Build utility versions

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Joined: 08 Jan 2010, 14:49

Build utility versions

Post by Huz »

Building from git caused me a couple of problems, which took me a while to track down.

- I had gettext-1.4.6, which didn't have autopoint, so the initial autoreconf failed. I don't know what the minimum version required is, but installing the latest (1.7) succeeded.
- I then foolishly started the make still pointing at the old gettext, which failed (of all things) because it couldn't find the Last-Translator for Esperanto. Pointing at the new gettext was not enough to continue the make at that point, I had to make clean and retry.
- I had autoconf-2.59, which caused the install to fail trying to create the directory "/pixmaps" - I'm real glad I wasn't installing as root. This is because the symbol datarootdir was introduced only in 2.60. Installing the latest (2.65) allowed the full build and install to succeed.

I suggest updating INSTALL to mention these versions. Since they fail in somewhat non-obvious ways, it might also be worth modifying configure to require them.

I'd also suggest updating the URLs for the forums and the IRC channel in the toplevel README and in docs/FAQ.txt.


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