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[ANNOUNCEMENT] Source of Mana

Posted: 05 Sep 2022, 21:17
by WildX
A group of devs and admins have organised a new The Mana World project named Source of Mana. We are today proud to announce it to the TMW community.

The game aims to feel like a remastered and expanded version of TMW and Evol Online, built on a much simpler engine and with more modern tools that will allow people to contribute more easily without dealing with 15+ years of old code and miscellanous game assets. TMW and Evol content will be remastered to a homogenous standard and a planned game story will tie everything together into an adventure MMORPG which is highly replayable and also leans into TMW's great social aspect of gathering to chat and trade.

We want the game to feel like a familiar evolution of our beloved TMW, but it is not a replacement for the existing game server. TMW Legacy and TMW Evolved are both to exist alongside Source of Mana, so take this as something extra that we're building as an organisation.

Source of Mana is still very much in its infancy and currently features a limited playable demo on Godot 3.5 (Reid is now working on a Godot 4.0 port). Keep in mind that while there has been behind-the-scenes planning for some months, the project is still very new and a lot has yet to be decided.

We hope you enjoy seeing this project evolve in the future. If you'd like to stay informed follow us on and keep an eye on the new Source of Mana Development forum!