The official server flamewar topic

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No fair! You locked it again.

Post by blackrazor »

No fair! You locked the FlameWar topic again. It's really the only good topic here, in my opinion. Lots of drama, controversy, personality, flair, excitement, etc. If you're going to append to it, please at least keep it open for the rest of us, as promised by Crush. That promise really should have been grandfathered, especially if you continue to use the thread as it suits you. Please consider this request, thanks.

Currently, I'm watching Babylon Berlin on Netflix. It kind of reminds me of the FlameWar topic. Very dark, yet somehow entertaining.

I kind of agree with all of you. Or none of you?

Being robbed and fired are not the same thing. *trollolololol*

Trusting internet strangers to not steal your stuff is the height of admin incompetence. Imagine if real companies worked that way? That being said, TMWC are still using the stolen goods (player account files, created by the software on Platyna's administrative property), even if none of you did the deed.

When are you going to do your fusion, with all new player accounts already? That will finally solve this issue, once and for all. You really need a clean break from the old player data files. Start fresh. Reuse the art and coding assets as needed, obviously those are GPL and appropriate to use. Have fun with your new project, I honestly wish you all the luck in the world with your new fusion, assuming it starts with fresh player files.

Everyone knows that committee is where ideas go to die. Find a better way. One thing I will agree with Platyna (from my perspective as a player), is that there were more players, more development, more activities, and less caring about "rares" under her rule. I've heard (obviously) that most of the staff hated working for her. Oh well. The game was a game back then, and not a development purgatory. Bjorn and Elven must be so pleased, now that the community of players mostly went away. Sour grapes for their failure at promoting Manaserve, because the community wanted to game in the here and now, and play it safe with eAthena at the time. Then again, Platyna made a lot of enemies, and didn't firewall herself from their revenge, and that was bound to come back at her someday. And so it did. Poor choices all around. Que sera sera. The future isn't written, and it can be better.

I liked Obama as USA president. He was clean, honest, and cared about people. Best USA president in 100 years, in my opinion. Yes, he made mistakes. Yes, he is not perfect. No one is. But he played fair. He was thoughtful, patient, and considerate. I can respect that.

Trump may be flamboyant, but he is also a lying, low-information, sleaze. No moral compass. No values. All he cares about is enriching and promoting himself. He doesn't care about the USA or the world, and that is a very dangerous thing to have in a USA president, in my opinion. Allegedly.

All of you be well. Be good to each other. Make great new games, with new player files. Good luck!
Last edited by blackrazor on 14 Sep 2018, 00:50, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: No fair! You locked it again.

Post by gumi »

yeah, wildx decided to archive it

EDIT: here you go, the flame war topic is unlocked
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Re: No fair! You locked it again.

Post by blackrazor »

Thank you Gumi.

About Trump. I don't blame him per se. I blame the system that nominated him. Heck, Hillary was very shortsighted and selfish too. She pushed her candidacy, playing dirty nomination tricks with the collusion of DNC chair, and her friend, Debbie Wasserman-Shultz, even while under FBI investigation and wildly unpopular, for her own personal legacy, knowing full well the risks of losing and burning the system if she failed.

And Pence, Cruz, Huckabee, Carson, Christie, JEB are all scary as hell. Scary, as in establishment "boil the frog one degree at a time", but still a horror to behold. Why can't the USA get good people to run? Solution: Get money out of politics! Money is not free speech. Money is undue influence.

I liked Bernie a lot. I also would have liked McCain (in the past) had he not chosen Palin as his vice. Lieberman, as McCain indicated in his memoirs, would have been the much better choice for vice. Still, I preferred Obama over McCain, although both were good people. I also appreciated Ron Paul for his long career and not bending to whatever he thought voters might expect of him. That way he gave voters an honest choice. I can respect that, even though I didn't much like his politics.

In theory, I do like small government (Libertarian ideals), but in practice it creates a power vacuum for other un-elected tyrannies (multinational corporations or institutionalized religions, for example) to occupy instead. All vacuums are filled, even power vacuums. It seems the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics works for those types of vacuums, as well. Better to at least have an elected body fill a power vacuum, if at all possible. But then power lies with the republic, and the citizenry is entrusted to vigorously defend it against encroachers and power-parasites, using the voting booth, not for free stuff or popularity contests or to settle petty scores, but rather to ensure that civilization can continue, with fair values, and decent rights for all. Maybe too much to expect from humans, but I see little other choice until transcendence or fall (personally, I'm rooting for the former; I don't like falling, Rome proved that falling is not fun).
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Re: No fair! You locked it again.

Post by WildX »

I have a problem with TMW becoming synonym with this flamewar and the forums becoming all about that thread. I locked it because it's been 5 YEARS and quite frankly I've had enough of it. Crush moderated the forums how he saw fit (and did a great job) and I am moderating how I see fit. If you want the thread to be unlocked I'll discuss it in an internal poll, for now it's locked.

Find something better to fight over, this war is stale and expired. Make a thread about Donald Trump or something.

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Wildx, with all due respect

Post by blackrazor »

Hi Wildx, and with all due respect,

It's not TMW that is synonymous with the FlameWar. It's the TMWC. You may not like it. I may not like it. But it is what it is, and it remains this way precisely because the stolen data files to which Prsm alluded are still being used by the TMWC. I sincerely hope the Fusion project will change this situation, and with fresh player data files on a new (fused) project, then there will be nothing to FlameWar about anymore, except perhaps in the historical sense.

I don't remember you being so big on censorship in the distant past. It's a shame things have moved in this direction. I sympathize with your frustration. But instead of stifling dissent, maybe work instead on addressing the source of the problem? As I understand it, you are here to manage the Fusion project, so please fuse already. And if you can't, or won't, because you have not the time or the help, then please also sympathize with those who see things differently as you do. Those people are still part of the community, entitled to their point of view, and if you stifle them, they will not go away. They will just lurk forever in the shadows, as they have until now. Because we are as much a part of the TMW community as the TMWC. We just had a different vision for it, that is all. Crush understood this to be true. I hope you can, too. Thanks.
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Re: Wildx, with all due respect

Post by prsm »

blackrazor wrote: 14 Sep 2018, 16:12 Hi Wildx, and with all due respect,

It's not TMW that is synonymous with the FlameWar. It's the TMWC. You may not like it. I may not like it. But it is what it is, and it remains this way precisely because the stolen data files to which Prsm alluded are still being used by the TMWC. I sincerely hope the Fusion project will change this situation, and with fresh player data files on a new (fused) project, then there will be nothing to FlameWar about anymore, except perhaps in the historical sense.

I don't remember you being so big on censorship in the distant past. It's a shame things have moved in this direction. I sympathize with your frustration. But instead of stifling dissent, maybe work instead on addressing the source of the problem? As I understand it, you are here to manage the Fusion project, so please fuse already. And if you can't, or won't, because you have not the time or the help, then please also sympathize with those who see things differently as you do. Those people are still part of the community, entitled to their point of view, and if you stifle them, they will not go away. They will just lurk forever in the shadows, as they have until now. Because we are as much a part of the TMW community as the TMWC. We just had a different vision for it, that is all. Crush understood this to be true. I hope you can, too. Thanks.

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Re: 9 players online

Post by Platyna »

WildX wrote: 09 Sep 2018, 17:27 Platyna, if you miss The Mana World, why don't you try to get involved with its development? It would be much more useful than starting useless flamewars with people who are not even the ones who ran the game in 2013. The people you are mad at are long gone.
The people who replaced them are not any better. Primo: you are still operating on the stolen data. Secundo: you joined a team who killed playerbase. Tertio: You, with your power hungry attitude, censorship and bigotry represent the human traits I do have in deep contempt.
The fact is, you're still drawn back to TMW for some reason, as many of us are, even after years of being involved in it yourself. So what is the fight even about?
This, is what I was talking about above. I worked on this 10 years, not only prevented it to be killed by its own creators, I made it flourish. I do trust no one and I never let anyone access any accounts of mine, I did it for the good of the project, and it was good when they were acting for the good of the project as well, instead of acting for their own power cravings. ;-) I do not fight you, you fight me. I just pointed out that you people killed this, exactly like I predicted.
I'm not banning you because you are Platyna, I'm banning you because you're starting trouble. If you want to post about the game or its development you are free to do so. Please don't go on about being silenced and oppressed because it's pretty clearly not the case.
Every person who has some elements of brain tissue will know why you banned my alter ego account. You get get over your personal preferences even in such a petty case this thread is. This is why this project is dying, everyone hates emotional bigots and political correctness. You can say whatever you want - I broke no rules of this forums, therefore, in a decently ran community, I would be never banned.
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Re: 9 players online

Post by WildX »

Platyna wrote: 11 Oct 2018, 10:35 You, with your power hungry attitude, censorship and bigotry represent the human traits I do have in deep contempt.
It's funny how you never called me any of these things when I was one of the very few people to defend you on this issue.

If I was any sort of power hungry I would run for some kind of public office rather than moderate this forum. Also, 52 pages of this same old discussion are still up for everyone's viewing pleasure, that's hardly censorship.

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Re: 9 players online

Post by Platyna »

WildX wrote: 11 Oct 2018, 10:59
Platyna wrote: 11 Oct 2018, 10:35 You, with your power hungry attitude, censorship and bigotry represent the human traits I do have in deep contempt.
It's funny how you never called me any of these things when I was one of the very few people to defend you on this issue.

If I was any sort of power hungry I would run for some kind of public office rather than moderate this forum. Also, 52 pages of this same old discussion are still up for everyone's viewing pleasure, that's hardly censorship.
I was reffering to you "I am banning you" stuff I quoted. ;) I have never, ever banned anyone because they were disagreeing with me. You can't run a public office online only, while you still may an online game. I posted my initial topic because I simply dislike my efforts to be destroyed. If TMWC would steal the data and make this a great success, I could even forgive them, but they screwed it up, ran away. Especially they destroyed a community a was building for years. And you know what is funny? When I was a teenage, I was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndome (this is probably the reason why you love my way of writing so much), and yet still I understood the needs of people more than Elven, Bjorn and other developers. You know why? Because I am driven by reason - I could observe and reason, while they coudln't. That's why I had 120 players online and you now have 6 (with half of them being bots). At least I hope some of you understood that I wasn't the bad guy leading this into destruction, like you propaganda liked to picture me.

PS.: I want my Borg Queen title and icon back. This was given to me by players, you shouldn't ever mess with it. Also it described me and my role in funny and truthful way - Borg Queen was not a nicest person in the world but was bringing order to chaos and without her the collective couldn't operate properly, as you can see - it is true. Also, it is silly that TMWC had to steal this too: memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=16976 maybe because players were to tired with them that nobody bothered to make art just for them (I did not even ask for the icon).
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Re: The official server flamewar topic

Post by prsm »

you were fired!

And you cant even follow your own rules, that's how messed up you are! if Medave can't talk about
how sick SugarCorgit was (by your definition) ..... neither can you talk about your illness!

Grow a spine and move on.

You talk about power hungry kids wanting this game. Its a 2d game, what power do we have?
wow, i can spawn, wow i can make items!

This fed your ego, and you miss it! just admit it!

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Re: 9 players online

Post by prsm »

Platyna wrote: 11 Oct 2018, 23:38
WildX wrote: 11 Oct 2018, 10:59
Platyna wrote: 11 Oct 2018, 10:35 PS.: I want my Borg Queen title and icon back. This was given to me by players, you shouldn't ever mess with it.
Who are you to make demands! fired for your incompetence.

Also, feel free to show me on the forums where this happened! it wasn't voted on, and it wasn't granted!
You just didn't understand the sarcasm when someone said this was your picture.

Move on and find a new way to feed your ego!

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Re: The official server flamewar topic

Post by Platyna »

Prsm, you are boring, and considering how many times you posted the same thing - you should be banned for spamming. :twisted:
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Re: The official server flamewar topic

Post by prsm »

Touché Platyna, I bow to you, no one whines more than you.....
Blah blah stolen from me,
Blah blah I ruled this 2d game.......
Blah blah power hungry people.......
Blah blah I am bored by Prsm .....
Blah blah I have autism.......
Blah blah
Fired for incompetence,
Blah blah
Your not even good at trolling,
Blah blah
Blah blAh we moved on and left you behind.
I have spent the last 4 years listening to you whine.
If you are saying that is worth a ban, I will grant you that ban .......

But that’s on you ...... don’t blame me!
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Re: The official server flamewar topic

Post by WildX »

On one side I want to lock this topic, on the other I'm loving the Platyna vs Prsm back and forth. I'm torn.

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Re: The official server flamewar topic

Post by Platyna »

I can ban you, ban, ban, you got fired, ban, ban, fired, fired, ban, ban. Nope, boring. ;-)