependancy on the fungus and I'm going to go with that. I'll keep the legend as the original native's legend. But the modern people of Gaea's Hearth do know better, and so do we now :)

Yea, I'll draw a seperate drawing of it so you can see a little more clearly. Here's a WIP of it that might make it easier to see.


When it falls, the fruit eventually falls off and seeds the ground. When the pieces of it let go, it makes a "whoomp" sound as all the pieces just fall off. And at that point the stem has another longterm effort at doing it all over again while the seeds make new Pompulo Fruit stems.

EDIT: I'll make a wiki for it all. :D But I'll keep posting updates for the wiki in this thread to ensure that mods/people see it.

Posted: 07 Dec 2006, 17:26
by yosuhara
all this bio-design reminds me of an old (1996) RPG named Albion... it used some sort of organic technology too..

Houses were grown, for magic they used special plant seeds, even the toilet was some sort of spongy-thing that sucked out your.... erm.. u know :)
And street lamps were light emitting plants too...

Posted: 10 Dec 2006, 15:36
by shiroi
Agh, I won't have time to make any contributions for the next few weeks :(. I added a wiki-page though. You can find it at

I'll update it when I get a chance. Unfortunately right now I feel like I'm working nearly 24/7 with the exception of bathroom brakes, food, and small pockets of sleep. But in the end it's promising to pay very well. :)

So see you guys in a bit.