
Content and general development discussion, including quest scripts and server code. The Mana World is a project comprising the original tmwAthena server & a designated improved engine server based on evolHercules

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Post by Necron »

Yeah glowing is always good and easy to add, and along with a good sound effect you can always get that wow. I mean getting a wow effect it 2d spells without SE is next to impossible. Usually thought making a enemy flash some color that is in the spell and a good SE helps with the "you've been damaged" aspect. Also my friend mentioned that OpenGl offers alot when it comes to adding lightning and what not, so thats always a possiblilty too.

Oh, redid the AOL Ice lol...
Image Image
... the Earth spell I mentioned.

Oh yeah the lightning color is really a light teal, but with the yellow outline it appears green oddly... Have to do some color changing there thats for sure.
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Post by Necron »

Heres a .PNG layout of the lightning and it new colors and a light blue glow around the lightning :shock: ;


Any suggestions on making it better are always welcome.
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Post by Crush »

Necron wrote:Any suggestions on making it better are always welcome.
How about animating the spheres?
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Post by Modanung »

Necron wrote:I mean getting a wow effect it 2d spells without SE is next to impossible.
I agree sound adds a lot. But look at this and be wow'ed without a single beep. :)
"The Door Buster"

What Crush said, it would be nice to have the spheres sway or shudder. And to animate the sparks around the spheres.

About the ice and the rock. The texture on them seems very scripted, as if it was created using only some image filters.
Even if that's not the case. It's very smooth... a bit too smooth if you ask me.

But still nice thingies. :)
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Post by Necron »

I could make the sparks around the spheres rotate while the spheres change colors as it fades in and out with the lightning bolts.

As for the smoothness, I can see that, prob dont need it on the earth spell. I should make it sharper with bolder colors. As for the ice I dunno, figure it should look kinda like a crystal... might be more interesting to make the ice transparent in places.

Ill work on that when I get back home from the holidays :S :D and see what comes out.
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Post by Crush »

yes, action anime and manga are a good example how power and destructive force can be suggested.
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Post by AoH »

Light blue is really nice good jog ;p
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Post by Necron »

Haha, didnt notice the link. Not a bad little animation, little long though and not a big fan of anime :shock: . All in all though if the spell could be somewhat more destructive looking they might come out batter in the end. Think Ill start adding little things, like when the lightning hits the ground adding an explosion.

AoH - Ty. I just cant wait to see what the final outcome of the spells ingame will effect the gameplay :D . Always like to see mages running about ;) . On that note, I wonder if only mages will have magic... hm...
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Post by Rotonen »

Nice, but will be nicer when we introduce semirandom particle effects alongside these.
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Post by Pajarico »

Necron wrote: Image

Any suggestions on making it better are always welcome.
They are nice but are a bit lifeless IMHO, like the lightning just apperas and disappears without really move or drop from above, also the color should tend more to white/light blue.
Could you make the balls rotate clockwise? Just a bit and very smoothly, there should also be more frames for the decay of the small top clouds.
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Post by Necron »

Heres an update to the Lightning... I made it one single lightning bolt, rotated the lightning cloud thingy, and added in a striking effect. Not to worries about the colors, thats the easiest thing to edit, Ill more than likely make it white and a skyblue (lighter than a typical skyblue). :shock:

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Post by ktm »

nice. the middle of the ligtning could be a little lighter, but as you already said that's easily changed, and overall i really like it.
i just hope the engine's gonna support alpha transparency by the time it gets added, since it looks a little weird if seen against a dark background.
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Post by Necron »

Im sure theyll have that working by the time they start adding spells and other special effects. It wont have the odd white glow or w/e thats just the low quality .GIF, haha Im lazy.

I asked ElvenProgrammer about other things that need to be done so it looks like Im going to have a try at tile or character sets. So Ill set spells aside until they are about rdy to add them in, Ill still tweak them and whatnot till they come out like they are wanted/needed.
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Post by Rotonen »

I'd suggest concentrating on the playerset for now. That would unlock a lot of developable ground for us.
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Post by degen »

i probably has no right to say what to do or not to do tho i can say that i agree with rotonen.

Regarding your skills in making spells, i am in awe!

some thoughts tho, regarding the earth spell i really do have a hard time with rocks falling from the sky... *scratches his head* how about going the other way around as if its sneaks upon you from the ground?
Like as if it grows up on you and buries you under it?

.. | _.._ | _=_ | _=-=_ | (each part between the | .. | is a "part" of the spell indicating how it comes up from the ground) and then shatters... if you get what i meen :)

well aside from that the only thing i can think of is that the Ice spell should be more sharp in its edges since round/soft edges makes me think more of a liquid elemental effect then something that is solid.

yet i love em and my thoughts seems to be rather easy to edit (lol am i saying easy *shakes his head* not for me anyway :P )
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Da the east belongs to Morglum
Da east belongs to da orcs
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